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与 Using 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Using the information technique in the field of cost of civil engineering works can trace back to till 20th 70 s in the our country, the mathematician HuaLuoGeng of the our country toke the study of using computer to design the construction budget at that time.


The result of this Structural Equation Model shows money attitude and risk tolerance scale, using saving as an independent variable showed that there was no significant influence among them; using debt as the independent variable, the power/Prestige factor has significant influence. In other words, people who tend to see money as the solution to problems are more likely to borrow. In addition, Power/Prestige factor (people who tend to see money as the solution of problems), Retention/Time factor (people tend to perceive that they budget their money.) and high risk tolerance factor has significant influence on investing.


It will consume lots of CPU time and hard disk space of computer in calculating the ultimate torsional moment of a hull girder by using FEM, especially for the complex structure. The ultimate torsional moment of box thin-walled beam is analyzed by using finite element method. The influences of different characteristic parameters on the ultimate torsional strength are extensively studied.


objective to study the correlation among psychosomatic health factors,depression,anxiety and sleep status in college students,to analyze influence factors in sleep status.methods with questionnaire opened in-vestigation,200college students were evaluated using cornell medical index,self-rating depression,self-rating anxiety scaleand pittsburgh sleep quality index.stepwise regression analysis was used.re-sults total score of sds was35.55±7.8,and sas was0.48±0.9.each score of cmi was higher than normal range,the highest was digestion system,next was respiration system,then,fatigue,eyes and ears,anxiety,sensitivity,tension,maladjustment in turn.total average score of psqi was6.32±3.6,ordinary sleep were115cases(57.5%),good and bad sleep were42(21%)and43(21.5%)cases respectively.influence factors in total score of psqi were sas,cmi,respiration system,anxiety,past healthy,digestion system,fatigue,sensitivity,sds and malad-justment in turn,using stepwise regression analysis,total score of psqi as dependent variable,each factor score of cmi,total score of sds and sas as independent variables.conclusion problems of psychosomatic health,anxiety and depression could both lead to sleep disorder.

目的 研究在校大学生心身健康因素及抑郁焦虑等与睡眠状况的相关性,并对影响睡眠状况的有关因素进行分析。方法采用问卷式的开放性研究,对在校的200名大学生进行康奈尔心身健康问卷、自评抑郁量表、焦虑自评量表和匹兹堡睡眠质量量表的测定,采用逐步回归分析方法。结果 sds总分为35.55±7.8、sas总分为0.48±0.9,cmi评分:消化系统最为严重评分为2.52,其次为呼吸系统、疲劳感、眼和耳、焦虑、敏感、紧张、不适应等,评分均高于正常常模。psqi总均分为6.32±3.6,一般睡眠有115例占57.5%,睡眠质量较好42例占21.0%,睡眠质量较差43例占21.5%。评估对睡眠状况的影响程度,以psqi总分为因变量,选择cmi各因子分和sds、sas总分作为自变量,进行多因素逐步回归分析,进入方程的因素依据标准化偏回归系数,影响psqi总分的因素依次为sas总分、cmi总分、呼吸系统、焦虑、既往健康、消化系统、疲劳感、敏感、sds总分、不适应(f=226.8;p.01;r=0.73)。结论心身健康问题和焦虑抑郁可导致睡眠障碍。

You can enter text by using the touch pad with the on-screen keyboard or by using the external keyboard option.


According to using requirements of 6061 large-scale aluminum alloy profile using in the train freight transportation compartment.


Now, using the TEXT TOOL, type any word of your choice. I typed RICHWORKS using the font 'Trajan Pro'. This infact, is one of my favorite font and adapts well to a lot of text effects.

现在使用文字工具输入你选择的任何文字,我使用'Trajan Pro'字体输入了RICHWORKS,这是我最喜欢的字体之一,它能很好的适应很多文字效果。

Now, using the TEXT TOOL, type anyword of your choice. I typed RICHWORKS using the font 'Trajan Pro' . This infact, is one of my favorite font and adapts well to a lot of text effects.

现在使用文字工具输入你选择的任何文字,我使用'Trajan Pro'字体输入了RICHWORKS,这是我最喜欢的字体之一,它能很好的适应很多文字效果。

The paper mainly concerns about:(1)Proposing the idea of completing the job using GIS software by discussing deficiency of the traditional transportation job;(2)Discussing the transportation plan algorithm and the flow, in this foundation, designing the transportation model programming realization flow chart;(3)With the comparison of the domestic and foreign GIS software platform, determining ArcGIS Desktop which has large drawing edit and spatial analyse functions as the development platform of transportation planning;(4)In the data organization and the database establishment, by using the recent object-oriented spatial data— Geodatabase and UML, completing the system database design and establishment, including spatial database, attribute database as well as transportation network database

详细研究内容如下:(1)论述了传统交通规划软件存在问题,提出了利用GIS平台开发交通规划系统的基本思想;(2)论述了交通规划的算法和流程,在此基础上,设计了交通模型编程实现的流程图;(3)通过比较国内外GIS软件平台,选定了具有强大图形编辑和空间分析功能的ArcGIS桌面版为交通规划系统的开发平台;(4)在数据的组织和数据库的建立上使用新的面向对象的空间数据—Geodatabase,并利用统一建模语言UML完成了系统数据库的设计与建立,包括空间数据库,属性数据库以及交通网络数据库;(5)论述了系统编程实现的基本方法,在ArcMap下采用VBA编程方法自由地定制了系统界面;(6)利用ADO Data和数据网格控件存取交通规划系统预测功能所需的数据库;(7)采用VB对ArcObject控件扩展开发方式,实现系统功能的开发,即利用COM技术的扩展性在VB中创建ActiveX动态链接库来实现特定的系统功能,并集成在ArcMap中运行;(8)系统完成了交通发生预测、交通分布、缓冲区分析、道路的网络分析、公交

Objective To compare the two diagnostic methods(bone marrow fragments smear and bone biop-sy)in hematology diseases.Methods Take bone marrow using routine aspiration and make bone marrow fragments smears;using trephine take a piece of bone marrow send it to the pathology department have a histodiagnosis.

目的 对造血系统疾病进行骨髓小粒拉片与切片两骨髓检查的方法进行比较方法常规髂后上嵴骨髓穿刺抽取骨髓液制成涂片;取骨髓小粒制成拉片;再用环钻法取骨髓组织制成切片并作相应的染色,结合临床进行分析。

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Using Our Feet
Are You Using Me?
(Lord It's Hard To Be Happy When You're Not) Using The Metric System
Without Using Hands

It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
