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It brought the city's transport system to a halt and forced Venetians to put on thigh-high waders to move about.


Th easy answer is to blame incompetent or impotent sultans.As the Turks used to say,"Balik basdan kokar"("the fish stinks from the head"). The Reforming Sultans and Vizirs There is,as usual in such popular accounts,a germ of truth in all this.Conditions were getting worse.No one denies the insanity of Sultan Ibrhim (r.1640-1648),who had his 280 concubines tied up in sacks and drowned in Bosporus.MustafaⅡ(r.1695-1703)was wrong to insist on leading his troops into battle.His catastrophic defeat at the hands of Prince Eugen of Savoy,the military genius of the age,cost the Ottomans an army,the province of Hungary,and their military prestige.Drinking problems and harem intrigues afflicted the later sultans far more than they had the first ten. In addition,there were menbers of the ruling class who milked the Ottoman system to enrich themselves while failing to perform their duties.

奥斯曼无力改变的关系,我们可以追踪中东和西方的一连串事件日期:1683年土耳其人未能karlowitz条约,割让匈牙利帝国;他们于1699年签署的一项条约karlowitz割让匈牙利的哈布斯堡王朝和爱琴海沿岸的venetians;他们在1718年签署的欧洲以外更多土地; 1774年俄罗斯获准与他们失去了克里米亚代表正统基督教的科目; 1798年拿破仑占领和侵略palestine.meanwhile埃及和其他穆斯林王朝,如帖木儿王朝印度,以及其继承人safavids伊朗、摩洛哥sharifian统治者,也可能转弱前安装十八世纪土耳其人europe.but最接近者的新权力,传统上作为战斗ghazis为伊斯兰教主张失去其最lands.my板如果欧洲人对重点何故被奥斯曼帝国。

In the latter half of the 15th century, the Venetians introduced the Stradiots.


In the latter half of the 15th century, the Venetians introduced the Stradiots.


But Titian realised that he needed to diversify his market and combine elite patronage with a broad studio practice like that of Bellini, whose altarpieces catered to wealthy Venetians keen to secure their salvation by donating art to churches.


So the king came into Italy with the aid of the Venetians and the consent of Alexander, and he was no sooner in Milan than the pope got men from him for a campaign in Romagna, which was granted to him because of the reputation of the king.

他 刚一抵达米兰,教皇便向他借兵出征罗马格纳。慑于法王的威力,罗马格纳拱手称臣。就这样,瓦伦蒂诺公爵征服了罗马格纳,并打败了科隆纳家族。之后,他要巩固胜利成果并继续向前推进,就要遇到两重障碍。

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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
