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Inspired by Terry Gilliam's Brazil , this title has nothing to do with Japan.
电影名受到Terry Gilliam的《巴西》影响,其实它和日本没有任何关系。
Terry Gilliam Everyone else in the group had to submit their material to the group. I didn't have to.
Terry Gilliam :组里面的每个人都必须向其他成员提交出他们写出来的材料,唯独我不需要。
Terry Gilliam's Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas is a Wagnerian movie," he says."
Rowling's first choice for the director had been Monty Python member Terry Gilliam, as she is a fan of his work.
You see a credit in there - Dress Pattern Makers: Terry Gilliam and Tony Grisoni.
你会在字幕里看到"Dress Pattern Makers:Terry Gilliam和Tony Grisoni。"
No, I 'm not referring to the band of vertically-challenged thieves who time traveled through history with a little boy to steal treasures in that quirky 1981 Terry Gilliam movie.
不,我不是说在1981年由导演Terry Gilliam指导的那部离奇影片中和一位小男孩穿越时空去偷宝藏的一帮"海拔"不怎么地的贼们。
TERRY GILLIAM: Well, this is kind of a confession here: we've moved on from making films from scripts. scripts are very limited things.
Palin I always thought there was a good physical thing - there were two tall Pythons and three medium-sized Pythons, and then there was Terry Gilliam, who's positively stunted.
Palin:我以前总是想到我们有一个很好的身高搭配--有两个高个子和三个中等身材,然后是 Terry Gilliam 刚好是矮小的。
I worked a bit with Terry Griffiths at the end of last season and I'm doing more with him now.
A :上个赛季结束时我要和格里菲斯做一些工作,而且我现在也在和他共事。
Eg: Terry is a real hairsplitter.
- 相关中文对照歌词
- Pass In Time
- Dialogue Part I
- Money, Power And Fame
- Punky's Whips
- Backstreets
- Bob's Your Uncle
- Ant Rap
- Remarkable
- 4 AM
- Me & You & Terry & Julie
- 推荐网络例句
Customers of Intertek include some of the wld''s leading brs, maj global local companies.
The annual Ice Sculpture Festival in this town attracted all manner of people from all over the country.
This kind of description is in lack ofstrick classification and definition and is not indepth enough in delimitati-on.