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与 Virginia 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

That's a spirit that's reflected in a song that almost every American knows. But it's a song most people, I think, would be surprised was actually written by a coal miner's son about this town, Beckley, about the people of West Virginia. It's the song, Lean on Me -– an anthem of friendship, but also an anthem of community, of coming together.

这些精神反映在一首几乎每个美国人都知道的一首歌里,我想,在大部分人都会惊讶于这首歌是一个矿工的儿子写的,关于beckley小镇,关于West Virginia的人们,这首歌,《靠近我》这是一首关于友谊的颂歌,也是一道关于社区,关于相聚的赞歌。

Still a brainiac, Colin studies psychology and neuroscience at Carleton College, works with the neuroscience department at the University of Virginia over breaks, and plans to go to medical school.


George Washington was born in a rich family in, is now the state of Virginia.


HW and his team at Virginia studied how far the scent of flowers travels with the wind.


Keynes was not a traditional economist: He was a polemicist, iconoclastic public intellectual, peer of the realm, and political operative, as well as an openly homosexual Bohemian who befriended Virginia Woolf and E.

凯恩斯不是一般传统的经济学家,他不仅不讳言自己同性恋的波西米亚风格,跟当时著名画家邓肯 E 格兰特交往甚密,也跨界与艺文界的名人包括作家 Virginia Woolf 和 E。

Of all the wild animals in their area, none was more useful to the Delaware tribes than the Virginia white-tailed deer: it was a source of meat, and its hide was used for clothing,第 20 页(共 101 页) its antlers and bones for tools, and its sinews and gut for bindings and glue.

所有野生动物中在他们区域/对 Delaware 部落最有用的是/ Virginia 白尾鹿:/它是肉的来源/它的皮可以做衣服/鹿角和骨头可以做工具/肌腱和肠子可以做捆绳和胶。*这句话的条理很清楚,很容易理解句子的大意。

Virginia Woolf (1882-1941) is one of the most outstanding writers in English literature.

弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫(Virginia Woolf,1882-1941)不仅是20世纪英国最杰出的女作家,也是西方最杰出的女作家。

It was this sacrifice that made Virginia think that she stole Lenard's life.


Against Virginia. I'd never felt it before. Idon't know what it was. It was magic. It neverwent away.


The final major rally in Manassas, Virginia, on Monday night, marked the 20th time his campaign has stumpe d in Virginia.


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Old Virginia
East Virginia
West Virginia
Oh Virginia
In Virginia
Virginia's Reel
Sweet Virginia

I'll try to bring the conversation around to the subject of money.


Only from a superior source of goats can an exceptional chevon product be made.

羊源 有优良的羊源才能生产出好品质的羊肉。

The company has international topping manufacturing technique and equipment, advanced business administration and quality control.
