英语人>网络例句>WWW 相关的网络例句
与 WWW 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

AND ALSO VERY IMPORTANT : www.ambrosehui.com this is my official website....it is like my family ....a lot of my friends and family are there ......news are there and special information .......

www.ambrosehui.com 这是我的官网,也有接近7年的历史,用了很多心血做的网站,已经是我另外一个家,很多我的朋友和家人都在那里。。。。。。

WWw.xiNgkoo.coM William Osier, a famous Canadian doctor, expressed the value of hobbies by saying,"No man is really happy or safe without a hobby."

wWw.xiNgkoo.coM 威廉姆·奥瑟拉,加拿大著名医生,这样表达了爱好的价值:"没有爱好,人们不会真正感到幸福或安全。"

The friend that hopes to make a station newly can get some inspire, female stationmaster has time to also come my forum rambles: Osmund osmund female forum: Http://www.vivibbs.cn

希望新做站的朋友可以得到些启发,女站长有时间也来我的论坛逛逛:薇薇女性论坛: http://www.vivibbs.cn

GOOGLE search, it is better to had now the domain name that remember, that is Www.g.cn concise palpability, from now on you are searched with GOOGLE!

GOOGLE搜索,现在有了更好记的域名啦,那就是www.g.cn 简洁明了,从此您就用GOOGLE搜索吧!

Company home page: www.shyq.com specializing in telecommunications products: mobile communication coverage system, program-controlled telephone exchanges, telephone billing, broadband network billing, communication cables, fiber optic light distribution, patch panels, information wiring box.


I have an excellent article on grooming a Pembroke for show on my website at www.jimanie.com/grooming.html.

这样在做触审的时候,裁判不会有好的手感滴。我有篇文章讲述了如何给柯基美容,可以参看 www.jimanie.com/grooming.html。

The reporter logs onto information of domestic industrial and commercial company to inquire a system yesterday (Www.mingsuo.com) discovery, the platform of electronic business affairs that adopts identity test and verify and enterprise are at the back of its company name pensile and gules icon " test and verify of renown all alone ", the user should click this icon only, can examine the information of industrial and commercial identity of this enterprise after passing test and verify onlinely in real time.


The reporter logs onto information of domestic industrial and commercial company to inquire a system yesterday (Www.mingsuo.com) discovery, the platform of electronic business affairs that adopts identity test and verify and enterprise are at the back of its company name test and verify of all alone of name of pensile and gules icon, the user should click this icon only, can examine the information of industrial and commercial identity of this enterprise after passing test and verify onlinely in real time.


Another is appealed to " petrifaction net ", by in can information company is all and manage, network address is Www.sinopecec.com.


I'm going to use Pidgin as an example (www.pidgin.im).

我选择的这个演示程序是 www.pidgin.im 网站的 Pidgin。

第28/100页 首页 < ... 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ... > 尾页
WWW? (Who Wants War)

We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
