英语人>网络例句>W.O. 相关的网络例句
与 W.O. 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Do you know t h e aut h or w h o wrote t h is novel?


The Rangers, who snapped an eight-game losing streak against the Yankees, went on to bang out 16 hits. They made it uglier for the Yankees in the later innings, scoring three in the seventh to knock out Wang (1-3) and seven in the eighth against Luis Vizcaino and Sean Henn.; R, X0 o% W: s8 s

终於中止对洋基八连败的游骑兵,总共敲出16支安打,在比赛后段让洋基更加难堪,先於第七局时从小王手上再下三城并把他打下场,八局时再从Luis Vizcaino与Sean Henn手中再砍7分。

Yet there is only so much Rodriguez can do. For all his sparkling numbers, the only one that matters for the Yankees is .500. That is their winning percentage after stranding 16 runners on Saturday and losing to the San Francisco Giants, 6-5, on a bloop single by Nate Schierholtz in the 13th inning.7 K; \. O; t! S; W/ V v

{1 v7 l* p, q+ k A-rod可以帮洋基做很多事,在A-rod精彩表现的数字上,在星期六对上巨人队,留下了十六个残垒,而在第十三局时,因为Schierholtz穿出内野的一垒安打而输掉了比赛后,唯一让洋基最在意的是那五成的胜率。

Taking customer domain for example, an ontology-based customer metadata model is build and formalized in description logics. Then two kinds of modes for customer information sharing are studied. The two modes are to construct a global c ustomer m etadata m odel w ithin a n e nterprise a nd t o c onstruct a mapping mechanism between customer metadata models located on different enterprises respectively. In the first mode, an information source is regarded as a 3-tuples, including a metadata model, a concept relation set and a resource data set.


British Kings are c r o w n e d in Westminster Abbey.


A c r o w d had already collected outside the embassy gates.


On behalf of my company, I would like to w e l c o m e you here.


Mr Spitz er's combativeness, say s Ms Masters, has led som e observers t o wonder w hether he has the


He is being recognized as a compeer of Krishna, Buddha, and Christ. 0 w- d c, t; o

他被公认为地位相当于奎师那,佛陀和基督。; d g* d2 G L- n y

It is easy to full seeds in bell-mouthed hole, and it is easier to enter for seed into the circular hole than quad-rate hole; the performance of cotton precision seed-metering device has relation greatly to w of dibbler, the critical o is 975 degrees's while the device is in better status by simulation.

下标 max约为975°/s。零速投种和排种轮线速度以及播种机进给速度都有关系,但若取适当的行程速比系数,则基本可实现零速投种,仿真获得该系数为42。

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World Of Entertainment (W.O.E. Is Me)

This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
