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UV rays相关的网络例句

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与 UV rays 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This product has an excellent resistance to UV rays and it is available in solid form.


The rocks and gravel provide more area for bacteria and protect the liner from UV rays.


There are three types of UV rays: UVA, UVB and UVC.


Over-exposure to UV rays means a significantly increased risk for skin cancer, which is the world's most commonly diagnosed cancer.


In addition, the biofilms were treated with UV rays.


For example, synthetic rubber is replacing natural rubber, providing a higher resistance against oil and UV rays.


Sunshine is a significant source of vitamin D because UV rays from sunlight trigger vitamin D synthesis in the skin.

阳光是一个重要来源的维生素D ,因为阳光紫外线引起维生素D的合成皮肤。

Biofilms are resistant to UV rays and can not be removed easily after formation.


Sunscreen – protects you from harmful UV rays and keeps your skin looking smooth and young.


Long hair tends to be damaged if exposed to the UV rays of the sun.


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The somatic cell count of goat milk is higher than that of cow and sheep milk due to its apocrine secretory system.


Third, based on the example of over proof on-load loss in 180MVA/220kV power transformer, the eddy loss in winding is analyzed with the leakage flux element software. Some conclusions with practical use are given. In order to reduce the load loss, primarily we should reduce radial leakage flux of transformer possibily.


The inkstones are the traditional famous specialities of China.

摘 要 砚台是我国的传统名特产品。