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The formaldehyde emission from MDF was tested using the desiccator method under the different testing conditions. The results were compared and verified by the testing results using the perforator method.


The data transformation platform is designed in accordance with modularization, which masks the access from upper application by data wrapping module and submits DataSet objects to upper application. DataSet exchange module finishes heterogeneous data exchange by using XML capsulation of DataSet. For the synchronization process of heterogeneous data, it uses table trigger and Updates Information Table to capture change from source database table. The Update Information Table keeps the DML statements operated on tables which need to be synchronized. In the course of synchronization, synchronization module extracts DML operation field from Regenerate Information Table DataSet. At last, it updates the table fields of destination database by using command object.


The research on the CCD sensor information is used to determinate the satellite attitude system without gyroscope .(1) Using quaternion and MRP as attitude representation , the attitude kinematics function are established . The satellite attitude dynamics function is established,that is disturbed by the first-order Markov force moment.(2) Using the quaternion as attitude representations, the attitude determination state estimator EKF and UKF are designed , numerical simulation is done .


For example: Causes the diagonal matrix aspect using the matrix similarity the operation simplification, as well as using the matrix similarity determined transports in the mathematics problem in the matrix unknown element and so on.


During designing our system, the author program the processor of our system by using KELL-C software, scheme out circuit diagram by using PROTEL-99. So far, the author has realized the whole system, and has got a good product.


They are the Experimental Study On Using Lock-in Amplifier As Spectrum Analyzer and the Experimental Study On Using Single-photon Counting Experimental System for Measuring Diaphaneity.


The ground state of C2 molecule is studied using VB mehods. The potential energy curves of the C2 diatomic molecule were computed by using ab initio VB methods, VBSCF, BOVB, and VBCI. The computational results show that the VB-based PECs are parallel to that of Full CI calculation.


In our research, the morphological and physicochemical properties of common corn starch granule and resistant starch granule were systemically studied using Rapid Visco Analyzer, Farinograph, Mixograph, TA-plus, Laser Particle Analyzer, Differential Scanning Calorimeter and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer. And the influences of resistant starch on pasting properties of wheat flour and rheological properties of dough with different gluten strengh were investigated, so did effects on sensory and texture characteristics of staple food in northern China. These results will provide some theoretical basis for resistant starch widely using in food industry.


The chip size is 1.15mm×0.75mm with a phase detector using Gilbert cell and a differential ring voltage controlled oscillator using cross-coupled negative resistance.


EDD and NEDD of external iliac artery in vivo (measured with high-resolution ultrasound), serum lipids, NO, NOS, plasma ET, ADMA, symmetric dimethylarginine and L-arginine, the area of AS plaque in thoracic aorta (dyeing with Sudan Ⅳ), the degree of AS lesion in abdominal aorta and external iliac arteries, NOS activity on the wall of the abdominal aorta, the expression of iNOS mRNA and eNOS mRNA on the wall of the abdominal aorta and the contractive and dilatant functions of abdominal aorta and external iliac arteries in vitro; B. the activities of dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase in kidney (including the establishment of the determining method). 3. In the third part of the study, normal aorta strips were used. The following were surveyed: their response to using ADMA alone, influence of treating with ADMA, intervention of polydatin, influence of using ADMA and PD together on Emax and Kd that were contracted by PE.

第5组为未给药组。2、观察指标:A、各组髂外动脉EDD和NEDD、血脂、血清NO和NOS活性、血浆ET、ADMA、SDMA和L-精氨酸水平、胸主动脉AS斑块面积、腹主动脉和髂外动脉AS病变积分、腹主动脉壁NOS组织化学染色和eNOS mRNA和iNOS mRNA表达及离体腹主动脉与髂外动脉舒缩功能。B、各组兔肾DDAH活性。3、离体做正常主动脉条对单用ADMA的反应、PD和ADMA对PE收缩效应的影响及PD预处理对受ADMA作用的正常主动脉条PE收缩反应的影响(包括对Emax和Kd值的影响)。

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Using Our Feet
Are You Using Me?
(Lord It's Hard To Be Happy When You're Not) Using The Metric System
Without Using Hands

The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
