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The Touch相关的网络例句

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与 The Touch 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I've played a stringed instrument for over 30 years, so I'm accustomed to the touch.


The touch condition of the first and second interlayer have greater influence to the tension stress of the bottom layer.The first interlayer has fatefully influence to the shear stress, while the touch condition of the third interlayer affects the compression strain of the top of ground.


However,not onlystones,flowers,and the furnishings of his houseturned to gold but,when he sat down to table,so did the food he ate andthe water he drank .midas soon begged to be freed from his wish,becausehe was fast dying of hunger and thirst.highlyamused ,dionysus told himto visit the source of the river pactolus and there wash himself.heobeyed,and was at oncefreed from the golden touch,but the sands of theriver pactolusare bright with gold to this day.

然而,变成金子的不仅仅是石块、花朵和屋内的陈设。他坐下吃饭时,他吃的食物和喝的水也都变成金子。过了不久,弥达斯恳求狄俄尼索斯使他从他那愿望中解脱开来,因为他饥渴交加,快死了。狄俄尼索斯逗弄弥达斯,开心得很。他叫弥达斯前往帕克托罗斯河的源头,在河里洗个澡。弥达斯依法行事,立即解除了点金术,但帕克托罗斯河的沙子至今因含金而闪闪发光。我们还常形容那些能赚钱的人,或者大富翁为Midas。而如果某人 have the Midas touch ,那手气一定相当好了。例如

Operationally, it's never been flatter than printer, no mater how flat I brush, and it's never been more photographic than photography, no matter how hard I draw. As a result, I tend to emphasize the hand-drawing characteristic and the contrived distinctness. Technology brings us convenience and rapidity, but my work shows some reaction against it. So far, the Technology could make one touch to complete all the things, and maybe in the future it could have made everything unlabored by just thinking. However, Technological operation makes physical perceptions getting degenerated, and the crisis of primordially physical degeneration is the fierce dilemma for me.

在身体的操作下意识到平涂即使再平最终也不会大於电脑影像输出,而在物体描绘的写实感也不会大於照片的真实感,所以转而强调手绘的真实性和人为刻意操弄下的距离,对於科技带来的便利性和快速性,在我的创作中某一程度显现了对科技的反动,但是科技的操作渐渐的让身体的感知退化,目前科技可以做到 one touch 就能办到生活的一切事情,而在以后甚至只需要动脑感应就可以达到很多劳动所不及的事情,如此身体的原始性逐步降低所带来的危机感正是我自身所处的一个拉扯状态,强调身体所操作出来的痕迹。

The current points from the four corners of the touch screen on the outflow of electrodes,and flows through four electrodes with a finger to the cUrrent 1.40 in direct Proportion to the distance,the controller calcuIated the position touch points.by four curre nt ratable exact count.


Selected the skill of non legato, respresented the characteristic of metal timbre on piano in three basic playing techniques, as research object, through the software of VOICEBOX, The MATLAB toolbox for speech processing, by sampling and cutting contrastive analysis both of the same with different playing touch ways on KAWAI upright piano, proved the known proposition with the physical quantity and the trend line graph, the auther explored the influence on resonant frequency by different touch key in non legato playing.

在钢琴3种基本弹奏法中,选例最能代表钢琴"金属性"音色特征的非连奏法为研究对象,通过"VOICE-BOX,The MATLAB toolbox for speech processing"软件,在立式"卡瓦依"钢琴上用不同奏法和相同奏法下不同触键方式的采样、切割对比分析,用求得的物理量和趋势线形图对已知命题加以证明,探究非连奏法中触键方式的不同,对共振频率的具体影响。

When it comes to the predicates of the semantic stratum, the author , according to the different conflation of five semantic components STATIVE, CHANGE, CAUSE, CONTACT and MOTION , divide verbs into eight types: stative, motion, change, cause, break, cut (CONTACT, MOTION, CAUSE and CHANGE), touch and hit.

在这一层中,作者引用了Levin 基于语义成分的对四个动词hit, touch, cut,和break的分类并把它延伸到英语性状小句中的动词分类,在此基础上,增加了四类动词:空间结构的静态动词,空间结构中的不延及他物的变化动词和不产生显著结果的动作动词及致使结构中不可省略性状成分的纯致使动词。

As the touch sensor to the finger board to any mobile, if the hand on the touch panel, the touchpad will lead to poor or slow response.


With the touch of a finger on the Life/point touch Panel, a homeowner can control the home's lights, thermostats and security systems, as well as listen to digital music thorough the house, view photos, videos, and DVDs and record television programme.


The Proface touch screen of Ditigal Company is employed in the touch screen system, with which, users can set up the parameters and inspect the working status easily. The feeding control system is designed in the way of electromagnetic vibration.

最后在PICMATE开发环境下,对主控制系统和电磁振动给料系统进行了调试;在ispLEVER5.0开发环境下,对ispLSI1032进行了电路的设计、仿真和配置下载;触摸屏画面程序采用专门的触摸屏开发软件GP-PRO/PBⅢ for Windows设计。

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You've Got' The Touch
The Touch Of Your Lips
Softer The Touch
The Touch Of Death
The Touch Me
The Touch Of Your Lips
Hot To The Touch, Cold On The Inside
I Have The Touch
The Touch
Lose The Touch

The reasons of iron ions content overproof in grade Ⅱ desalting water system,such as variation water quality,contamination of regenerant , operation adjustment of pretreatment system and switching operation of bed were discussed.


You were hired to drum up new business, so go and do it.


Who is in possession of this?
