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与 System 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This paper focuses on the design and implementation of data transportation and communication in CGSE Control System, including communication system architecture design, module design and implementation of communication system, data exchange design and protocol encasement, data demonstration and backup system, driver model design and implementation.


On the political front, Junguo parallel implementation of the system, follow the example of the Han dynasty system, county enfeoffment system and parallel system, bureaucratic establishment and implementation of the central and local Bureaucracy, to ensure the effective control of the political and practical rule.


At present, there are two branches in the research of database security technology, which are secure database management system and enhancive database security system. According to the view of enhancive database security system, this paper takes the typical TCSEC model as reference. An agent system is built between database client and database server for secure communication, SQL parsing and access controlling.


In the development of this system, its security epically for resisting SQL Injection is researched primarily. A new resisting SQL Injection method via program validation and strengthening database security is put forward to reinforce the security of the system proposed in this paper.Combined with the practicality of XAUT hospital, this paper designs methods of EPR integration in different structure based on XML existing in centralized and distributive instance is designed, and an ophthalmologic electronic patient record system using XML which is a new hot research topic in the domain of medical system.

本文在对医院信息系统的研究热点——电子病历和XML技术进行研究的基础上,设计了在异构数据环境下基于XML的集中式和分散式的电子病历集成方法,并结合西安理工大学医院眼科的实际情况,设计了一个基于XML的眼科电子病西安理工大学硕士学位论文历系统, xAUT医院信息系统的设计与应用,提高了医院的工作效率和信息化程度,为医院的信息管理带来了方便。

This system is a distributed and distant communication system with PC as epigyny computer and 8098 SCM as hypogyny computers. The authors deeply research hardware structure and soft design of this system and draw up a plan for this system.


By rational designs of mechanical structure and plan, the system uses PLC as the core of control on site, and accomplishes control of the installment and debug of the system step by step by software configuring design of the touch panel. Industrial computer, the centre of monitor, control and management of the system, composes epigyny and hypogyny machines' real-time monitoring and controlling system with PLC by designing the communicative model and program, and accomplishes man-machine dialogue in form of suppositional panel by designing supervisory software. Meanwhile, we also adopt client/server model and realize long-distance supervision of impact sensitivity experiment by program designing.


This paper expatiate TP touch screen as a epigyny machine management system and the Plc system applied in the silicon oil emulsification and production,This system provide great advantage in the silicon oil emulsification and production,the main system specialties are the TP is communicated with PLC by RS232,greatly improving the efficiency of the silicon oil emusification and production with few malfunction and easy to real time inspection.

本文主要阐述了TP触摸屏作为上位机管理系统与 PLC通讯在硅油乳化生产中的实际应用,该系统在硅油乳化生产中有较大的优越性,系统特点是触摸屏与系统通过 RS232 串行通讯,达到管理与控制相结合,便于实时监控,减少了故障率,大大提高了硅油乳化的生产效率。

The application of DVB system which started with satellite living broadcast system was adoptted by CATV gradually. By the growing up of Internet, DVB system based on llnternet became the research object of researchers and engineers. However, narrow band and high error rate of Internet limited the application of DVB system which should transport lots of data on network.


This article by discussing the inheritance tax system, historical background and modern development, and described the inheritance tax system, the status of countries in the world and our inheritance in the history and development of the thesis focused on analyzing the inheritance tax system in the countries, as well as the development of our country , focused on the possibility of China's levy of estate duty, just under the market economy should be liable to estate duty should not put forward a personal view, with a view to benefit the development of China's inheritance system.


According to the requirements of the glass furnace, this system is proposed to use computer and PLC build up into one new control technique. Using this system, the technical requirements of varying of Petroleum, Pulverized Air and Exhaust Fume in the operation are guaranteed effectively. The system has overcome the disadvantage of the traditional control system.


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(The System Of) Doctor Tarr And Professor Fether
Beat The System
Their System Doesn't Work For You
System; Start
Victim Of The System
Infiltrating My Way Through The System
Solar System
Another Day In The System

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
