英语人>网络例句>The Interpreter 相关的网络例句
The Interpreter相关的网络例句

查询词典 The Interpreter

与 The Interpreter 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

After Lessing, however, a new-found distance between the present and the past caused interpreters to focus more concertedly on the text itself, because the author was no longer deemed accessible to the interpreter.


In other words, the data rather than the dogmatic presuppositions of the interpreter control the operation.


Fr Angelo Veneziani, the guardian of Nazareth, had discovered an extraordinary helper in Luis Kalil, the interpreter for the friary in Nazareth, who began to restore the three uncovered spaces.

纳匝肋的监护人Fr Angelo Veneziani在Luis Kalil找到了一个得力的助手,是个在纳匝肋的为小兄弟会士们的口译员,他开始修复这三个己发现的区域。

In the 43 years, his main job was editing and printing Chinese Repository in the first 20 years, and from 1856, he had been the interpreter and secretary of American Legation in China and had 9 times acted as the agent of American Commissioner-in-charge in China.


Wait for a method through metaphrase, free translation and transliteration, settle the translates medium culture factor of the word, realize the function of the interpreter that crosses culture intercourse truly.


In this process, the interpreter should choose the proper context and relate the speaker"s ostensive stimuli with his cognitive environments to infer the speaker"s intention, and then take into consideration the target audiences cognitive environment and reproduce this intention.


Based upon these analyses,this paper then continues to discuss the contextual factors on how to make choice of linguistic use from a variable range of possibilities in the process of interpreting,with its emphasis on how the interpreter should adapt to the metapramatic awareness.


It had been supposed some of the papers might be in the Arabian, romaic, or Turkish language, and the interpreter of the House was in attendance


The text is severed from its past and the interpreter stands at the far end of a yawning chasm with only the text in hand.


In other words, the interpreter brings to the text his own set of presuppositions which causes him to misunderstand the text.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
