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与 System 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Chapter 2, development environment introduction, elucidation development environment of the system;Chapter 3,demand analysis; Chapter 4,system design, carry on total design and function design of the system;Chapter 5,database design and realization, carry on demand analysis(namely the database table design),the logic design(namely the relation of each talbe of database) and the design of the procedure process of the database; Chapter 6,system realization, introduce the carry out of main process of each module in this system;Chapter 7,system test, relate the movement and the test step of the system;Chapter 8,summary and outlook, scan widely future.


The holistic design of the system and resolved the designs of software and hardware based on VXI bus are put forward according to the demand of test system. The hardware and software is designed, including the formation and design of hardware system, visual instrument software architecture, program design for instrument driver, high speed real-time data collection. In the dynamic test program, the idea of"software is instrument"was applied to meet the diverse test demands. Last, it is proposed that the VXI test system be developed to more totalization and networked. The basic theory of system identification was introduced briefly at first. The principle of spectrum analysis system identification based on Wiener-Hopf equation was expatiated. and the questions in applying Peusdo Random signal as spectrum analysis methods stimulate signal was studied, The generation principle of the peusdo random signal is researched, the characteristic of peusdo random are analyzed from time domain and frequency domain, the inverse repeat peusdo random signal is brought forward to make up the shortage of ordinary peusdo random signal. And a new chaos genetic algorithmis presented to solve the unprecise problem of the traditional method. In the servo valve dynamic characteristic test system, the spectrum analysis methods was applied successfully, the servo valve dynamic characteristic could be acquired rapidly and exactly, the test results were analyzed and the ameliorate methods were brought forward at last.


Finally, the thesis will bring forward the strategies and suggestion of developing the industry, and as the following: firstly, enhance the well-bred breeding system of the main yellow-feather broiler as soon as possible from the inherit characteristics of broiler to Hong Kong; secondly, introduce advanced science and technology to reduce the ratio of feed consumed and meat and increase the economic benefit; thirdly, make the nutrition requirement of broiler standardization and the epidemic prevention system of poultry disease strengthen; fourthly, promote the enterprise to build the system of sincerity and trust to guarantee the quality of living chicken to Hong Kong; fifthly, make the management of veterinary medicine and quality supervising strengthen and forbid to use the contraband and unsanctified medicine and improve the system f rudimental medicine; sixthly, reinforce the hygiene and epidemic prevention in breeding room to improve the competition of living chicken in Hong Kong market; finally, introduce the system of HACCP, and carry out ISO9000 quality management system and ISO14000 environment management system, and adopt the advanced international way to manage the exported enterprises.


Firstly, this paper discussed the principle and agent theory, the corporate governance theory and supervision theory. Second, the paper analyzed special several-levels principle-agent relations of the state-owned enterprise, and used the principle -agent theory and the game theory to analyze several problems caused by this, such as the supervision function avianization about the owner, the enterpriser"s rent-seeking activity, the enterpriser"s conspiracy behavior and the insider control. Thirdly, the paper discussed the present situation of the supervision and restraint system from the management model of the three-levels authorization, financial general supervision system, the corporate governance and the outsider supervision and restraint system. The paper thought that the supervision and restraint system had the following problems: supervision and restraint system was imperfect, the property right restraint was lack, the restraint system was administrative and the supervision system was deformity.


I bring forward some suggestions on how to improve our governments function of public service according to governmental public service theory. That is, transform our opinion to service the public; transform the service function further, to make the governmental function stronger, weaker, or transformable; try to do economical service, social service better; strengthen overall system construction, build and perfect public service system; build electronic administration supervise system and government affairs consultable system; public information providing publicly system; build and perfect county level public financial system; perfect employment and social insurance system; carry out and perfect relative service rules; discover new public service ways to realize public service socially and market-oriented; to realize public service electronically; strengthen classified service, realizes the public service multiple supplies and the layered supplies; build a better public service team; Enhancement institution administration potency construction, implement science government service achievements management.


