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与 TO 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Due to has been widely used for many years as a compound preposition like owing to, but some critics have insisted that the adjectival status ofdue must be retained.

Due to 已多年被广泛地当作象 owing to 那样的复合介词使用,但批评者坚持认为应保持due 的形容词地位。

More over, the mode of B to B is bargaining between enterprises, and payment means, security and admeasurement are effectively resolved. It can reduce the cost and risk of B to C mode.

而B to B的经营模式因为做的是企业之间的交易,支付、安全、配送等问题都可以有效地解决,因此能够降低B to C带来的风险和成本。

First, we introduce and discuss the various methods of multivariate polynomial interpolation in the literature. Based on this study, we state multivariate Lagrange interpolation over again from algebraic geometry viewpoint:Given different interpolation nodes A1,A2 .....,An in the affine n-dimensional space Kn, and accordingly function values fi(i = 1,..., m), the question is how to find a polynomial p K[x1, x2,...,xn] satisfying the interpolation conditions:where X=(x1,X2,....,xn). Similarly with univariate problem, we have provedTheorem If the monomial ordering is given, a minimal ordering polynomial satisfying conditions (1) is uniquely exsisted.Such a polynomial can be computed by the Lagrange-Hermite interpolation algorithm introduced in chapter 2. Another statement for Lagrange interpolation problem is:Given monomials 1 ,2 ,.....,m from low degree to high one with respect to the ordering, some arbitrary values fi(i= 1,..., m), find a polynomial p, such thatIf there uniquely exists such an interpolation polynomial p{X, the interpolation problem is called properly posed.

文中首先对现有的多元多项式插值方法作了一个介绍和评述,在此基础上我们从代数几何观点重新讨论了多元Lagrange插值问题:给定n维仿射空间K~n中两两互异的点A_1,A_2,…,A_m,在结点A_i处给定函数值f_i(i=1,…,m),构造多项式p∈K[X_1,X_2,…,X_n],满足Lagrange插值条件:p=f_i,i=1,…,m (1)其中X=(X_1,X_2,…,X_n),与一元情形相似地,本文证明了定理满足插值条件(1)的多项式存在,并且按"序"最低的多项式是唯一的,上述多项式可利用第二章介绍的Lagrange-Hermite插值算法求出,Lagrange插值另一种描述是:按序从低到高给定单项式ω_1,ω_2,…,ω_m,对任意给定的f_1,f_2,…,f_m,构造多项式p,满足插值条件:p=sum from i=1 to m=Ai=f_i,i=1,…,m (2)如果插值多项式p存在且唯一,则称插值问题适定。

Software Description: XICalc is an integer calculator program with the following features: multiple precision integers with millions of digits; uses Hartley Transform to speed-up long multiplies; separate input and outputnotation, base 2 to base 36; greatest common divisor function; Modulo arithmetic options; Bernoullinumbers, Euler Numbers; Boolean functions; random number generator; prime factor algorithm using theElliptic Curve Method; number theoretic functions phi, sigma and tau; prime testing and searching using the Adleman function; algebraic notation; if-then-else statement; go-to statement; can run XICalc code from files; hot help from F1 key; and it抯 written in Microsoft Visual C#.

XICalc 是一款带有如下功能的综合性计算器软件:带有百万数位的多精度整数;使用 Hartley Transform 加速长整型多样化计算;以2到36为基数分隔输入和输出符号;最大公约数函数;模数算法选项;Bernoulli 数字;Euler 数字;布尔函数;随机数字生成器;使用圆周曲线算法的主要因素运算法则;π,τ,Σ的数字理论函数;使用 Adleman 函数的最初测试和搜索功能;代数符号;if-then-else 语法结构声明;go-to 语法结构声明;来自于文件的XICalc 代码;F1键的热点帮助;并且该软件是采用适用于 Windows 操作系统的微软 Visual C#。

Pierian : a . belonging to Pieria, a region of ancient Macedonia, the reputed home of the Muses, hence allusively in reference to poetry and learning.

使用 rather than 必须注意它所接名词或短语要用与主句的与之平行部分相同的形式,另外rather than 后加不定式 to do或不带to的不定式或动词过去式都有可能,只要主句有此结构。

Other options press the right arrow key during the regular preview display to select any of these options feather icon description self clock photo taken after a 10 second delay when the shutter button is pressed.with the camera mounted on a tripod,this can help prebent blur caused by jarring the camera when the shutter button is pressed.to take a photo at the exact time you wish and also reduce camera shake ,plug the included remore shutter button cable into the jack on the rear of the camera pod and use it instead of the shutter button on the camera swquence multiple frames 3frames are takenin rapid sequence when the shutter button is pressed video movie camera camera shoots a video clip when the shutter button is pressed ,with the resolution ,fuame rate and modedetermined by settings in the video size submenu under resolution in the main munu.the counter on the right side of the display indicated seconds.press the shutter button again to stop recordng press the right arrow key once more after the movie camera icon appears to return to normal still photo mode review display indications icon 1 battery indicator 2 file number 3 internal or sd card memory indicator 4 file type (JPH=still photo AVI=video file) 5 reviewmode indicator 6 video counter

