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Union flag相关的网络例句

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与 Union flag 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Governor's flag into the homes of the Union Jack, returned to Hong Kong for the British crown colony.


September 2 2 9 8 9 on 3 on class; The head of the school lesson preparation; Nothing exceptional about the meeting; Subject race meeting; Classes begin implementation of the system of weeks;"Bedroom time management of several of the provisions," the introduction and implementation; The new semester the first flag-raising ceremony; Duty system introduced; canteens, supermarket food safety inspections; teachers reported elective subject; each class member of the study; Moral Education classes started three games; 12,000 (1); high school entrance exams of March 8 (1); military theme Blackboard competitions; grade paragraph (1); union convened meetings of the Committee.

9月2日-9月8日 9月3日正式上课;全校备课组长会议;教研组长会议;学科竞赛工作会议;班值周制度开始实施;《寝室管理时间的若干规定》的出台和实施;新学期第一次升旗仪式;值日制度开始实施;食堂、超市食品安全检查;教师选修课课题上报;各班学习委员会议;班级德育三项竞赛启动;主题班会;高三八校联考分析会(1);军训活动主题黑板报评比;分级段会议一);召开工会委员会会议。

Each state in the Union has an official flag.


The Union lack is the national flag of_.


Albarn spent much of the set behind his keyboard, which was covered by a Union Jack flag.


Finnish athletes were told that they would have to march under the flag of the Soviet Union, not the flag of Finland, and they chose not to carry any flag at all.


Good show, advice from those of us who are still British is dump most ofvalues or what people know us for, increase the use of the union flag as


Good show, advice from those of us who are still British is dump most of theor what people know us for, increase the use of the union flag as the


Well done China, well presented games, Boris came across well, showed we have a good mayor, who knows what London has to do to ensure we put on a good show, advice from those of us who are still British is dump most of the things in the 8 minutes as they are not in tune with London/British values or what people know us for, increase the use of the union flag as the useless logo looks half useful in that guise!


Well done China, well presented games, Boris came across well, showed we have a good mayor, who knows what London has to do to ensure we put on a good show, advice from those of us who are still British is dump most of the things in the 8 minutes as they are not in tune with London/British values or what people know us for, increase the use of the union flag as the useless logo looks half useful in that guise!


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This brought fixed cost, but it also is meant at the same time use a source to won't make you singlehanded assume a problem.


He gained a small fortune in real estate.


Well I do not accept second-place for the United States of America.
