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与 W.O. 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Maybe God wants u s to meet a few wro ng people be fore me et ing the ri ght o ne, so that wh en we fin ally meet the p erso n, we will kno w how to b e gra tefu l.


V any test specimen that, on final examination, shows evidence of charring other than discolouration, more than 100 mm in any direction apart from upwards from the nearest part of the original position of the source.

b。 a O% s* h4 '任何物料,在最终检查中,有足够的证据显示在任何方向上炭化长度非变色超过100毫米。3 w D0 f; u, e+ c天天外贸论坛是中国最好的外贸论坛之一

I am no w honored t o sa y th at all auguries for th is auction are excellent.


G/ l8 F% d!}1 D4 e1 :} Wang, who was blitzed twice by Cleveland in the playoff loss last fall, was shaky in spring training as he developed his slider and changeup. But he was sharp on Tuesday, using the slider for his two strikeouts and his usual sinker for most of the rest.

X, R W ^0 d O' N 去年季后赛被印第安人狂电两次的王小民(看来,这个印象会跟著小民一阵子T__T,春训期间练习滑球和变速球的时候,表现也是抖抖的,但是星期二他运用滑球取得两次三振,以及其余时间运用伸卡球时,表现得很锐利。

The W.H.O. study was announced in New York City. New York's mayor, Michael Bloomberg, has worked hard to restrict smoking in America's largest city. And his charitable group, Bloomberg Philanthropies, helped pay for the study.

世界卫生组织研究报告在纽约公布,纽约市市长Michael Bloomberg在美国最大的城市限制吸烟作出了很大的努力,他的慈善机构Bloomberg Philanthropies为此项研究提供了资金援助。

Thirdly, the mechanism of extractant and diluent loss in aqueous phase was studied in both saponified organophosphorus acids and naphthenic acid extraction systems.


Fig.7 Effect of acid on the emulsifying property of PKGM and casein in oil and water emulsion (O/W=1︰9) B 0.02% PKGM,0% citric acid; C 0.02% PKGM,with 1% citric acid contained in the water phase pH 2.3;D 0.1% casein,0% citric acid; E 0.1% casein,with 1% citric acid in the water phase pH 2.3


From the investigation into the visible spectra and performances on textile of these azo dyes, as acid dye, it was found that these dyes had deep coloring effects on dyeing wool or silk, and five of which could dye wool into black one at 3% o. w. f., especially the diazo dye derived from 2, 8-diamino-10-methoxy-5, 10-dihydrophenophosphazine 10-oxide and acet-J-acid, it could not only dye wool into black one but each fastness of the obtained dyed sample was good.


This nonmutagenic amino compound 4 (via the investigation into Salmonella/mammalian microsome assay) was also employed as diazo moiety coupling with acet-J-acid to form a diazo acid dye 5. The new dye 5 can color wool at 2% or silk at 3% o. w. f. into black one. The investigation of the uptake of 5 and its color appearance showed that it was assigned to an acid bluish black dye and its blackness was more excellent than that of Acid Black 10B.

经过Salmonella/mammalian microsome assay测试,4表现为非诱变性,用4与乙醯J-酸作用得到新型双偶氮酸性染料(5)。5对羊毛和丝绸分别在2%与3%色度下浸染都得到黑色染样,考察了5的上染曲线,并对染样进行了测色研究,发现该染料属於酸性蓝黑染料,其黑度优於目前市场上流行的酸性黑10B。

Oil pan,Oil Pipe,Rubber Hose,Water tube,Valve Seal,Washer,Waterproof ring,Stop-Ring,Dustproof cover,Ripple tube,Bonded seals,Seal cover,Seal holder,Bearing sleeve,Handle,Bushing,Bushing Block,Pad,Gasket,Rubber Spring Gasket,Boot,Blade,Socket,Grommet,Nut,Clip,Housing,Gauze,Dust cap,Buffer block, Isolation block,Piston,Piston ring,Strainer,Rotary seal,Frictional damping washer,Combination Seal Gasket,Axis guide,Water blocking,Torque core,Repair kits,Hydraulic Seal,Engine Seal,Engine Mount,Seal Circle,Spring(Compression spring,Tension spring,Disc spring),Compressor parts,Brake parts,Air valve parts,Rubber mountings,Strut mount,Control arm mount,Connecting rod,Control Arm Mount,Full Set Repair Kit,Asbestos pad,non-asbestos pad,Casting aluminium,Casting copper,Casting steel,and other relative product etc,.


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World Of Entertainment (W.O.E. Is Me)

This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