其他选项按正确的箭头键在正规预览显示选择任何这样的选择羽毛图标的描述这张照片后自我时钟10秒延时当快门按钮是pressed.with相机三脚架上,这可以帮助prebent模糊图像造成突兀的快门按钮是pressed.to拍照的确切时间,你希望,也减少了相机抖动,塞了包括remore快门按钮电缆到杰克在后方的相机的小花数、荚果数和使用它,而不是在照相机快门按钮 swquence多帧序列是takenin时迅速3frames快门按钮被按下视频电影摄影机相机射视频剪辑当快门按钮按下时,这项决议,fuame率和模式(nurmal ro回路)由设置在视频大小子菜单中的主要munu.the决议计数器右侧的显示器显示seconds.press快门按钮停止recordng 按正确的箭头键后再一次电影摄像机图标似乎回到正常的还是照片模式回顾显示的指示图标, 1电池指示灯。 2档案号码 3内部或sd卡记忆文件存储位置指示器。 4文件类型(鼻咽喉科杂志==视频文件仍然照片的AVI)。 5评论模式指示器 6视频柜台

We go to great lengths to make those patches widely available, in an easy to find format, so that they will be useful to upstreams, and other distributions.

We go to great lengths to make those patches widely available, in an easy to find format, so that they will be useful to upstreams ,和其他发行版。

Sting Ray represents the first generation of programmable torpedoes and attention has been turned to the problems of how to harness the vast computer powers now available with their associated software programs, how to package the maximum computer power in the smallest possible space, and how to improve still further the processing and filtering techniques so vital to exclude extraneous noise and vibration.

分析:并列分句attention has been turned to the problems…里的the problems后的介词of 接有三个由疑问词how +动词不定式短语构成的并列成分。filtering techniques:滤波技术,鱼雷利用该技术可以滤掉海洋里产生的干扰声源和鱼雷在水里运动时产生的振动和噪声,所有这些干扰都会对装在鱼雷上的声纳产生干扰,从而影响其探测功能。译文:&鳐鱼&代表着第一代程序控制鱼雷。人们已经将注意力转到如何利用现有的巨大计算机能力及其相关软件程序,如何在尽可能小的空间内容纳最大的计算机能力,以及如何更进一步改进对于排除外来噪声和震动来说至关重要的处理与滤波技术等问题上。

Yangtze River glacier retreat has little to do with human factors Yangtze River glacier retreat has little to do with human factors Shangguan Dong-hui said that the short term, the glacier melt water to the Yangtze River has brought plenty of water, the surface, in the Northwest seems to be a good thing, but this supply led to the uneven seasonal river runoff in winter The early release of melt water, resulting in spring flood summer drought.

Yangtze River glacier retreat has little to do with human factors ;是由上海埃非凯阀门有限公司提供的阀门新闻,中文译文仅供参考(上海埃非凯阀门有限公司还生产疏水阀隔膜阀旋塞阀柱塞阀鸭嘴阀及电动调速蝶阀,气动通风蝶阀,美标波纹管闸阀,c,平行式双闸板闸阀,欢迎您的选购。)长江源冰川的退缩与人为因素关系不大上官冬辉说,短期内,冰川的融水给长江带来了充沛的水量,表面上看,对西北地区似乎是一件好事,但是,这种补给导致江河的径流量季节性不均,冬季的融水提前释放,从而造成春汛夏旱。

For the hyper-critical,"to boldly go where no man has gone before" should be "to go boldly…" It is good to be aware that inserting one or more words between "to" and a verb is not strictly speaking an error, and is often more expressive and graceful than moving the intervening words elsewhere; but so many people are offended by split infinitives that it is probably better to avoid them except when the alternatives sound strained and awkward.

对那些吹毛求疵的人来说,&to boldly go where no man has gone before&应为:&to go boldly…&。在介词&to&和动词之间插入一个或多个单词,严格说并没有什么错,而且往往比随意插入更优美、表达更充分,但很多人对分离不定式大为不满,认为除非更改会造成牵强附会和蹩脚,否则避免使用分离不定式可能会更好。

第5/100页 首页 < 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... > 尾页
Why Do You Have To Be So Hard To Love
To Be Young (Is To Be Sad, Is To Be High)
Learning To Make Love To You
Down To The River To Pray
Who To Listen To
(They Long To Be) Close To You
You've Got Me To Hold On To
Good To Me As I Am To You
I Used To Know How To Walk On Water
To Laugh Is To Know How To Live

But we don't care about Battlegrounds.


Ah! don't mention it, the butcher's shop is a horror.


Tristan, I have nowhere to send this letter and no reason to believe you wish to receive it.

Tristan ,我不知道把这信寄到哪里,也不知道你是否想收到它。