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与 Virginia 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A free-fall free for all in West Virginia. It's the Bridge Day Celebration in West Virginia.


West Virginia is bordered by Pennsylvania to the north; by Ohio to the north and west; by Kentucky to the west; by Maryland to the north and east; and by Virginia to the east and south.


So we probably have 30 garages throughout Maryland and Virginia who do the repairs for us.

因此我们在Maryland 和 Virginia 大约有30个维修站,为我们进行维修工作。

It's like the Virginia Slims ad -- we've come so far -- but, man, we haven't come so far,' says Prof.

威尔逊说,&这就像Virginia Slims香烟针对女性的那则广告──我们迈出了一大步──不过,哎,我们实际上没有那么大的进步。&

He preferred Kools, his ex-father's brand, but his mother smoked Virginia Slims at the rate of two packs a day, and he could in an average week pilfer ten or twelve from her.

他母亲抽 Virginia Slims 这个牌子的香烟,一般为一天两包,相对他更喜欢 Kools ,他前父抽的烟。他平均一周可以从他母亲那时偷10到12根烟。

That surge has driven a broader gain for Philip Morris overall, which also makes Virginia Slims, Parliament, and other brands, and added significantly to the company's profits, possibly more than $200 million a year.

这次高涨使菲利普·莫里斯公司上下都获得了更为宽广的利润,同时也惠及到 Virginia Slims 公司、议会以及其它品牌,及其重要的是公司利润可能因此增至每年2亿美元以上。

It's like the Virginia Slims ad -- we've come so far -- but, man, we haven't come so far,In a lot of ways women aren't getting the same deal as men.women can't have it all because there is a social stigma to having or being a stay-at-home spouse.

&这就像Virginia Slims香烟针对女性的那则广告──我们迈出了一大步──不过,哎,我们实际上没有那么大的进步。从很多意义上讲,女性并没有得到和男性一样的待遇,女性不能事业生活两不误,因为整个社会对家里有个家庭妇男或是自己辞职做个全职主妇都大有微词。&

Tom described an incident in Fairfax, Virginia, where two horses suffered heatstroke after they were left in stifling boxcars for almost 12 hours in near 100°F heat.

Tom 还告知了一段在 Virginia 的小插曲,两只马在100度高温的沉闷的货箱内呆了12个小时后,导致了中暑。

To the north, electricity comes from Bristol Virginia Utilities, which answers to the city council, a common arrangement in rural America. In 1999 BVU ran optical fibre among its substations and city offices, at first purely for internal use.

应市议会的要求,电力供应由Bristol Virginia Utilities从南向北接引过来(这种安排在美国郊区很普遍)。1999年,BVU在其分站和市办公室间部署光纤,起初只供内部使用。

Albemarle, a chemical manufacturer and Fortune 1000 company, has moved its headquarters from Virginia to Baton Rouge.

一家化学制品生产商同时也是1000强企业的Albemarle将其设在Virginia的总部搬到了Baton Rouge。

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Old Virginia
East Virginia
West Virginia
Oh Virginia
In Virginia
Virginia's Reel
Sweet Virginia

No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
