英语人>网络例句>WWW 相关的网络例句
与 WWW 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The former was a boy of fourteen, 8ttt8.com when he drew out what had been a fiddle, crushed to morsels in the great-coat, he blubbered aloud; Cathy, when she learned the master had lost her whip in attending on the stranger, showed her humour by grinning spitting at the stupid little thing; earning for her pains a sound blow from her father, to teach her cleaner manners.

前者是个14岁的男孩,当他发现小提琴在口袋里已经被压碎了之后,大声的哭了。而凯西,当她发现父亲为了 dd dtt。 com 照顾这个 www.8 ttt8。 com 陌生人而把自己的马鞭弄丢了,她以她的幽默了结了此事,充这个 www.8 ttt8。 com 愚蠢的小东西咧嘴,吐口水。

The former was a boy of fourteen, 8ttt8.com when he drew out what had been a fiddle, crushed to morsels in the great-coat, he blubbered aloud; Cathy, when she learned the master had lost her whip in attending on the stranger, showed her humour by grinning spitting at the stupid little thing; earning for her pains a sound blow from her father, to teach her cleaner manners.

前者是个14岁的男孩,当他发现小提琴在口袋里已经被压碎了之后,大声的哭了。而凯西,当她发现父亲 dd dtt。 com 照顾 www.8 ttt8。 com 陌生人而把自己的马鞭弄丢了,她以她的幽默了结了此事,充 www.8 ttt8。 com 愚蠢的小东西咧嘴,吐口水。

It was my first thought to pluck forth the dirk; 8ttt8.com either it stuck too hard or my nerve failed me; I desisted with a violent shudder.

我第一个念头就是 www.8ttt8.com 把短剑拔出来,但也许 ssbbww.Com 它在桅杆上插得太深或是我力不从心,只好放弃这个 www.8 ttt8。

However, Chinese companies have largely eschewed big takeovers, in part because of a lack of management expertise.

然而,中国公司迄今大多回避大型收购,部分原因就是 www.8ttt8.com 由于 www.ddd§tt.com 缺乏管理专长。

Hester could not 8ttt8.com ask herself, whether there had not originally been a defect of truth, courage, loyalty, on her own part, in allowing the minister to be thrown into a position where so dddtt.com evil was to be foreboded, nothing auspicious to be hoped.

海丝特不禁自问:是否由于 www.ddd§tt.com 她这方面 www.sSbbww.com 在真诚、勇气及忠贞上本来存在着缺陷,才造成牧师被抛进凶隙横生、毫无祥兆的境地呢?

As the new technology called "blog" is immerging these days, this dissertation is supposed to have an elementary study on this new phenomena.

随着媒介革命和全球网络的兴起,当代世界出现 wWw.8tTt8.coM 了众多新事物,博客就是 www.8ttt8.com 其中之一。

It was a building with a garden, in which lived all sorts of aged nuns of various orders, the relics of cloisters destroyed in the Revolution; a reunion of all the black, gray, white medleys of all communities all possible varieties; what might be called, if such a coupling of words is permissible, a sort of harlequin convent.

那是个带园子和房屋的小院,一些8 tt t8.com 被革命毁了的修院留下来的、原属不同修会的形形色色的老修女都一起住在那里,那是黑色、灰色、白色的杂配,是各种各种的修会团体和五花八门、应有尽有的品种的汇合,我们 sSBbWw 可以 www.ssbbww.com 管它叫棗如果8 tt t8.com 词儿可以 www.ssbbww.com 这样联缀的话棗什锦院。

Another source of income to Maria were her cows, two of them, which she milked night morning which gained a surreptitious livelihood from vacant lots the grass that grew on either side the public side walks, attended always by one or more of her ragged boys, whose watchful guardianship consisted chiefly in keeping their eyes out for the poundmen.

玛利亚的另一笔收入来自她的母牛,一共两只,她每人早晚都要从它们 www.Dddtt.com 身上挤奶。那两条牛是靠偷吃空地和公用道路两边的青草活命的。通常由她一两个衣衫褴楼的娃娃看着,他们总警惕地守望着,主要是担心畜栏管事出现 wWw.8tTt8.coM 。

The part that was not dried properly, most probably, escaped their attention.

而没达到干燥 www.8 tt t8.com 的那部份可能 www.ssBBww.cOm 就没被他们注意到。

Mr. Wickham was the happy man towards whom almost every female eye was turned, Elizabeth was the happy woman by whom he finally seated himself; the agreeable manner in which he immediately fell into conversation, though it was ssbbww.com on its being a wet night, on the probability of a rainy season, made her feel that the commonest, dullest, most threadbare topic might be rendered interesting by the skill of the speaker.

韦翰先生是当天最得意的男子,差不多每个女人的眼睛都朝着他看;伊丽莎白是当天最得意的女子,韦翰终于在她的身旁坐了下来。他马上就跟她攀谈,虽然谈的只是些当天晚上下雨和雨季可能 www.ssBBww.cOm 就要到来之类的话,可是他那么8ttt8和颜悦色,使她不禁感觉到即使最平凡、最无聊、最陈旧的话,只要说话的人有技巧,还是一样可以 www.ssbbww.com 说得动听。

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WWW? (Who Wants War)

Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