Culture"," culturology" and "the cultural system", are the basic categories in his culturological system. Based on them, there are the definition, category, nature and characteristics of "culture"; the object, mission, the research mode, and the development course of" culturology"; ten "basic types", three "the upper level types", the structure, and the mentality of "the cultural system"; the twin categories of "culture" and "society","culture" and "nature","culture" and "civilization","culturology" and" sociology"," the cultural system" and" natural system"," the cultural system" and" social system, etc.


Demandable market-oriented system will replace fractional planned system,competitive system will replace equalitarianis m,economic system,which is public ownership system as leading role and diversesectors of the economy will be developed with the public ownerˉship system,will replace the unitarily system of the ownership.


The precondition and key point to solve the problems occurred in the labor market in the Yangtze River Delta is to repair the adjustment function of the market system, that is the competition system, the price system, the supply and demand system and etc., to the labor market, clamp down those census registration administration system and relative labor system which have a character of discriminational color and identity difference, dredge the labor force circulation channel, eliminate the systematic system caused by the segmentation of the labor market step by step and set up an unified and more flexible labor market.


And the suggestion is that this system needs to be newly constructed from the following aspects: Firstly, immigration right must be added into the Constitution to guarantee the legal basis on what the rights of immigration system established; Secondly, the formulation of a unified China immigration laws change the current unified legal system; Thirdly, improve relief measures of the rights of immigration both from the public and private aspects; Fourthly, to establish a new unified border security inspection department for private business, to optimize the original setup of the department and to recon figurate the powers and rights; Fifthly, the restrictions on the discretion of the executive and administrative areas, stress the right immigration's central authority attribution All in all, the text begins with the basic contents of human rights of immigration, bases itself on the theoretical framework of human rights, adopts a historical point of view and vertical and horizontal comparative study methods, fully inspects and discusses other countries and regions'immigration system, critically scrutinizes the immigration-related regulations in China's the immigration system, and tries to build a immigration system theory and practice system that complies with China's practical circumstances by using constructive thinking and facilitates actual operation.


Itanalyses the essential factors, structure, environment as well as functions of high-techcorporation system and compares the similarities and differences between high-tech corporationsystem and traditional corporation system; it analyses characteristics in each stage of-high-techcorporation lifecycle as well as management roots which lead to the declination of high-techcorporation and researches into the similarities and differences between high-tech corporationlifecycle and other lifecycles, including traditional corporation lifecycle, industry lifecycle,product lifecycle and ecology lifecycle; it studies functional coupling in each stage of high-techcorporation lifecycle and puts forward ways to realize internal coupling of high-tech corporationsystem and external environment coupling; based on fundamental concepts of dissipativestructure, it summarizes six inherent laws of system evolution and on the basis of those laws itadvances six principles of high-tech corporation lifecycle management; it poses four sequentialparameters of high-tech corporation system, analyses coordinfition and competition between themand then it advanced four principles of high-tech corporation management; it researches intovarious cycles in high-tech corporation and puts forward five measures of high-tech corporationmanagement from the point of hypercycle theory; it studies the relations between cariousinnovation of high-tech corporation innovation system and sets up models of innovation motiveforces and resistances, after that it analyses the alternation laws of innovation motive forces andresistances in each stage of high-tech corporation lifecycle, puts forward some measures tostrengthen motive forces and lessen resistances and then from the angle of dissipative structuretheory, it researches into relevant questions of high-tech corporation innovation management; itstudies the location, identification, cultivation, cultivation and protection of high-tech corporationcore competence and researches into the key elements of core competence management in eachstage of lifecycle and then from the angle of synergetic, it discusses several questions ofhigh-tech corporation core competence management; it studies seven common characteristics ofsuccessful high-tech corporation culture and puts forward the ways and measures to cultivate andinnovate high-tech corporation culture after that it researches into the characteristics ofcorporation culture in each stage of lifecycle and discusses relevant questions of high-techcorporation culture management from the point of hypercycle theory;' it studies interplay ofhigh-tech corporation system and environment and researches into the development andmanagement of high-tech corporation ecology system after that it analyses the construction anddisintegration of high4ech corporation strategic alliance.


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(The System Of) Doctor Tarr And Professor Fether
Beat The System
Their System Doesn't Work For You
System; Start
Victim Of The System
Infiltrating My Way Through The System
Solar System
Another Day In The System

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
