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与 W.O. 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He allo w ed the father to be overruled by the judge, and declared his o w n son guilty.


In th is paper, w e p ropo se a cert ificateless ring signature scheme, based on the bilinear pairings, w h ich p rovides uncondit ional anonym ity, and p rove th is scheme is existent ially un fo rgeable under adap t ive cho se2message at tack s, in the random o raclemodel, assum ing that the computat ionalD iffie2Hellman p roblem is hard to so lve.

摘 要 在这篇文章里,我们用双线性对构造了一种无证书的环签名方案,并证明它是无条件匿名的,且在随机预言模型中,计算性D iffie2Hellman 问题是难解的,我们方案在适应性选择消息攻击下是存在性不可伪造的,它的安全性比在基于身份的公钥密码体制下高。

A farmer wis h ed to move a corncrib, so Abe picked it up placed it on t h e desired spot w h ile four men, w h o h ad come wit h poles to h elp, looked on, surprised.


The United Nation s has declared 2008 two thousand eight the i I nternational y Y ear of the p P otato. There is even a w W eb site to help bring more attention to the world 's third most important food crop , after rice and * wheat: p a o tato e 2008.org.


Financial or ganizations w ith a pro per d ivision of w ork, di versified in vestment and a fu ll rang e o f


Therefore, it is significant to study the stability of multiple emulsions.


Final R and wR are 0.0496 and 0\^1248 respectively for 1952 I≥2σ(I observed reflections. The crystal molecule consists of 〔WOS 3Ag 3Br(PPh 3) 3〕 and OPPh ...

该晶体由簇合物分子〔WOS3Ag3Br(PPh3) 3〕和以P为中心的扭曲四面体结构的中性分子OPPh3 构成,其中的簇合物分子的骨架为由1个W原子、3个S原子、3个Ag原子和 1个Br原子构成的立方烷状。W、O(1)和Br原子位于C3轴上。

That is most people lived on isolated farm steads and their live s revolve d around the weather and h our s of daylight, and many people gr e w their o w n food, and many wives made clo thes for their own family.


It satirises New York theatre-land,telling the story of tw o producers w ho w ant to stage a failure for tax reasons;they put on the grotesque "Springtim e for Hitler",only to find it becom es a raging success.


P爱表族---全国领先的钟表论坛钟表名表论坛手表论坛媒体互动腕表主题社区 The origin of the Xa Flottiglia MAS can be traced back to the last days of World War I when two young Italian officers, Raffaele Rossetti and Raffaele Paolucci, sank the Austrian battleship (dreadnought-class) Viribus Unitis in the port of Pula.

|/ W/ W, b o h 在原产地的马航和XA Flottiglia可以追溯到的最后几天第一次世界大战时,两位年轻的意大利军官,拉菲尔尔罗塞蒂和拉斐尔保卢奇,奥地利战舰沉没 Viribus Unitis在港口普拉。

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World Of Entertainment (W.O.E. Is Me)

This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
