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Firstly, reconstruct attractors in phase spaces using chaotic theory,Secondly fit the attractor s evolvement using BP neural networks, because selecting neural network s input training data using Euclid distance and correlation, improve neural network s associative memory and ratiocinative ability, can better fit the attractor s evolvement.


The time space regularity of overlying strata movement and damage induced by coal mining was studied using the dynamic mechanics model. The developing regularty of faults and bed separation as well as surface subsidence caused by mining was analyzed based on the geological and mining conditions of working face 5306 in Xinglongzhuang Coal Mine. The data explaination using the model is more reasonable than that using other models. So it can be used in practical mining activities.


Using the 294cc rotary engine, it can influence the maximum rpm and power of the engine output under the terms of using all kinds of length intake. Then it can find out the best length of intake of the rotary engine. In addition, under the terms of space limit of intake, it can influence the maximum rpm and power of the engine output when the intake is forced to limit on a certain length. To install a resonance in the intake system, according to the equation of Helmholtz, it can design the all kinds of size of the resonance. Using to change the volume and geometirc form of the resonance, it can find out the maximum rpm and horsepower of engine output in order to reduce the influence of the variation of engine intake length. Under the verification of the experimental result, this simple device can increase the rpm and horsepower of the rotary engine obviously to achieve the output performance that the engine requires to supply. Such the revisal of intake need the lower cost but it can obtain very obvious efficiency. It is a very feasible way.


Firstly, owing to the existing restriction with insufficient function while imitating the construction using top-down method of business software in common use, this text compiles three-dimensional finite element procedure of plasticity using the model of revisal Cambridge procedure, which better reflect the nature of soil and the force bore ;Secondly, utilizing the procedure compiled , the emulation analysis is used in the large-scale case, which study the responding law of the soil pressure around the case containing, the roof, sheet pile, wall and the floor with the progress of the construction in the course of the construction using top-down method and the distribution law of the stress in the real vehicle.


A new method of disease area mensuration and the percentage of diseases area of tea leaves with computer has been established by using Photoshop software to scan many leaves at the same time, and the further investigation also has been fulfilled. The results showed that when scanned with resolution 150 dpi,there were be short time to scanning and less disk space beenoccupied, and the effect as same as scanned with high -resolution. The results of disease area mensuration and percentage of diseases area of tea leaves using the new method also as same as the results using artificial mensuration, and the efficiency of the new method is much higher than the efficiency of artificial method.

摘 要:建立了通过对茶树叶片进行扫描,利用Photoshop软件同时获得多张叶片及其受害部位的像素值,从而快速计算茶树叶片受害面积以及受害面积百分率的测定方法,并对此方法进行了系统的研究,结果表明:扫描分辨率为150dpi时,扫描时间和存储占用空间较优,测定效果和高分辨率扫描效果基本一致,该方法测定结果与人工测定结果无显著差异,其效率远远高于人工测定。

Recent years as development of the computer and software, it becomes reality using numeric simulation to research grouting in clay. Using the software of PFC2D, the grouting in clay is lucubrated and such achievements are reached: Grouting technologies in existence grouting material and serosity are studied and rational methods are put forward in choosing grouting technology and serosity.(2) Base on numeric simulation biax test a method is explored to simulate clay with PFC2D.(3) A method is explored to simulate grouting using PFC2D.(4) The relation between serosity pressure and diffuseness of grouting in clay with different initial stress is studied.(5) The stress transformation of clay is studied during grouting.(6) The stress distribution is studied under different serosity pressure.(7) The normal stresss and shear stresss at any section are studied.


The content included (1) characterizing macropres shapes;(2) obtaining the index to charaterizing soil macropore quantificationally through digitalizing and analysising the photo of soil section;(3) comparing the shapes of macropores among soils, which reasons were discussed;(4) studying the influence of the zonal diversity, soil depth and land utilization on macropore characeristics;(5) estimating the space variability of macropore in the microscale using spore variability index;(6) analysising the connectivity and sinuosity of macropore using preferential flow breakthrough curve;(7) discussing the feasibility of indicating the preferential flow degree using macroporosity and macropore perimeter.


The experimental conditions for measurement on the content of aluminium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, phosphor, silicon and titanium using ICP-AES method according to GB/T6730.63—2006 have been tested and analyzed. In the experiments the iron ore sample is decomposed and extracted using sodium carbonate/sodium tetraborate with proper acidity as the flux and then a working curve is drawn up using extremely pure ferric oxide (F2O3) as the primitive. And in the end the correlation coefficient r attains to 0.999 and above.


A method for protecting channel error code resistance ability of low speed vocoder includes applying improved Chinese plain code and BCH code to separately protect voice parameter in voiceless and voiced sound frames at coding end, using BCH code to recover relevant parameters of voiceless sound frame and using maximum post verification probability rule to recover parameter of voiceless sound accurately for voiced sound frame then using line spectrum to parameter anti-error code algorithm to recover line spectrum to parameter at decoding end.

该方法在编码端改变2.4kb/s SELP编码后清音帧清浊音参数的发送模式;采用BCH码和改进的(7,4)汉明码分别保护清音和浊音帧中的语音参数;在解码端,根据信源信道的联合特性采用分支判决确定清浊音;对于清音帧采用相应BCH码恢复出对应参数,对于浊音帧采用基于长时统计特性的最大后验概率准则恢复清浊音参数,并解码出线谱对参数第一级并对残留误码的线谱对参数采用线谱对参数抗误码算法恢复。

Aimed at the problem of choosing the initial value when the Newton method is used to compute the controlling unstable equilibrium point, a practical and rigorous solving scheme was presented: by identifying the controlling load bus of the given fault, and using the Thevenin equivalent circuit to represent the rest of the system at the state of the post disturbance stable equilibrium point, using the steady equivalent circuit to represent the induction motor in composite load, and then using the torque characteristics of induction motor, a point near the CUEP is gained to be the initial value. The second order normal forms was used to approximate the stable manifold of CUEP, and the local approximating boundary of the region of attraction of the post disturbance stable equilibrium point was gained. Then just by simulating the state of the system at the fault clearing time, the transient voltage stability of the system could be determined.

针对采用牛顿法求取故障后系统主导不稳定平衡点(controlling unstable equilibrium point,CUEP)存在的初值选取难题,提出一种实用但不失严谨的解决方案:通过识别给定故障的主导负荷母线,对主导负荷母线以外系统由故障后稳定平衡点处的状态进行戴维南等值,对负荷中感应电动机部分采用其稳态等值电路,再由感应电动机的转矩特性求得CUEP附近的一个点作为近似的CUEP,以此为迭代初值可靠求得CUEP;采用二阶正规型来近似CUEP的稳定流形的方法求得近似的局部吸引域边界;由仿真得到故障清除时刻系统的状态并根据该状态是否位于吸引域内判断系统的暂态电压稳定性。

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Using Our Feet
Are You Using Me?
(Lord It's Hard To Be Happy When You're Not) Using The Metric System
Without Using Hands

It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
