英语人>网络例句>The Interpreter 相关的网络例句
The Interpreter相关的网络例句

查询词典 The Interpreter

与 The Interpreter 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The court is the last arbiter on all the country's laws, and the ultimate interpreter of the constitution.


In virtue of the given philosophical context of modern times, which held the preceding theories of interpreter and embracer, what had come on the scene was not the originally Marx's philosophical revolution, not the histo...

由于 作为诠释者和接受者之理论前见的特定的近代哲学境域,在这里出现的并不是作为本来意义上的马克思的哲学革命,并不是马克思实现哲学革命本身的历史,而是思辨哲学境域中的马克思的哲学革命,是近代形而上学视域中的马克思哲学革命的历史。

In a textual environment, the shell — the command interpreter — acts as an interface between you and the operating system…the shell is a high-level programming language.


When the command interpreter (the "shell") runs a program, three files are open, with file descriptors 0, 1, and 2, called the standard input, the standard output, and the standard error.


The basic organization of the UNIX filesystem, the idea of using a user process for the command interpreter, the general organization of the filesystem interface, and many other system characteristics come directly from Multics.

Unix 文件系统的基本组织,为命令解释器使用一个用户进程的理念,文件系统接口的总体结构以及许多其他的系统特性直接来自于 Multics 。

This command interpreter then executes the commands in the script, starting at the top (line following the sha-bang line), ignoring comments.


Though his English was not as good as that of some other Liberated Area youths, he was a much better interpreter than most because he never tried to propagandize me, never tried to impress me with the "New society," and always translated what I said, a thing you could not count on with some of the more ardent boys who sometimes deliberately mistranslated my too inquisitive questions or my interviewees' too free remarks.


As we all know ,the 2008 Olympic Game will be held inour country,I will be very happy to be a interpreter to helpforenigner to get familar with our country's culture well. When Iam at school,I am a broadcaster who is responsible for the Englishcolumn ,I have taken charge of it for 3 years,and it is wellreceived by listeners.


The resemblance is readily explained if we admit that Peter employed Sylvanus as interpreter, for the latter had been a companion of Paul, and would consequently have felt the influence of his doctrine and manner of speaking.


The straightforward forms of address and modes of expression of certain Scandinavian delegates could seem barely civil if put,say,into French or Italian;on the other hand,an artificially flowery style borrowed from another language could make a Swedish interpreter sound ridiculous.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
