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与 U.C. 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Of course we saw this sort of thing in Diablo 2, with the red 'n white gore from each use of Corpse Explosion, regardless whether the Necromancer used it on a skeleton, a Blunderbore, or a pile of gnats.

当然我们在暗黑2里也看到过类似的事情,死灵法师的尸爆也是不管在骨骼上,昆虫身体上等都是一样的红白的血液爆开。; U/ u; I% G2 e c H

Local names for a cowboy ('vaquero' is u sed especially in SW and C Texas; ' buckaroo ' is u sed especially in California).

对牛仔的内地称呼(vaquero特别在得科萨斯州的西南部和中部使用);buckr oo 特别在加利福尼亚州使用。

If I had been less c a u t i o u s I might have been more wise.


We are a nation of C h r i s t i a n s and M u s l i m s, J e w s and H i n d u s - and non-believers.


Wen Zhongyun uses cost-or-market method of domestic natural resources (t of s of o of C of e of c of r of u of o of s of e of R of c of i of t of s of e of D om namely DRC law) main to our country produce compares advantage level and fluctuant trend to undertake a case of a physically strong patient running a high fever or suffering from such disorders as stasis of blood is analysed, produce a construction to adjust agriculture, play compares an advantage to offer assist to occupy.

文中运用国内资源成本法(Domestic Resource Cost即 DRC法)对我国主要农产品比较优势水平及变动趋势进行实证分析,为调整农业生产结构,发挥比较优势提供佐据。

A- '0 l6 o! l/{/ x Your price inacceptable.

b! }1 c u+ N* U 你方价格可以接受。

U.S. Under Secretary of State Reuben Jeffreys presented the award to Cargill at a ceremony yesterday in Washington D.C., while Nor represented us in Beijing with the U.S. Ambassador.

昨天,美国副国务卿Reuben Jeffreys在华盛顿向嘉吉颁发了奖状,嘉吉中国总裁葛诺仁与美国驻华大使在北京通过视频会议参加了颁奖典礼。

The Prince Bo o k 5 Ho w C itie s o r Prin c ip a litie s Wh ic h Live d u n d e r Th e ir O w n La ws b e fo re Th e y We re O c c up ie d Sh o uld Be Ad m in iste re d When those states that are acquired, as has been said, are accustomed to living by their own laws and in liberty, there are three modes for those who want to hold them: first, ruin them; second, go there to live personally; third, let them live by their laws, taking tribute from them and creating within them an oligarchical state which keeps them friendly to you.

But in republics there is greater life, greater hatred, more desire for revenge; the memory of their 34 第五章 Book 5 第五章如何治理那些被占领之前有着自己法律的城邦和君主国如果被占领的国家如前所述,习惯于遵循自己的法律,而且是自由的,那么,想把它们掌握住,有三种办法:第一种是将它们夷为平地;第二种是您御驾亲临,驻扎在彼处;第三种办法是由着那儿的居民沿用他们的法律,对他们收取贡赋,建立一个对您友好的寡头政府统治他们。

O4 n9 r, O.~3 o( B6 C) u5 U+ U One day Les boldly went to the local radio station during his lunch break from mowing grass for the city.


ShangHai JunLong Forging Co., Ltd has established a strict quality assurance system and boasts advancdeinspecting and testing equipment, such as DV-4/26 elements, 30 channels spectrometer form BAIRD Comp. U.S.A., Analyzer for C.S.O2.H2 AND N2 from LECO COMP.U.S.A, 400KV X rays Detectorscope from U.S.A. Huse Comp, And large view microscope from Germany and austria, etc, the factory has the manufacturing license of pressure-resistant equipment for nuclear power station.


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U.M.C. (Upper Middle Class)
C U When U Get There
Never Wanna C U Again
If U C Kate
S.U.C. 4 Life

I can still vividly recall the impressive scenes you gave. You were among my friends and relatives who accompanied me from my house to the seaport and when the porters were slow to show up, you obligingly carried my suitcase for me.


St. Nicholas became the patron saint of Russia, where he was famous for his red cape, flowing white beard, and bishop's mitre.


Long periods of seeming invincibility. Though some industries or lines of business exhibit characteristics that endow leaders with virtually insurmountable advantages, and that tend to establish Survival of the Fattest as almost a natural law, most do not. Thus, for every Inevitable, there are dozens of Impostors, companies now riding high but vulnerable to competitive attacks. Considering what it takes to be an Inevitable, Charlie and I recognize that we will never be able to come up with a Nifty Fifty or even a Twinkling Twenty. To the Inevitables in our portfolio, therefore, we add a few "Highly Probables."
