英语人>网络例句>The Interpreter 相关的网络例句
The Interpreter相关的网络例句

查询词典 The Interpreter

与 The Interpreter 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

As we have learned," Gu Ge PowerWord " lest cost, Internet is changed, the machine translation technology of innovation is characteristic of 3 big core, covered the majority function of current translation software, the full text that includes 12 years to come to first degrees offer is interpreter, full interpreter, webpage interpreter waits for a function.


Therefore, this thesis, with Verschueren's Adaptation Theory as its theoretical framework, does not confine itself to the cultural interpretation only when dealing with the cause of pragmatic failure. Instead, it points out that the root cause of pragmatic failure is that in the course of communication either the utterer or the interpreter fails to adapt language to the communicative context, which is composed of language users, physical world, social world and mental world.

因此,文中对语用失误成因的分析跳出了文化因素的局限,以Jef Verschueren的顺应论为理论框架,全面地诠释了语用失误的根本原因是在言语交际过程中,由于交际的任何一方忽视了语言与交际语境诸因素,即语言使用者,物理世界,社会世界和心理世界的动态顺应造成的。

This paper aims to explain the cause of interlingual pragmatic failure and intralingual pragmatic failure with Verschueren's Adaptation Theory.It points out that the main cause of these two kinds of pragmatic failures is that in the course of communication either the utterer or the interpreter fails to adapt language to communicative context(i.e.,language users,physical world,social world and mental world).


The interpreter is the symbol's pragmatic dimension, while the designatum its semantic dimension, and, as a whole, the two dimensions play together as the 'meaning' of the symbol.


The interpreter plays an important role during the sail of whale watching. He or she can arouse interests among visitors in the relative issues of whale watching in Hualien, comfort the disappointment at not seeing whales, and help arouse general concern for interpretational education.


Some people claim that "unpatched" versions of the game do not freeze if the Dynarec is disabled (if that's true, then this might actually be a bug on the interpreter since the game should normally freeze).


One day his delegation was traveling in a bus in the open country.He ate a banana and carelessly tossed the peel out the window.It didn't seem to bother anyone,because all the passengers on the bus were Chinese —even the interpreter was a fellow countryman.


I am afraid your reporter or may be the interpreter got the wrong information from the man half-buried in the ruin.


Finally (1883) he was permitted to publish his own bilingual Russian and Turkish paper, Tercüman ("The Interpreter"), which, as a medium for the transmission of Western ideas and for the promotion of pan-Islamic and pan-Turkic unity, became the most influential Turkish newspaper of Russia.

最终于1883年,他得到出版自己的双语报纸 Tercüman 的允许,作为西方思想的传播媒介和泛伊斯兰和泛突厥团结的推进,这份报纸成为俄罗斯最有影响的突厥报纸。

Gadamerhold s the view that understanding is mutual and by means of hermeneutics and the fusion of horizon,illustrates the interpreter's understanding of thete xt,and claims that the difference of understanding is more precise thanbet ter understanding.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
