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Trunnion notch plates are attached to the insides of the left and right walls (when looking through the telescope) of the support box.
We turn the telescope towards corner number 3, until we can read 90 degrees on the scale.
我们把望远镜转向角3,直到我们能够在刻度尺上读出90 。
Several account matters,such as hard adjustment of the telescope,broken of the optical-lever mirror and unclarity of the staffs,on the instrument of measuring Young s modules are analyzed in this paper.
By leaving these two pieces unglued, the telescope may be focused simply by sliding the eyepiece part inside the objective part.
Another application: a liquid crystal pane held in front of the mirror of a telescope could be used to "unwrinkle" light that has passed through Earth's turbulent atmosphere. Such adaptive optics telescopes could gain a crystal-clear view of the heavens from Earth's surface.
Located about 12 million light-years away in the Ursa Major constellation, M81 is among the brightest of the galaxies visible by telescope from Earth.
位于约1200万光年之遥,在大熊星座主要星座, M81 ,是其中最亮的星系由地球的望远镜可以看得见。
Astronomers selected an uncluttered area of the sky in the constellation Ursa Major and pointed the Hubble Space Telescope at a single spot for 10 days.
天文学家选了一个在Ursa Major座方向看起来并不拥挤的天空,将哈伯望远镜对准之拍摄了十天。
One of the new telescope's first images shows a favorite of astronomers, the nearby galaxy Messier 81, located in the constellation Ursa Major, which includes the Big Dipper.
新型望远镜发回的首批图象中有一张显示了天文学家的最爱---位于大熊星座(大熊星座包括了北斗七星)的邻近银河系Messier 81。
In order to improve the system of traditional optical lever, We use laser beam instead of the telescope and use photomask and vernier caliper instead of the scaleplate.
光杠杆系统[1 ] ,主要由光杠杆、望远镜和标尺组成,是测量微小长度变化的常用仪器。在普通物理实验中,一般用于测量杨氏模量[2 ] ,测量金属线胀系数[1 ] 等。
For'.'' measuring horizontal and vertical angles, consisting of a small tripod-mounted telescope.
- 相关中文对照歌词
- The Other End (Of The Telescope)
- Telescope
- Telescope
- The Other End (Of The Telescope)
- Telescope Eyes
- Telescope
- Blue Telescope
- Annie Use Your Telescope
- Telescope
- Telescope
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