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与 Using 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Using a computer, the researchers matched sea-surface temperatures to later El Nino occurrences between 1980 and 2000 and were then able to anticipate El Nino events dating back to 1857, using prior sea-surface temperatures.

研究人员使用计算机把 1980 年和 2000 年之间的海面温度和后来的厄尔尼诺的发生联系起来,进而能够用之前的海面温度预计 1857 年的厄尔尼诺现象。

Comparing with the second order Bayliss Turkel radiation boundary condition in the same calculation conditions, it shows that the results using MEI ABC are better than those using Bayliss Turkel RBC.

实际上 ,就是在不存在散射体的"空"区域中设置计算单元网格,而这个"空"区域的大小势必对计算效率具有直接影响。

Using different equations sectionally is better than using one equation to describ tree growth.


On the poetics level, using a irrational female-genesis to self-explaining; using a "body-writing" as a self-domination, making a self-realization by ways of "dark","blood","death", such as those feminine imagination; making a self-represent ion by "monologue". On cultural consciousness level, takinga self-searching on reconsidering woman's status and ending in love; taking a self-awaking by showing what a mother had "done" for daughter in order to serve and maintain man society; introducing a self-remolding through recover and rebel the man ideology; be self-awakening and oppugning the man-centre society, within its cultural "make","assimilation" to female herself.


The main content of the dissertation is designing and realizing the total scheme and frame of system software. The module of the input and output is designed by using the generally I/O of the multichannel buffered serial port to simulated the communication of I~2C bus. The Ping-Pong buffer is brought forward to resolve the problem of the data rate matching. The logic switch function is designed in the programmed logic devices. The data transmission rate is improved by using the DMA and the dual buffer mechanism. The system program self-loading is realized by the design of the self-leading program. Lastly, the dissertation analyzes the characteristic of LLL video and experimentalize with some typical image processing algorithm.


In the GRID environment of ArcGIS, original format of digital image of the leaf was transformed sod the leaf image resolution made finer by using re-sampling functions. Leaf area was then extracted from the digital leaf image using self-ordained chroma diagnosis program in arc-macro language.


The mechanical behavior of Shape Memory Alloys material is tested, and the constitutive model of the SMA is established. A kind of SMA combined rubber isolator is developed, and the isolation effect of the SMA combined rubber isolator for long-span bridge and tall building structures is numerically simulated, from which the adaptive isolation performance and the self-restoring capacity of the SMA combined rubber isolator are verified. A kind of SMA damper is developed, the mechanical behavior of the SMA damper is tested, and the model of restoring force of the SMA damper is established. The theory and method of adaptive control based on the SMA damper for the long-span bridge are built, and the effectiveness and reliability of the adaptive control for the long-span bridge using the SMA damper are verified through numerical simulation and model test. The MRF-04K type magnetorheological damper is developed, the mechanical behavior of the MR damper is tested, and the model of restoring force of the MR damper is established. The theory and method of adaptive control based on the MR damper for the long-span bridge and tall building structures are built, and the effectiveness and reliability of the adaptive control for the long-span bridge and tall building structures using the MR damper are verified through numerical simulation and model test. In addition, the theory and method of sub-structural damage identification for long-span bridge are derived, the influence of soil-structure dynamic interaction on the seismic isolation and control effects with different isolation and control measures and the damage responses and the sliding base-isolation of large structures under the excitation of underground explosion are investigated.


Angular spectral is spectral value map formed by estimating semblable coefficients of fast and slow shear wave or the variation of amplitude ratio of fast and slow shear wave with times and angles at a specified space point based on semblable theory of fast and slow shear wave, the angle value of this space point at a given time can be got by picking the maximum of angular spectral; the study reveals that fast and slow shear wave with different polarization direction should be separated using different rotation formula, eight formulas of separating fast and slow shear wave using clockwise rotation and counterclockwise rotation have been derived, and gained energy assignment rule and phase coincidence rule, in real data estimation, the rotation formula used for separating fast and slow shear wave can be uniquely determined on the two discriminating rules. On the basis of semblable theory of fast and slow shear wave, the delay time corresponding to the maximum of semblable coefficients at a specified point in a given time window is the delay time of fast and slow shear wave, delay time section of fast and slow shear wave can be got by moving space point and smoothing time window. The vertical variation values of delay time of fast and slow shear wave reflect the effect degree of vertical fractured reservoir on fast and slow shear wave which is defined as anisotropic coefficient, and section map of anisotropic coefficient can be obtained.


Meanwhile, in the satisfaction you receive from her way of reading you, from the textual quotations of your physical objectivity, you begin to harbor a doubt: that she is not reading you, single and whole as you are, but using you, using fragments of you detached from the context to construct for herself a ghostly partner, known to her alone, in the penumbra of her semiconsciousness, and what she is deciphering is this apocryphal visitor, not you.


A criterion for semicontinuous feeding was also given For a practical resolution process, using a batch reactor is better than using a CSTR.


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Using Our Feet
Are You Using Me?
(Lord It's Hard To Be Happy When You're Not) Using The Metric System
Without Using Hands

It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
