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与 W.O. 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Now a partnership supported by the W.H.O. called the Health Matrix Network, will try to improve the situation.

现在由 WHO 支持的一个全球伙伴关系称为卫生计量网络将试图改变情况。

Chicago O'Hare Garden Hotel 8201 W.


Challenge was made after one month of immunization by vein. Re sults:The parasitemia of recombinant virus immunized monkey was 0.0 1%in first tw o days of post-challenge. No parasites were determined from third to 12th day. W hereas the parasitemia of control virus immunized-monkey and blank control monk ey rose progressively,went to 2.5%~6.0% at 6th~8th days of post-challenge, an d the t ime of parasitemia was 12~13 days.

结果: 在免疫后1个月攻虫,重组痘苗病毒免疫猴从第3天一直到第12 d的采血检查中均未发现疟原虫;非重组痘苗病毒免疫猴第3天后原虫感染率上升,第6天原虫感染率最高达到6.0%,而后原虫感染率逐渐下降,原虫持续时间为13天;空白对照猴第3天后原虫感染率也上升,第8天原虫感染率最高达到2.5%,而后原虫感染率逐渐下降,原虫持续出现时间为12 d。

The fast-detection technique for fault-gas Carbon Dioxide (CO 2) running o ut of active fault zones, the selecting and building of observational sites as w ell as the observational situation for fault-gas CO 2 in western Sichuan are introduce d in this parer.

介绍了快速测定活动断层带CO2 气体的方法、川西地区断层气CO2 观测点的选建以及观测的情况。初步的观测结果显示,在 1999年四川绵竹两次 5 0级地震、 2 0 0 1年四川雅江 5 0级和 6 0级地震和 2 0 0 1年云南永胜 6 0级地震前,部分观测点的断层气CO2 均有很好的短期前兆异常显示。

Development funct ional g enomics, w ith em phasis o n ef fects of auxin and brassinosteroid on


Compared with other sea w aters, the densities of dominant species for marine nematode in south Taiwan Strait were low. But the sp ecies diversity index of nematode was higher than that of macrobenthos or that o f polychaete in same waters.


Fo rexamp le, do no t pack the p roduct in quarter of thebox and f ill the rem ain ing th ree2quarters w ith paper, peanu t s o r emp ty boxes.

比如, 不要一个箱子只装四分之一,其余四分之三用纸、花生或空盒子充垫。

A f ter cross ing th e E qu a tor, th e cap t a in call e d in at a port t o hav e a ne w rud der fit ted


L+ w7 T: G# v(? But the Yanks pushed across two runs in the fourth, with rookie Shelley Duncan - making his first start in right field with Bobby Abreu 3-for-27 lifetime against Perez - and Cano both singling to open the fourth. After Andy Phillips advanced both runners with a sacrifice bunt, backup catcher Jose Molina lifted a sac fly and Johnny Damon followed with a double to left-center for a 3-1 advantage.! j8 F, T; w+ s1 w8 o# Z)|/ x

但是洋基在第四局又扳回两分,当时由菜鸟雪利邓肯--本场是他个人第一次先发守右外野,因为阿伯瑞尤生涯对Perez 只有27支3--再加上卡诺,两人都敲安展开第四局,在菲利普以牺牲短打将这两人推进垒包后,后补捕手莫里纳也打高飞牺牲打,接著强尼戴门击出左中野二垒安打,造成3比1领先。

When I wrote an essay in 1995 on prematurity in science﹝O.W. Sacks, Scotoma: Forgetting and Neglect in Science, Ed. R. B. Silver (New York: New York Review of Books, 1996), 141-187﹞, I cited among many other examples, the failure to comprehend or see the relevance of gradiential theory when it was published; Luria himself found it incomprehensible in 1969, when Glodberg first presented it to him. But there has been a great change, a paradigm shift in the last decade, partly connected with theories of global brain function such as Gerald Edelman's partly with the development of neural nets as modelling systems massively parallel computer systems, and the like, and the concept of cerebral gradients-Glodberg's vision as a student-is now much more widely accepted.

1995年,当我著手撰写一篇有关科学的未成熟性的论文,我援引许多例子来说明当气候未成熟时,许多先知是被忽略了,在其中,我引用了高德伯的递变理论。1969年,高德伯第一次提出这个理论时,他的指导教授卢瑞亚认为是不可能的,但是过去十年来,研究的典范改变了(paradigm shift,如库恩Kuhn所说的),这个改变一部分是因为艾德曼等人的宏观大脑功能理论的提出,部分则是因为神经网路的发展(例如类神经网路模式、平行处理系统),还有一部分原因是高德伯的大脑递变理论已逐渐被接受。

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World Of Entertainment (W.O.E. Is Me)

This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
