查询词典 Terrance
- 与 Terrance 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Terrance Conran had also worked for Mezzo which is founded by billionaire Terrance Conran, and his name came to be known.
A painting of the amusements on a moonlit water terrance shows Bakhat Singh and a female favourite on a low floral-decorated charpoy that has cushions at either end for support.
"I thought I would get off the bus, get in a car and go home, but it's good to see all these people," said First Sergeant Terrance Smith.
"我原本以为应该是走下巴士,乘一辆小汽车回家。但是在这里看到了那么多人。"军士长Terrance Smith说。
First Sergeant Terrance Smith never expected such a big welcome.
军士长Terrance Smith从来没想到如此盛大的欢迎仪式。
David became well known in London where he earned Terrance Conran's flagship restaurant Mezzo countless accolades for innovative and exciting dining.
David那具有新意和激动人心的菜肴在伦敦Terrance Conran的Mezzo旗舰餐厅获得了无数赞誉,他也因此声名远播。
Terrance was a toucan and since he was pretty sure he was very pretty, he felt sure everybody thought that they were pretty.
She hears screaming and is just in time to find Terrance Steadman alive.
Terrance: First of all, what were you doing in my car?
I'll send a warning letter to parents before more children see Terrance and Phillip.
And she knew Terrance was no challenge for Big Al.
- 相关中文对照歌词
- Needle Through A Bug
- Unsent
- Order 20 Keys
- Nostalgia
- Get Em
- Cowards & Soldiers
- Kurupted
- Sure Thing (Remix)
- Roman Holiday
- Nando's Song
- 推荐网络例句
Customers of Intertek include some of the wld''s leading brs, maj global local companies.
The annual Ice Sculpture Festival in this town attracted all manner of people from all over the country.
This kind of description is in lack ofstrick classification and definition and is not indepth enough in delimitati-on.