英语人>网络例句>Terry 相关的网络例句

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与 Terry 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

"We are like little birds with our mouths open and you don't have to be very smart to know where to drop the worm," said Colonel Terry Ebbert, director of homeland security for New Orleans.

新奥尔良的紧急措施长官Terry Ebbert说:我们就象小鸟张着嘴,你不必用高智商来决定向哪里空投救济物品。

In 2001, Mr. Terry drunkenly taunted American tourists in a Heathrow Airport hotel in the immediate aftermath of the World Trade Center attacks.


Frogs should ideally be kept in their natural habitat, but flying them out was the only short-term solution, said Andrew Terry, Durrell's conservation manager.

Durrell的保护经理Andrew Terry说,在理想情况下,青蛙应该在自然栖息地,但是运离该岛是唯一的短期解决办法。

"Imagine being a caveman and having to eviscerate a dinosaur with your bare hands," Terry said.


Coach Henk Ten Cate has admitted his training ground, F-word row with Chelsea captain John Terry.


A trick that will help you deep lather through the Chow's double coat is to use a terry facecloth to rub in the shampoo.

将会经过吃饭的两倍外套帮助你深的肥皂泡的一个诡计将使用厚绒布 facecloth 在洗发精中擦。

Terry McDermott (LFC player 1974-82): Rome will never fade from my memory.


John Escolme and Jean Dong explore the ideas of London architect Sir Terry Farrel, whose pioneering plans for the capital are on display at the New London Architecture Galleries. Get the full story in On The Town.

主持人 John Escolme 和 Jean Dong早本期节目中会带大家一同来了解建筑师 Terry Farrel 爵士的一些大胆构想,这些构想和设计目前正在新伦敦建筑艺术馆内展出。

John Terry and Rio Ferdinand are first choice and they are two of the best central defenders in the world.


Terry, Stack, and Finley are KILLING US GOD I HATE THEM!!!!


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Pass In Time
Dialogue Part I
Money, Power And Fame
Punky's Whips
Bob's Your Uncle
Ant Rap
4 AM
Me & You & Terry & Julie

Customers of Intertek include some of the wld''s leading brs, maj global local companies.


The annual Ice Sculpture Festival in this town attracted all manner of people from all over the country.


This kind of description is in lack ofstrick classification and definition and is not indepth enough in delimitati-on.
