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与 Using 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Using your eyes to see the world, and using your soul to feel the world.


He is not using this wrench. He is using that one.


Now we're using using liquid xenon.


If larger investment, under the guidance of professionals in the use of some investment instruments, such as the use of treasury bonds repurchase purchase of new shares, using repurchase cross-city arbitrage, using a similar bonds due between the yield gap arbitrage.


Started from D-tyrosine, we obtained the tetramic acid 96 using Jouin reaction. The assembly of the second fragment 109 was stared from 1,4-butandiol,using asymmetric alkylation reaction developed by Oppolzer as a key step. Coupling of the tetramic acid 96 with 109 provided the key intermediate 110 according to Yoshii\'s procedure. After remove protective group and Sharpless epoxidation, we obtained the key intermediate 113. Its macrocyclization to form the final product is in progress.

本论文的第二章主要对Macrocidin A开展了合成工作,我们从D构型的酪氨酸出发,经过官能团转换;利用Jouin反应生成Tetramic acid 96,另外一个片断从1,4-丁二醇开始经过多步反应生成碘化物104,利用Oppolzer发展的手性樟脑磺酰胺为辅基参与的不对称烷基化反应,引入手性甲基,生成关键中间体109,接着通过Yoshii发展的方法连接96和109生成110,经过Sharpless不对称环氧化反应建立环氧化合物,然后脱去保护基得到关环前体113,分子内的Mitsunobu反应进行关大环反应正在进行之中。

The biggest advantage of this mean is that don"t need to computer the perturbation matrix element by using zero level wave function, even don"t need to give out high rank amendatory result using infinite series to sum like the ordinary perturbation theory. Thus, it not only avoids many complicated integral operation, but also obtains high rank amendatory result that it is very difficult to get or cant get.


Acephala By using a pair of primers based on BnARC1 sequence, BoARC1 was isolated using RT-PCR from stigma.


Result: The rate of using acesodyne in cancer patients were higher: Bucinnazine Hydrochloride Injection(85.5%)、Morphine sulfate controlled-release tablets(91.1%)、and Fentanyl Transdermal System(95.6%). The dosage of aspirin was least (1.1%). The acesodyne using from the first ladder were 16.6% in this 30 cancer patients.


Yields from chiral bisoxazolines (5a) with diethyl oxalate using NaOCH〓 as base for the first time. The structures of chiral multioxazolines and their intermediates, multi (β-hydroxylamide) s, were characterized by 〓H NMR, IR, mass spectra and elemental analysis. The catalytic activities and enantioselectivities of chiral multi (β-hydroxylamide) s (4) and chiral multioxazolines (5~8) were investigated by using acetophenone and β-acetonaphthone as former chiral ketone, KBH〓 or NaBH〓 as reductive reagent in chapter three.


Gemetria, which consists in the use of the numerical values of the letters of a word for purposes comparison with other words, which give the same or similar combinations of numbers: thus in Genesis 49:10,"Shiloh come" is equivalent to 358, which is also the numerical value of Mashiah, whence it is inferred that Shiloh is identical with Messias; the Notarikon, or process of reconstructing a word by using the initials of many, or a sentence by using all the letters of a single word as so many initials of other words; for instance, the word Agla is formed from the initials of the Hebrew sentence: Thou Mighty forever.

,其中包括在使用数值价值观的信一个字的目的比较换句话说,使相同或相似的组合的号码:因此,在创世记49:10 ,&希洛来&等於358 ,这也是数值Mashiah ,何处这是推断,希洛是相同的弭赛亚;的Notarikon (拉丁文notarius ),或重建过程中的一个字的开头字母使用了许多,或一个句子使用的所有信一个字为如此众多的缩写换句话说;举例来说,这个词是Agla的开头字母组成的希伯来文的句子:你条坚强的永远。

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Using Our Feet
Are You Using Me?
(Lord It's Hard To Be Happy When You're Not) Using The Metric System
Without Using Hands

It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
