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与 Using 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Firstly, the approach formulates a cost functional to turn the inverse problem into a constrained minimization problem according to least squares criterion, then the resulting constrained minimization problem is transformed into an unconstrained minimization problem by using a penalty function technique, and then the closed Fr chet derivatives of the Lagrange function with respect to the properties are derived based on the calculus of variations, finally, one can solve the resulting problem by using any gradient-based algorithm and the finite-difference time-domain method.

该方法首先以最小二乘准则构造目标函数,将逆问题表示为约束最小化问题;接着应用罚函数法转化为无约束最小化问题;然后基于变分计算导出闭式的拉格朗日函数关于特征参数的Fr chet导数;最后借助梯度算法和时域有限差分法迭代反演德拜模型参数。

Furthermore, we define a convolution multiplication between characteristic functions of constructible subsets by using push-forward functor from the category of algebraic varieties over C to the category of spaces of constructible functions. We construct geometric model for "intrinsic symmetry" of the octahedral axiom in a triangulated category. Using it, we deduce the multiplication satisfies the Jacobi identity of Lie algebra and then realize infinite dimensional Lie algebras.


Firstly, we suggest using context-free language to describe the start code string of MPEG-2 and using minimum-distance error-correcting parser to correct the errors in MPEG-2 start code string. This method hasn't been reported elsewhere. Secondly, side motion estimation rule is proposed for temporal error concealment and based on the rule, many new algorithms are proposed. Among which, the temporal error concealment method utilizing overlapped block motion compensation and side motion estimation rule has exceeded the best performance ever reported.


The cubic interpolation polynomial is got firstly in the given sub-range of the hydrophone's sensitivity-frequency curve by using the Akima curve smoothed algorithm, and the maximum of the polynomial is calculated in the sub-range by using the one dimension extreme value continued fraction algorithm, finally the frequency of the hydrophone is got.


An index is calculated as the ratio of the economic loss estimated by using the continuity method and the economic loss calculated by using the discrete method with different seismic performance levels.The minimum number of performance levels is considered as the rational result when the index is within a prescribed small range.


The development direction of the company is continuo usly upgrade the quality of the patent product, bring the advantage of the product into full play by using its good character, enlarging sales, not only doing a good job in domestic market, but also doing well in exporting trade and dedicating its own bit of power for the country in earning foreign currencies by fully using the chance of China Enters WTO .


The faults of pipelines were separately treated in discrete random variable and continuous random variable using the probability analysis method and choosing the reasonably different probability models based on the fault statistics data of pressure pipelines extracted from random inspection, and the fracture failure probability of pressure pipelines was calculated using the fracture failure risk analysis system for pressure piping system containing defects.


In the second chapter, using contradistinctive tact, analyzed similarities and differences of the judicial protection institution on citizen's basic constitutional rights of China and foreign countries. Learned from others' strengths to offset one's weaknesses, using these a s references to perfect the judicial protection on citizen's basic constitutional rights.


In the second chapter, using contradistinctive tact, analyzed similarities and differences of the judicial protection institution on citizen"s basic constitutional rights of China and foreign countries. Learned from others" strengths to offset one"s weaknesses, using these as references to perfect the judicial protection on citizen"s basic constitutional rights.


The purpose of this paper is to find the proper character of cooling water and the ways of it pass in and out the jet, which make sure that the anode of plasma ignition jet will not be ruined, to prolong the useful life of the pole, by using the numerical analyze in plasma ignition torch against heat transfer of anode and cooling-water against convection current heat transfer, and process the simulation calculation by using FLUENT soft.


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Using Our Feet
Are You Using Me?
(Lord It's Hard To Be Happy When You're Not) Using The Metric System
Without Using Hands

The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
