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与 U.C. 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Recombinant ptotein made up 39.2%(pET-20b-bglA) and 33.5%(pET-28a-bglA) of the total proteins in the intracellular fraction, the solubility proportion of the enzyme up to 32.8%(pET-20b-bglA) and 40.1%(pET-28a-bglA), the activities of the enzyme were 66.8 (pET-20b-bglA) and 71.2 U/mg (pET-28a-bglA). These results showed that E. coli BL21-CodonPlus (DE3)-RIL with argU tRNA, ileY tRNA and leuW tRNA genes helped to improve expression of the enzyme through enhanced identification of the rare codons AGA/AGG, AUA and CUA. Further optimized the conditions for inducing, the solubility proportion of the enzyme was 70.6% at 16 °C and 1.2 times higher than 37 °C. The solubility proportion of the enzyme increased from 12.3% to 32.8% when IPTG concentrations dropped from 1000 μM to 25 μM. The recombinant enzyme was purified by heat treatment, DEAE Sepharose anion-exchange chromatography and TOYOPEARL HW-55F.

maritima MSB8 的-葡萄糖苷酶基因 bglA克隆至表达载体 pET-20b 和 pET-28a,构建重组质粒 pET-20b-bglA 和 pET-28a-bglA,然后转化不同大肠杆菌 E.coli 宿主,Tm-SIGlA 在 E.coli BL21-CodonPlus(DE3)-RIL 中获得高效表达,重组蛋白的表达量为 33.5%(pET-28a-bglA)和 39.2%(pET-20b-bglA),可溶性比例为 32.8%(pET-20b-bglA)和 40.1%(pET-28a-bglA),比酶活达 66.8 (pET-20b-bglA)和 71.2 U/mg (pET-28a-bglA),这些结果表明,E.coli BL21-CodonPlus(DE3)-RIL 宿主带有的 argU tRNA、ileY tRNA 和 leuW tRNA 基因,分别增强对稀有密码子 AGA/AGG、AUA 和 CUA 的识别,有助于提高该酶在 E.coli 中的表达;进一步优化诱导条件,重组 E.coli BL21-CodonPlus(DE3)-RIL/pET-20b-bglA 在 37 ℃下诱导培养,IPTG 浓度由 1000 μM 降至 25 μM,目的蛋白可溶性表达由 12.3%增至 32.8%,提高 1.7 倍,16 ℃下低温诱导实现目的蛋白 70.6%的可溶性表达,较 37 ℃下诱导培养提高 1.2 倍。

The Meingitis C vaccine is designed to protect against bacterial disease caused by the C strain of the meningococcus pathogen—just 20 percent of all cases in the U.S. and 40 percent in the U.K.


You can also use the /U command-line option to unprotect the primary file, and the /C option to clear the keys for that project.


Present fluidized bed designs do not consider the effect of biofilm, but the fluidization of bioparticles is different to that of smooth carriers, thus terminal free-fall velocity u in Richardson-Zaki equation and drag coefficient C should be modified.


In 2004 Zhang Zhongfu presented the concept ofadjacent vertex distinguishing total coloring whose content is: Let G be a connectedsimple graph with order at least 2, k be a positive integer and f be a mappling fromV∪E to {1,2,...,k}. Let C={f}∪{f|uv∈E,v∈V}for all u∈V. If (1) for any uv, vw∈E,u≠w, we have f≠f;(2) for any uv∈E, we have f≠f, f≠f, f≠f,then f is called a k-proper total coloring of graph G.


Next,similar to the studies of Friedland-Hersonsky inequalities in norm form and Martininequalities for discrete groups of 〓,we establish 〓 type inequalitiesfor subgroups of unitary transformation group U(1,n,C)in complex hyperbolicspace 〓 and we also give several 〓 type inequalities in the form of fgfg〓for the norm algebra 〓 in C.


BMSCs were isolated from adult rats by modified bone marrow culture method. BMSCs were inoculated in basic medium containing 10%fetal bovine serum, high glucose DMEM, 100 U/L penicillin, 100 U/L streptomycin and 2 mmol/L glutamine in the control group. BMSCs were inoculated in conditioned medium (basic medium, 10 mmol/L β-glycerophosphoric sodium, 10-7 mol/L dexamethasone, 50 mg/L vitamin C).

