英语人>网络例句>WWW 相关的网络例句
与 WWW 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

June 30, as announced by Infoseek (www.infoseek.co.jp), a search site, and it is certain that he will rise as the central topic of talk in the latter half.

由一搜索网站Infoseek (www.infoseek.co.jp)宣布,裴勇俊也在2005上半年(1.1~6.30)搜索单词排名男性部分排名第三,理所当然他将在下半年成为讨论的中心话题。

For more information about Ingersoll Rand visit www.ingersollrand.com .

更多信息请访 www.ingersollrand.com 。

The copy of one of its print advertisements speaks of the durability, elasticity, and minimal rolling resistance of its plastics as well as its improved processes, increased quality and lower costs as the backdrop of an action-oriented inline skating motif ( www.basf.com ).

其印刷的广告一本谈到了耐久性,弹性和滚动阻力最小的塑料以及其改进过程,提高质量,作为一个面向行动的滑冰主题( www.basf.com )内嵌的背景下降低成本。

Insolate network address goes out is real network address, for instance Http://www.top17.net/product/372.html calls insolate network address, it does not have anchorage text, also do not have the target network address that point to, it and pure text version are very similar, different is to have 3 W, or with Http begin, its occurrence does not have any baleful intents, just be the action that spoke of to explain a specification.


For homeowners and commercial developers in the intermountain west and the northwest who want to engage the services of this rising star, though, Benjamin's website, www.


It is an internet address and begins with www.


Thanks to the Internet server results WWW, you can compete with participants from around the world.


You can read about Jensen's technique at www.simplerwork.com.

你可以到 www.simplerwork.com 上去看看 Jensen 的技巧。

A deuximème lecture, en effet, quelques jeux avec les mots dont je me souviens après coup(mais on en trouvera peut-être d'autres): www.xineurope.com

在第二首阅读里,事实上,几个文字游戏其中,之后我回忆起(我们肯能还能找到一些别的) www.xineurope.com

Passerby armour: Everybody good afternoon, we are very glad today to ask the old K that comes from phlogistic yellow network: Guan Peng Http://www.guanpeng.net/ comes to our interactive space, guanpeng was born 1982, living Anhui Hefei, have the IDC work experience that is as long as 7 years, hold the post of phlogistic yellow network (operation of responsible project of China35.com) vise general manager, accumulated rich industry experience and good technology, have pretty good communication and negotiation ability, engineer each IDC activity to obtain inside course of study for many times reputably, hold the position of some famous community leader for a long time to judge edition advocate of the site inside the course of study such as network of the world that reach IT keep a hand, have rich carry dimension experience to IDC industry.

路人甲 :各位下午好,今天我们很高兴请到来自炎黄网络的老K:管鹏http://www.guanpeng.net/来到我们的互动空间,管鹏生于1982年,居住安徽合肥,拥有长达七年的IDC工作经验,任炎黄网络(china35.com)副总经理负责项目运营,积累了丰富的行业经验和良好的技术,具备不错的沟通和谈判才能,多次在业内策划各项IDC活动获得好评,长期担任某知名社区主机评版主及IT世界网等业内站点的写手,对IDC行业拥有丰富的运维经验。

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WWW? (Who Wants War)

And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
