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与 WWW 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Now if these princes had been as a Trajan, or a Marcus Aurelius, a man might have thought that this had proceeded of an abundant goodness of nature; 8ttt8.com being men so wise, of such strength severity of mind, so extreme lovers of themselves, as all these were, it proveth most plainly that they found their own felicity (though as great as ever happened to mortal men) 8ttt8.com as an half piece, except they mought have a friend, to make it entire; yet, which is more, they were princes that had wives, sons, nephews; yet all these could not supply the comfort of friendship.

假如这些君王是图拉真或马喀斯·奥瑞利亚斯一流的,那末我们 sSBbWw 可以 www.ssbbww.com 认为像上述的举动乃是出自十分良善的心田的;但是 dddTt 这些君王都是很有智谋,精神强健而严厉,并且是极端爱己的,然而他们竟然如此,这就可以 www.ssbbww.com 证明他们底幸福虽然已达人间之极峰,但是 dddTt 他们对之,仍不满意,觉得若无朋友使之圆满,则这种幸福终是残缺不全也。犹有甚者,这些君主都是有妻有子有甥侄的人,然而这些人竟不能使他们有朋友之乐。

It can be said that this multilateral trade policy's frame is initiates by the US to initiate.

可以 www.ssbbww.com 说,这个 www.8ttt8.com 多边贸易政策的框架是由美国倡导发起的。

Feeling that all extremes meet, that, if one is not on one's guard, lowered fortunes may lead to baseness of soul, he kept a jealous watch on his pride.

他感到人间事物是一一相承,物质的缺乏可以 www.ssbbww.com 导致 www.d dd tT。 com 灵魂的堕落,于是便疾恶如仇捍卫着自己的自尊心。

I never believe palingenesis, 8ttt8.com this Ah Q was really the copy of the old one.

我不相信转世轮回之说,但这个 www.8ttt8.com 阿Q简直就是 www.8ttt8.com 老阿Q的复制品。

When Tess had occupied herself about an hour the next morning in altering improving the arrangements, according to her skilled ideas as the daughter of a professed poulterer, the door in the wall opened a servant in white cap apron entered.

第二天早上,苔丝整整忙了一个小时来收拾鸡舍,她本来就是 www.8ttt8.com 以贩卖家禽为业的人家的女儿,所以8ttt8就凭着自己的巧思对鸡场作了改动,重新布置了一番。就在这个 www.8 ttt8。 com 时候,墙上的门被打开了,一个戴着白帽子系着白围裙的女仆走了进来。

To Hester Prynne it might have been a mode of expressing, therefore soothing, the passion of her life.

对海丝特。白兰来说 www.8Ttt8.com ,可能 www.ssBBww.cOm 只有靠这样一种抒发形式,才能慰藉自己对生活的激情。

I will not scold you, my little Frantz; you must be punished enough; that is the way it goes; every day we say to ourselves: 'Pshaw!

我不责备你,我的小弗朗茨,你可能 www.ssBBww.cOm 受够了惩罚……事情 www.8ttt8.com 如此。每天, sSBbWw 都对自己说:算了吧!

It was two hours, owing to sundry wrong turnings, ere she found herself on a summit commanding the long-sought-for vale, the Valley of the Great Dairies, the valley in which milk butter grew to rankness, were produced more profusely, if less delicately, than at her home - the verdant plain so well watered by the river Var or Froom.

由于 www.ddd§tt.com 拐弯时多走了一些8 tt t8.com 冤枉路,她走了两个小时才走到一个山顶上,望见她渴望已久的沟谷:大奶牛场的沟谷。在那个沟谷里,牛奶和黄油的增长十分迅速,虽然不如她家里的牛奶和黄油味美,但它们 www.Dddtt.com 的生产要远比瓦尔河或佛卢姆河所灌溉的那块翠绿草原上生产的牛奶和黄油丰富。

When Lincoln was about 20 still living in Indiana, he starred in a roughhouse that began with a fist fight.

在林肯大约20岁并且仍然 www.8tTt8.com 住在印第安纳州时,他在一场拳击中,就成为这个 www.8 ttt8。

It's important for you to go to these parties rub elbows with everyone. That's how contacts are made.

参加这些晚会与大家接触接触是很重要 www.8ttt8.com 的,关系就是 www.8ttt8.com 这样建立起来的。

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WWW? (Who Wants War)

Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
