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与 Venetians 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Thus the language of the Sicilians is different from that of the Apulians, that of the Apulians from that of the Romans, that of the Romans from that of the people of Spoleto, theirs from that of the Tuscans, that of the Tuscans from that of the Genoese, and that of the Genoese from that of the Sardinians; and, likewise, the language of the Calabrians is different from that of the people of Ancona, theirs from that of the people of Romagna, that of the people of Romagna from that of the Lombards, that of the Lombards from that of the people of Treviso and the Venetians, theirs from that of the people of Aquileia, and theirs from that of the Istrians.


In 697 the Venetians organized Venice as a republic under an elected doge.


Firstly, he did not see his way to make him master of any state that was not a state of the Church; and if he was willing to rob the Church he knew that the Duke of Milan and the Venetians would not consent, because Faenza and Rimini were already under the protection of the Venetians.


First, he did not see the path to being able to make him lord of any state that was , not a state of the Church; and when he decided to take that of the Church, he knew that the duke of Milan and the Venetians would not consent to it because Faenza and Rimini had for long been under the protection of the Venetians.

首先, 他看不出有什么办法可以叫儿子统辖不属于教会的国家。他决定把教会属下的国家划分走时,又担心米兰的公爵和威尼斯人不同意,因为法恩扎和里米尼长期以来一直处于威尼斯人的保护之下。

He did, however, weaken the Italians by successfully playing off the Genoese against the Venetians.


The Venetians and Genoese did not have the field to themselves very long. Portuguese, Spanish and Dutch adventurers soon were leaders in the profitable business of piracy.


Instead, it was divided into smaller city states and territories: the Kingdom of Naples controlled the south, the Republic of Florence and the Papal States at the center, the Genoese and the Milanese to the north and west respectively, and the Venetians to the east.


The Venetians, moved, as I believe, by the above reasons, fostered the Guelph and Ghibelline factions in their tributary cities; and although they never allowed them to come to bloodshed, yet they nursed these disputes amongst them, so that the citizens, distracted by their differences, should not unite against them.


The Venetians received 3/8 of Constantinople and important commercial and naval stations throughout the empire: the ports of the Marmora and Hellespont, most of the Aegean, Crete, Koroni, Modon, Dyrrachium, the Ionian Islands, etc.


The history of glass making in Venice began from the 13th century,and in 1453 when Constantinople was occupied by Turkey the glass workers of Byzantium came to Venice and brought the technology of glass-making.After the 15th century,Venetians were dedicated to improve the making technology of crystal glass .Venetians didn't fully master the technologies of wiping away dark brown color,coloring,gold-plating on glass and glazing until 16th century. They fused different color rods together, on the transects you will see the patterns of small multicolored beads, which was also called dense-flower art.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
