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The counter measures of solving these problems were suggested as follows: firstly, using water resources and fertilizer reasonably and choosing salt tolerance crops to control saltinization; secondly, choosing acid tolerance feed and using the chemical method to control acid rain; finally, soil erosion could be controlled by bioremediation.


The phytoplasmas diseases were investigated in 30 counties and cities of 10 areas in Yunnan Province. There are 12 phytoplasma diseases, including paulownia witches-broom,chinaberry witches-broom, cactus witches-broom, christmas cactus witches-broom, orange little leaf, petunia flat stem and so on were indentified using PCR with universal primers, which amplified phytoplasma 16SrRNA gene and/or ribosomal protein genes. So the kind of phytoplasma diseases in Yunnnan Province were understood. Identified the characteristic of 16SrRNA and rp gene of phytoplasma and the kind, classification and genitic relativity of these strains using RFLP, clonging and sequence analysis (nearly 20 full-length sequences of phytoplasma 16SrRNA and/or rp gene were submitted in GenBank ); The phytoplasma strains isolated from herbage plants were conserved in storeroom. 9 articles were published in the key journals of China and 1 technique invention patent was applied. The net-page about phytoplasma disease was established. 4 graduate student were bringed up.

对云南省10个地区的30余个县市地区进行了植原体病害的调查采集工作;采用植原体16SrRNA基因通用引物(R16mF2/R16mR1及R16F2/R16R2)和/或植原体核糖体蛋白基因引物(rpF1/R1)对所采集到的病害标样总DNA进行PCR扩增,根据植原体特异扩增条带的出现,共鉴定出泡桐丛枝、苦楝丛枝、仙人掌丛枝、蟹爪兰丛枝、柑桔小叶、矮牵牛扁茎等12种植原体病害,初步明确了云南省植原体病害的种类;通过RFLP技术、克隆及测序技术获得其16SrRNA及部分核糖体蛋白基因的近全长序列(已在GenBank中共登录近20余个相关序列),通过序列比较分析,明确了上述植原体株系中这两个基因的特征并确定了云南省植原体株系的种类、分类地位及遗传相关性;对一些发生在草本植物上的植原体进行了株系保存;在国内核心期刊及一般期刊发表研究论文 9 篇,申请技术发明专利1项;初步建立了有关植原体病害的网页;培养研究生4名。

Attempting to use research methods and achievements based on shape characteristic of choreoecology, and using anthropological fields study, and using anthropological field observation methods, we emphasize on clear analysis of the basic shapes and typical characteristics of "Temple VCham" and folk sacrificial dances in Qinghai. We try to have analysis and explanation on the living environment influenced by these religious ceremonies. We hope to make further progress in research in Chinese traditional and national dance studies.


Using fresh chlorophyll distilled from fresh leaves of yulan as experimental material,this research analyses the change of the absorption spectra of chlorophyl under light of different wave length,different illuminating time,different temperature by means of using the WGS-9 chroma analysing instrument.


Using fresh chlorophyll distilled from fresh leaves of yulan as experimental material, this research analyses the change of the absorption spectra of chlorophyl under light of different wave length, different illuminating time, different temperature by means of using the WGS-9 chroma analysing instrument.


Two main ways in industry traditionally were used to prepare chrome tanning agents: one is using sugar as reducing agent, another is using sulfur dioxide.


Meiotic pachytene bivalents were obtained from porcine testes using prolonged hypotonic treatment combined with high chloroform Carnory's fixative solution. Mitotic metaphase chromosomes were prepared from blood cell culture. Comparative studies on division index and length of pachytene bivalents and mitosis metaphase chromosomes showed that those of the former are 5 times higher and 3.42(1.87~5.98) times longer than the latter, respectively. Chromomere maps of bivalents are more abundant than mitotic metaphase G-bands, while they are correspondent with mitotic early-metaphase G-bands. The result was found by using the chromosome 12 as a sample.


This paper analyzed the firstorder statistics of receive data′s sequences and deduced a channel estimation algorithm using the property of circulant Toeplitz matrix when using PN sequences as training sequences.


Using the data of the sunspot number and based on its characteristics the time sequence of the magnetic index of the sunspot magnetic field is established. The intensity of the South Asia summer monsoon circulation index is established using the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data from 1948to 2006 and the relationship between them is analyzed.


Using the diagnosis method of IEUNIM, the initial multi-weights are gained by classifying the space of fault character and the identification of network is improved greatly by using K-means Clustering.


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Using Our Feet
Are You Using Me?
(Lord It's Hard To Be Happy When You're Not) Using The Metric System
Without Using Hands

The X-ray diffract was used to analyze the crystal structure of the composite. Results show that after the talc was treated with blend coupling agent, the crystal structure of talc changed, and effect Intercalation phenomenon.


An authentic Maui wedding might require the services of a 'kahu', which is a Hawaiian minister.


Funds involving such cases are limited and there is no huge capital flight.
