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与 Using 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Since the enciphered OTP, being transmitted, is known, one might, however, consider the following arrangement, which involves sending only one message, to be equivalent: take a fixed random sequence of letters (perhaps derived from the digits of pi; since we're using Playfair, we need a 25-letter alphabet anyways), then encipher (or, to be strictly equivalent, decipher) it using the current key by simple columnar transposition, apply the result by Vigenere to the plaintext, then encipher the result with Playfair.

由于加密检察官办公室,传送,是众所周知的,其中一个可能是,但是,考虑下列措施,其中包括派遣只有一个讯息,以相等于:以一个固定的随机序列的信(或许来自两位数丕;以来,我们再利用playfair ,我们需要一个有25个字母组成的字母anyways ),然后加密(或者,必须严格当量,破译),它利用当前的重点由简单的柱状换位,申请结果vigenere向明文,然后加密结果与playfair 。

A PCR product was amplified using RT-PCR method from total RNA from the abdomens of R strain using the degerated primer. The PCR product was purificated and cloned. The plasmid is pBluescript Ⅱ KS. Recombined plasmid DNA was identified by endoenzyme. The results indicated there were different P450 genes in the PCR product.


Sedimentation anyslys of soil under the action of deadweight; 2 Sedimentation anyslys of structure in using; 3 Endogen force anyslys of structure in using; 4 Soil remolding type anyslys; 5 Homogenous flush works anyslys; 6 Anyslys of the structure sedimentation effects of different flushing amount at the same place; 7 Anyslys of the structure sedimentation effects of different flushing places; 8 Anyslys of the structure sedimentation effects of different horizontal flushing places; 9 Anyslys of the structure sedimentation effects of different vertical flushing places; Getting the different between the endogen force of common structure and that of slant structure.

对掏土纠偏过程做了以下9个方面的分析:1、土体在自重作用下的沉降分析; 2、建筑物在使用阶段的沉降分析; 3、建筑物在使用阶段的内力分析; 4、土体受扰动类型分析; 5、均匀冲水施工过程分析; 6、同一个地方冲水量大小不同对建筑物沉降影响分析; 7、不同沉井冲水对建筑物沉降影响分析; 8、进深不同的土层冲水对建筑物沉降影响分析; 9、不同埋深土体冲水对建筑物沉降影响分析。

In addition, ioding was found to be an efficient catalyst for the imino Diels-Alder reaction of N-arylimine and enol ethers and the reaction provided tertrahydroqinolines in good yields. One pot synthesis of tetrahydroqinolines from aldehyde, aniline and enol ethers was also achieved using iodine as the catalyst. The chemical yield of the"one pot"reaction was comparable with that obtained using preformed N-arylimine.


Potential Species' Distribution System, a new GIS-based system, has been designed and implemented to predict the potential distribution of species by using presence data only. The result, normally overpredicted by traditional Environment Envelope Model, is improved by using hierarchical cluster arithmetic that can reduce the influence caused by outliers.


In the simplified model, the governing equation of heat conduction is discretized using implicit finite difference method, and the computational domain is discretized using cell centered scheme, and the solution of Maxwell equation is used to determine the distribution of the internal heating sources.


Although the merit function introduced here is the sum of squares of overdetermined equations, by using the special structure of it, we successfully form the Newton equation by avoiding the product of Jacobi matrices and using only the Jacobi matrix of the function defining NCP.


In this paper,a random wave model based on PM spectrum is established by using energy equipartition theory,and sea wave is simulated by using linear superposition method.


The following points are emphasized:The operation models of adiabatic and diabatic distillation have been set up and the operation block, thermodynamics model and mathematical model in the simulation have been determined as well;(2)Based on the simulation and exergy analysis with Aspen Plus program, shortcut distillation design—DSTWU model and rigorous distillation design—RADFRAC model, the author has determined the heat duty, exergy losses and the distribution of exergy losses along the adiabatic column, which will help the simulation and optimization of the diabatic distillation;(3)Diabatic distillation under various operation conditions has been simulated by using energy balance method and exergy analysis;(4)How the different mixture and the various degree of separation, number of trays and feed location influence exergy saving in diabatic distillation have also been discussed;(5)On the basis of the total exergy losses along the column, different schema of the heat transfer distribution along the column have been compared and analyzed;they can be classified in three categories: heat duty equipartition approach, empirical approach, separation degree matching approach. In conclusion, different heat transfer distribution along the column will have effect on total exergy losses. In particular, most satisfactory results have been obtained by using separation degree matching approach. In order to diminish the exergy losses, heat transfer distribution should meet the needs of the request of separation degree.And on this premise, the author makes his suggestion in increasing the proportion of heat supplied to the tray with minimum exergy losses and decreasing the proportion of heat supplied to the tray with the maximum exergy losses.

本文对透热精馏过程进行了模拟并对其节能效果的影响因素做了较为全面的分析和深入的研究,主要研究内容如下:(1)建立了常规精馏和透热精馏过程的模拟操作模块、热力学模型以及数学模型;(2)利用化工模拟软件Aspen Plus并分别采用DSTWU简捷模型和RADFRAC严格计算模型对常规精馏进行模拟计算和有效能分析,确定常规精馏塔的公用工程热负荷、有效能损失及有效能损失在塔内的分布,为透热精馏的模拟和优化提供数据参考;(3)对不同物系在不同分离度条件下进行透热精馏的模拟,分别采用能量衡算法和有效能分析法进行计算和分析;(4)探讨了各种因素如物系的选择、不同分离度、塔板数、进料位置对透热精馏节能效果的影响;(5)以全塔总有效能损失为比较基准,对热量在塔内的三种分布方案即热负荷平均分配法、经验法和分离度匹配法进行了对比分析并得出结论:塔内热量的不同分布方案对于全塔总有效能损失会产生影响,其中以分离度匹配法的节能效果最为理想,为减少有效能的损失,应使塔内的热量分布满足各塔板的分离度要求,并在此前提下,尽量减小有效能损失大的塔板的热负荷和增加有效能损失小的塔板的热负荷。

Notice that the solvng ELP problem is equivalent to determine a nonlinear mapping,using the nature that BP neural networks has the parallelism and the capabilities of intrinsic nonlinear mapping,we propose a methods of using back error propagation of ne...


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Using Our Feet
Are You Using Me?
(Lord It's Hard To Be Happy When You're Not) Using The Metric System
Without Using Hands

The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
