英语人>网络例句>W.O. 相关的网络例句
与 W.O. 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

We a re prepared t o allo w/ give you a discount of 5 % if your order exceeds 400 pieces .

如果你方订单超过 400 件,我们愿给你方 5 %的折扣。

O/f to be paid to owners norminated bank account w/I 1 banking day.acol and signing b/l marked freight payable asper cp.


They seem to be at cross purposes ;/ s/?5 '9 I$ n# L they should forget the whole thing.

l: F5 W。 E, g L9 X8 Y1 o (他们似乎彼此误会;他们应该忘掉整件事。

O-r a#W;s$o ^h 6 She's too churchy.


T he b iggest v alue o f a xial t ensile s tress i n c oncrete u nder t he a ction o f w ater p ressure a nd thermal load could be as high as 4.23MPa, which will lead the occurrence of circumferential cracks. So reinforcement along the axial direction must be laid.


It als o put for ward a seri es of meas ures and strategi es ,s uch as furt her wi dened funds rai si ng channel ,pro moted t he engi neeri ng constructi on rapi d developi ng rapi dly ,refor med t he plan manage ment mode ,enhanced t he i nvest ment standard ,set up t he i dea to protect t he for est ,coordi nated t he relati ons hi p bet ween t hi s project and ot hers ,co mbi ned wit h constructi ng har moni ous s oci ety and ne w s oci ali st countrysi de constructi on ,and coordi nated t he develop ment of sci enti c progress and project constructi on and s o on .


Except for some college sponsored by the Catholic Church, all college and universities in the U.

除了一些由天主教会赞助的大学外,美国所有的大学都是由一个主要的由外行人员组成的托管委员会管理。5 w& ^& B5 O- o

W h e th er a plan et can sup p o rt life de p e nd s on th e size and br i gh t ness o f its star, th at i s its 'sun'.


People used to t h ink t h at w h en t h ere was an eart h quake, t h e ground opened, swallowed great numbers of people, and t h en closed, leaving no trace of t h ose w h o peris h ed.


GANNETT NEWSPAPERS 4 a+ v* S7 O/ D; O/ e1 m! m$ x; ^' b4 w NEW YORK -- Randy Johnson will have a plaque hanging in Cooperstown someday and Mike Mussina has been an ace all season.

Randy Johnson有一天会在Cooperstown的名人堂拥有属於他的纪念牌,而Mike Mussina整季的表现都足以成为第一号的王牌投手。

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World Of Entertainment (W.O.E. Is Me)

This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
