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与 U.C. 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Know that we have recently been appointed agents for the sale in this c o u n t ry of the computers of three of the leading American manufacturers.


You must a c q u a i n t yourself with your new duties.


Heat shrinkable packer is automatic successive shrinkable packaging device and is the latest pattern in our c o u n try, using quartz farness ultrared rays tube and electricity-saving (may save more than 15%); the humidity of shrinking and the conveying rate of the electric machine is adjusted, and the adjusting range is extensive; Original creation roller rotation devise and can work continuously.

产品说明: TW-500热收缩包装机/热收缩机/热收缩膜包装机/热收缩膜机/烘乾炉/烤箱:是目前国内最新型的自动连续收缩包装设备,采用石英远红外管加热,节电高效(节电15%以上);收缩湿度和电机机传机速度稳定可调,且调节范围广;独创滚筒自转装置,可连续工作。

There are three copies of R fragment in the S mt-genome, and each copy contains two closely adjacent open reading frames: orf355 and orf77. Among these three copies two BamHI fragments were cloned, and the sequence analysis showed that cox1 and cox2 gene lies upstream of the R region in each fragment, respectively. However, they locate in different strands and head to head with R. In this study, we found that:(1) The expression of cox1 and cox2 is not affected by the transcription of R region;(2) The two copies of R region transcribe in large amount in the microspores, and produce transcripts of 1.6kb and 2.8kb, respectively, in the sterile microspores; However, the abundance of these two transcripts is reduced in the fertility restored microspores, realized through the mRNA decay, and this reduction occurs at the uninucleate microspore stage;(3) In the sterile microspores, the 5 terminus of the 1.6kb transcript contains a palindrome region that can fold into a stem-loop.

本研究发现:(1) cox1和cox2的转录没有受到R区转录的影响;(2)两个拷贝的R区在在不育花粉中高丰度表达,其转录本大小分别为1.6kb和2.8kb;而在育性恢复的花粉中,这两个转录本的丰度被大大降低,进一步分析表明这一结果是通过mRNA分子的降解途径来实现的,此降解过程发生在单核花粉期;(3)在不育花粉中,1.6kb转录本的5′末端具有一段可形成茎环结构的迴文对称序列,而在可育花粉中,其5′末端短缺了9个碱基;(4)在不育花粉和育性恢复的花粉中,R区转录本的加尾位点都集中位于一个3′茎环结构之后;(5)不管是在不育花粉还是育性恢复的花粉中,orf77区域内均在第52位和100位核苷酸处发生了不同频率的C向U的编辑,从而形成UGA终止密码;(6)不管是orf55-orf77的成熟转录本还是转录前体分子,都已被加上了Poly尾巴,表明已进入降解途径;在以上实验结果的基础上,本研究对S型CMS花粉育性的恢复机理进行了如下推测:在不育花粉和育性恢复的花粉中,orf77区域内均发生了终止编辑,即由RNA编辑产生了提前终止密码子。



If it isn't heaping praise and hyperbole on Adebayor, vaunting Torres, and telling us how useless Shevchenko and Pizarro are, it's telling us that Drogba has packed his bags already and is basically on the plane to Barcelona. We cannot replace him for all the money in the world and will be midtable at best when the big man leaves, obviously.

- F! I0 D, k1 T0 U s2 c 媒体积累了太多的对阿德巴约的赞扬,过度吹嘘托雷斯,而且告诉我们舍甫琴科和皮萨罗怎样没用,告诉我们德罗巴已经收拾好包袱在等待去巴萨罗那的飞机,如果不是这一切,用世界上所有的钱来换他,我们也不卖,即使是在他离开的时候,我们也会心情愉快的。

A is for Apple B is for Ball C Candle D is for Door E is for Egg F is for Fall G is for Grass H is for Hall I is for Ice J is for Jam K is for Kite L is for Lamb Mmmmmmmmm M Moonlight N Night O Orange P is for Pie Q is for Queen R is for Rain S is for Smile T is for Train Mmmmmmmmm U Umbrella V is for Vell W is for Whale X X-ray Y Yo yo Z is for Zero Mmmmmmmmm 持田香织是日本当红组合ELTEvery Little Thing


C+ w4 I" _" U x 8 O2 L i'm waisting my time, i got nothing to do.


Thousands of men and women work for television, radio, and newspapers in Washington, D. C. Their job is to let people in the United States and around the world know what the U.S. government is doing.


Z9 wwww.wangfans.com The usually efficient Wang was wild, and his high pitch count forced him from the game after he allowed four runs in five in nings.

- C6 X4 H M4 K U; C/ L9 'www.wangfans.com 通常投球非常有效率的小民今天表现走样,而他的高投球数也使他在投完五局失四分后黯然离场。

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U.M.C. (Upper Middle Class)
C U When U Get There
Never Wanna C U Again
If U C Kate
S.U.C. 4 Life

I can still vividly recall the impressive scenes you gave. You were among my friends and relatives who accompanied me from my house to the seaport and when the porters were slow to show up, you obligingly carried my suitcase for me.


St. Nicholas became the patron saint of Russia, where he was famous for his red cape, flowing white beard, and bishop's mitre.


Long periods of seeming invincibility. Though some industries or lines of business exhibit characteristics that endow leaders with virtually insurmountable advantages, and that tend to establish Survival of the Fattest as almost a natural law, most do not. Thus, for every Inevitable, there are dozens of Impostors, companies now riding high but vulnerable to competitive attacks. Considering what it takes to be an Inevitable, Charlie and I recognize that we will never be able to come up with a Nifty Fifty or even a Twinkling Twenty. To the Inevitables in our portfolio, therefore, we add a few "Highly Probables."
