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Drawing on compelling interviews and new research, Terri Apter considers the many aspects of the sister relationship from birth through adulthood.
Terri Apter, Ph.D., is the author of You Don't Really Know Me and senior tutor at Newnham College, University of Cambridge, where she conducts research on family dynamics.
He' s a terri bl e man when he' s angry.
He also told the world why the terri ble war was being fought and why it was so important.
The distinction between PVS and minimal consciousness has caused legal problems for years now. High-profile cases — most notably that of Floridian Terri Schiavo, whose husband ended her life in 2005 over the vehement protestations of Republican politicians — demonstrate how emotional and legally contentious care for brain-injury patients can be.
现在在永久植物状态和最小意识状态划分上也有一些法律争议,引起媒体和舆论的高关注事件——最著名的要数佛罗里达州的Terri Schiavo事件,经过共和党成员强烈抗议她的丈夫在2005年结束了她的生命,这一事件展示了关于脑损伤患者情与法的激烈对抗。
Long-term supply of various types of specifications Polyester Pongee, Peach skin, satin, satin Friday the United States, Terri-lun, shower curtain, table cloth and Tencel, Modal, such as cloth.
Terri: Come with me. I'm going to show you something really special.
And this is my wife, Terri.
Terri: I don't want to sing any more.
Jeff: Terri, In your comments above, your point of view is more related to...
杰夫: Terri活动,在您的上述评论,您的角度来看,更是相关的。。。
- 相关中文对照歌词
- Terri
- House We've Been Calling Home
- The Inquiry Of Ms. Terri
- Funky Fresh Dressed
- More Freaky Tales
- No Big Deal
- Provider
- Anchor
- Big Spender
- Big Willie
- 推荐网络例句
Customers of Intertek include some of the wld''s leading brs, maj global local companies.
The annual Ice Sculpture Festival in this town attracted all manner of people from all over the country.
This kind of description is in lack ofstrick classification and definition and is not indepth enough in delimitati-on.