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与 UP 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

As everyone knows, since the Chinese Government to lift the ban, brought about a turning point to the Chinese, have the Chinese language schools throughout the country in l966, despite being banned, but the friendship between the alumni are still not absolutely continuous with the Chinese culture is still Needless relationship doubt, as a link in the activities of various alumni lifting of the ban after the Chinese, have sprung up, the Chinese Government attaches importance is reflected not only in the highest levels of policy making, but also for the Chinese to take quite open attitude, in such historical conditions , Alumni play a vital role in the major cities and towns are active in the Chinese one by one from the Chinese community organizations to set up non-professional Chorus and Choir, alumni, such as silver will be the enthusiasm of the growing number of aspects, As people on the amateur requirements of the diverse cultural life, especially Chinese singing is still the largest of the fun of life, the choral music as a form of life as an option, the activities carried out by the chorus, not the pursuit of music career the highest ideals, only enriched the cultural life of Chinese amateur in the chorus of collective experience in the art of choral charm problems, temperament, for the building of a harmonious society.

而他们选择了前者, They chose the former,众所周知,自政府解除对华文的禁令,给华人带来了转机,曾经遍布全国的华文学校虽然在l966年被查禁,但校友之间的情谊仍然绵绵不绝、与中华文化的亲缘关系仍是毋庸置疑,以此为纽带,各类校友的活动在华文解禁之后,如雨后春笋般涌现出来,目前政府对于华文的重视不仅体现在最高决策层,还对于华文采取相当开放的态度,在这样的历史条件下,使校友会发挥巨大的作用,当前各大中城市和乡镇中活跃着一个又一个由华人华社组织兴办非专业合唱团和歌咏团、校友会、银会的热情等方面数量日益增长,也随着人们对业余文化生活要求的多样化,尤其唱歌仍然是华人生活中最大的乐趣,把合唱作为音乐艺术的一种形式,生活的一种选择,通过合唱活动的开展,不追求音乐艺术生涯的最高理想,仅仅丰富了华人的业余文化生活,在合唱的集体中感受合唱艺术的魅力,陶冶性情,为构建和谐社会作出贡献。

We analyzed the influence of topologized structure to absorbing character, and set up a fully binding-up model based on our experience, demonstrated by ZnS nanocrystal absorbing spectrum data.


Results:59.9% of first episode schizophrenic patients had a good global outcome at the end of two years follow-up,the main influential factors are maintenance treatment during follow-up,social supports,poverty of thought,attention disturbance,premorbid level of occupational function and abulia.

结果:首发精神分裂症2 a随访时结局良好者达59.9%,影响其近期结局的主要因素为:随访期服药治疗情况、社会支持、思维贫乏、注意障碍、病前职业功能水平、意志缺乏。

In the five years, I want to make an accountant, but do not represent an accountant, I gave up what I read English, English I will still try to read to write, I want to make an accountant might some difficulty, because I haven't got up to still study accountant evidence, but after I graduate, and heart to still study accountant evidence of accounting work, I now is in the first year of the financial, therefore, I will go to the training examination, I find an accountant, then the third, four, five years later will work harder upwards, but also a layer of development, I will study English hard


Through the research on the fire burning in an atrium used as accoutrement mall, it is found that the impact of venting rate, make-up air inlets" positions and make-up air flux on a fire growth is comparatively great. At one time it is indicated that in the beginning phase a fire in an accoutrement mall is "linear and undulate" fire in terms of gravity ventilation. Whereas, it is "fire in terms of mechanical ventilation.


A pulmonary acinus is defined as that portion of lung distal to the terminal bronchiole, and up to 12 acini can make up one secondary pulmonary lobule.


If you have an action shot to work on, set up a camera and get up and actually DO the action.


William and I marveled at the clockwork like efficiency of the bus station in action, two busses would pull up at the same time to accommodate the hoards of people and then within 5 minutes, two more would show up.


The fundamental problem is whether the censorship can be actionable set up, how to set up.


Results showed that the Pd/C catalyst prepard from activated carbon treated with complex oxidants (10% H2O2 and 1% oxidant G) can increase the utilization rate of palladium up to 96.4% and dehydroabietic acid up to 68.4%.

结果表明:用10% H2O2和1%强氧化物G的复合氧化剂对椰壳活性炭(粒径150~250μm)进行预处理,制得的Pd/C催化剂,可以使把利用率达到96.4%,去氢枞酸高达68.4%。

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Chin Up, Cheer Up
Up, Up And Away
Up Up Up Up Up Up
Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
Up! Up! Up!
Roll It Up, Light It Up, Smoke It Up
Wrapped Up, Tied Up, Tangled Up
Up Up Up
Up Up Up
Up Up Up

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