通过改良的骨髓培养法分离成年大鼠骨髓间充质干细胞,对照组以基础培养液(10%胎牛血清+高糖DMEM+100U/L青霉素+100 U/L链霉素+2 mmol/L谷氨酰胺)培养,实验组用条件培养液(基础培养液,10 mmol/Lβ-甘油磷酸纳,10-7 mol/L地塞米松,50 mg/L维生素C)进行诱导培养。

In this study, bound residues of [C ring-U-14 C] ZJ0273 in three kinds of soil and dynamics distribution in humus fulvic acid, humin and humic acid were studied by using 14C isotope tracer technique.


Methods:All the 40 Winstar rats were divided into four groups:group A:the rats were fed with normal diet,group B:the rats were fed with only high|cholesterol diet(no vitamin D3),group C:the rats were treated with one intramuscularly injection of vitamin D3(300 000 U/kg) and were denudated of endothelium,followed by high|cholesterol diet,group D:the rats were treated with 5% chitosan added into the diet besides treatment as group C.Ninety days later,the formation of atherosclerosis plaques and the activities of nitric oxide synthase in aortas in the four group rats were investigated.

40只Wistar大鼠均分为:A组;B组:饲以高脂饲料(不含维生素D3);C组:一次性给予大鼠维生素D3(30万U/kg体重)肌肉注射,以球囊损伤主动脉内皮和饲以含维生素D3(1.25×106U/kg)的高脂饲料;D组在C组的基础上饲料中加入5%壳聚糖。90 d后检测主动脉动脉粥样硬化斑块形成及NOS的活性。

The 4th left rib was cut and a model of left coronary artery occlusion/release was carried outo Rats were divided randomly into 4 groups: control group without LCA occlusion (group A, n=6);I/R group(group B, n=6); ketamine(5mg.kg-1)+I/R group (group C, n=6); ketamine(10mg.kg-1)+I/R group(group D,n=6)o All rats in groups B, C , D were subjected to 30 minutes of LCA occlusion followed by 120minutes of reperfusion. Rats in group C and D were injected with 5mg.kg-1 and 10mg.kg-1 of ketamine before reperfusion, respectively. Significant electrocardiogram and color changes at the area at risk were considered indicative of successful coronary occlusion and reperfusionc Serum was exampled from left jugular vein at 30 minutes and 120 minutes during reperfusion to measure IL-6 and TNF- level by ELISA measurements. After reperfusion of 120 minutes, the heart was removed and the cardiac apex was exampled with snap-frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at -70 C .

采用左冠状动脉前降支结扎开放建立心肌缺血/再灌注模型,健康SD大鼠24只,随机分为心包打开假手术组(A组,n=6),缺血/再灌注对照组(B组,n=6),5 mg·kg~(-1)氯胺酮+缺血/再灌注组C组,n=6,缺血30min后右腹股静脉注入5 mg·kg~(-1氯胺酮,10mg·kg~(-1)KTM+I/R组D组,n=6,缺血30min后右腹股静脉注入10 mg·kg~(-1氯胺酮。10%水合氯醛40 mg·kg~(-1)腹腔注射麻醉,气管切开,连接多功能监护仪记录心电图;小动物呼吸机人工呼吸,呼吸频率60次/分,潮气量2ml/100g,于左胸第四肋间打开胸腔暴露心脏,在左心耳下1mm左冠状动脉处,用丝线,眼科外用不锈钢小圆针穿过心肌浅层,稳定10min后将U型含有铜丝的胶管置于冠状动脉表面一起结扎(A组不结扎,B、C、D组结扎);结扎开始左心室心尖部即由红色变暗,30 min后呈暗红色,心电图中出现S-T段抬高,说明缺血形成。

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U.M.C. (Upper Middle Class)
C U When U Get There
Never Wanna C U Again
If U C Kate
S.U.C. 4 Life

I can still vividly recall the impressive scenes you gave. You were among my friends and relatives who accompanied me from my house to the seaport and when the porters were slow to show up, you obligingly carried my suitcase for me.


St. Nicholas became the patron saint of Russia, where he was famous for his red cape, flowing white beard, and bishop's mitre.


Long periods of seeming invincibility. Though some industries or lines of business exhibit characteristics that endow leaders with virtually insurmountable advantages, and that tend to establish Survival of the Fattest as almost a natural law, most do not. Thus, for every Inevitable, there are dozens of Impostors, companies now riding high but vulnerable to competitive attacks. Considering what it takes to be an Inevitable, Charlie and I recognize that we will never be able to come up with a Nifty Fifty or even a Twinkling Twenty. To the Inevitables in our portfolio, therefore, we add a few "Highly Probables."
