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与 The Guard 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the fin219-null mutant background, GUS staining can be detected in the hydathode of cotyledons, and the guard cells around hydathodes. GUS staining are also found in the base of trichomes, hypocotyls and roots. In contrast, in the phyA mutant background, GUS-FIN219 was not expressed in the hypocotyls.


In view of a universities student psychology bearing capacity worse characteristic,newborn and primary,the psychology unblocks is the important link in particular,takes the guard measure,reduces gives blood the after ill response,prevented the serious response,guarantees in the school university student's safety,has the positive sense.


Yadekeluo ancient continent of coexistence of the two kingdoms are to the west of Reims and in the east of the country Josep, two of the Kingdom of China was in the middle of a river separating the guard, a long time between the two countries from each other, Even the ordinary transactions had not.


He also attended the lectures of Claudius Severus,21 an adherent of the Peripatetic school, but he received most instruction from Junius Rusticus, whom he ever revered and whose disciple he became, a man esteemed in both private and public life, and exceedingly well acquainted with the Stoic system, with whom Marcus shared all his counsels both public and private, whom he greeted with a kiss prior to the prefects of the guard,22 whom he even appointed consul for a second term,23 and whom after his death he asked the senate to honour with statues.


The king laughed.His guards led the captain of the guard,the steward and the chancellor out to give them the beatings.


The method for closing a recording medium includes the following steps: determining a position in which recognition information is to be recorded; recording valid data located after the determined position into an unrecorded area before the guard area; and recording the recognition information in the determined position.


After the fact of lessons written in blood and remedial measures adopted, all staffs of the project department have new ideas about safety work, corrected the previous wrong concepts on safety work, had further reflection upon the carelessness caused by the better safety situations in recent years, and realized that it is quite dangerous once your mind has been off the guard. Main persons of the project experienced the handling process of the matter in person, received profound education from the reality, and deeply realized that safety work shall always be put in the first place. Neglecting minor details can also cause major accidents; not only the whole safety work shall be taken into consideration but it shall be done bit by bit; only by carrying out the safety system strictly can the best effect of safety management be achieved, which in no way a lip service just in form; only when all staffs remain conscious of safety strongly all the time, is it possible to do the work of safety better.


With the development of the computer science, the computer room in universities is developing in the direction of opening, large-scale and automatic management. And the key to achieve automatic management of the computer room is the guard system.


This series product may take the enterprise, the guesthouse, the market and between the housing corridor, the staircase, the elevator, the bathroom, the storehouse and so on place the autoswitch, plays "the person to come the lamp from brightly, the person walks the lamp self-destroying" role, both novel is convenient, and frugal uses electricity, also can get up the deterrent in certain places to steal active the guard function.


Weaknesses: Defensively Tucker could stand to improve on his intensity … Doesn't seem to possess great anticipation skills nor the awareness to play the passing lanes … Ball handling, while improved, still isn't great … Perimeter shooting remains prone to streakiness … Not a great shooter coming off screens … Solid three point shooter when his feet are set but struggles to hit with regularity due in part to his slow release … Despite being a great athlete, Tucker rarely explodes off the dribble due to his average first step … Doesn't always use the mid-range jumper to his advantage, often he'll slash to the basket or shoot the three … From a position standpoint there is concern about what position he will play in the NBA … While blessed with athleticism, he may struggle to shoot consistently enough to play shooting guard and his height might be a detriment at small forward … While his game has progressed considerably over the past 5 years, one has to wonder how much more he can improve … Below average free throw shooting limits his ability to take full advantage of the contact he creates … BY Matthew Maurer

弱点:Tucker应坚持提高他在防守中的紧张程度。没有让大家看到令人期待的技能。边缘的投射仍然有些忧虑,犹豫。持球能力在提高,但仍然不是很好。。。三秒区也没意识到传球。在脱离掩护后不是名很好的射手。定点时稳定的3分射手。但他仍尽力使自己的得分更加稳定,有规律。很大程度是因为他的慢热。而且作为优秀的运动员,Tucker很少突然运球加速,因为他启动速度不是很快。。。他不总用他中距离跳投的优势,他经常slash to the basket或投射3分。。。他现在很担心忧虑自己将会在NBA中担任什么位置。。。当他有幸得到良好的运动热情,他可能去担当得分后卫而且他的身高不利于打SF。当他过去5年已经有了相当大的进步,人们都对他还有多大的提高空间感到疑问。他低于平均水准的罚球能力限制了他利用身体优势造对手犯规然后得分这种战术的实施。

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The Old Guard
Change Of The Guard
Who Will Guard The Guardians

I can still vividly recall the impressive scenes you gave. You were among my friends and relatives who accompanied me from my house to the seaport and when the porters were slow to show up, you obligingly carried my suitcase for me.


St. Nicholas became the patron saint of Russia, where he was famous for his red cape, flowing white beard, and bishop's mitre.


Long periods of seeming invincibility. Though some industries or lines of business exhibit characteristics that endow leaders with virtually insurmountable advantages, and that tend to establish Survival of the Fattest as almost a natural law, most do not. Thus, for every Inevitable, there are dozens of Impostors, companies now riding high but vulnerable to competitive attacks. Considering what it takes to be an Inevitable, Charlie and I recognize that we will never be able to come up with a Nifty Fifty or even a Twinkling Twenty. To the Inevitables in our portfolio, therefore, we add a few "Highly Probables."
