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与 System 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

For finding out to agree with a point in the social responsibility of the business enterprise and the circulation the economic lawmaking, this selected works takes a market quasi- go into the system,manufacturer responsibility extension system,circulation economy evaluation the index sign system system,economic incentive system,the environment risk guard against system and across the profession coordination system to discuss how to enhance the business enterprise path of social responsibility in the circulation the economic lawmaking.


Firstly, the thesis mainly deals with major social pension system problems of market economy such as its target and orientation, pattern and degree in the condition of market economy. Then, I analyze numerous systems that constitute the reform of social pension system such as system construction, mechanism construction and institution construction, expounding the social pension system"s reform from system, mechanism, and institution three aspects in the way of from exteriority to interiority, from far - side to near - side, from low - level to high -level.At last, I put forward specific train of thought about how to perfect the social pension system"s reform, Analyzing the specific train of thought constituting pension balance through the analysis of pension balance through the analysis of the prediction the revenue and expenditure of pension.Analyzing the particular train of thought that further adjusting and improving the basic social pension budget through real calculation and research. Analyzing the system bound and developing direction of free employees through actual research. All these have key practical and deeply strategic significance in enriching reform theory, exploring reform method, instructing reform practice, as well as promoting the coordination of society and economy.


Laboratory equipment managements system is a typical management information system, the system is a software system that adapts to the urgent need of management of laboratory equipments to school, the development including two aspects, one is the establishment and maintenance of the background database , the other is the development of fore-end application. After analysis and comparison, we decide to use ASP and SQL as the development tools, use various object-oriented development tools. Especially the data window , an intelligent database objects which can control the database conveniently and simple. First establishes application system prototype in a short period of time, and then, carries out the need iteration on the initial prototype system, constantly revised and improved, till to the viable system that the users satisfy


That the system and closed-circuit television of outdoor including guarding against theft of the indoor warning system, fire fighting warning system and urgently seeks help the system and goes out the population brain and guards against theft to the system speaking and the coal gas to leak to report to the police makes a video recording the monitor system and the outdoor go the rounds as a night watchman the system registered one's attendance.


O the system should be put into an expending system to be dealt with, which includes the original system, the environment system and the band boundary. There are various complex interactive relationships between the original system and the environment system in an expending system; therefore the band boundary becomes a gradational boundary.


Jiangsu Zhongya Heavy Industries Co., Ltd is a professional company engaged in the design, installation, adjustment, repair and maintenance of the shield machine hydraulic system, centralized lubrication, grouting system, mudding system, pneumatic system, water supply and draining system, tail seal system, foam system and pipelines.


In this paper, searching technology of product information based on knowledge was researched. On the aspect of cognition, we researched the relation between user\'s cognition and designer\'s cognition, explored the knowledge flow in the process of product development, set up a matching model between user\'s knowledge and designer\'s knowledge, brought forward a modeling method based on users\' cognition, and set up a measurable model of product feature; coded and decoded product form element, set up a computer aided product form design system and image evaluating system based on the result of measurement. Accordingly, the product style and product image were systematically discussed, the recognition space of product style and image was constructed, the factors that affect product style and image were put forwards and analyzed, and the relation between product image and form elements was tested by experiments. Furthermore, the product automatic recognition technologies were discussed.And then, with the media of concept model and the kernel of parameter technology, a mathematic model that describing product layout design by constraints and rules was presented. Furthermore, a product design integration system based on imagery thinking including product fonii base system based on imagery thinking, product form design system based on imagery thinking and product form intelligent design system based on space layout were set up, which tested the system and provided a new way for product innovative design.


In accordance with these questions, one kind of method solving these issues was put forward in this text, and namely adopting mathematics to build the method of pattern, by w-ay of studying the big needle drum system of PASSIM's cigarette machine, to use the mathematical model of big needle drum system of " black box " method establishment, and uses whole parameter and the correlation coefficient to map out the big needle drum system mathematical model of least square method, the question time lapse that what in accordance with the system exists pure adopts Smith compensator to estimate the compensator in advance solving the issue of system lag, and uses whole fixed method of frequency conversion control engineering and PLC's control engineering and PID etc to put into effect transforming to the system, and finally by way of theory verify and reality to verify to prove the success of system transformation.


Specially, the author hopes to find whether the financial system development promotes the provincial per capita, the accumulation of provincial savings, the formation of provincial capital, the advancing of productivity, the bettering of industrial structure and the shaping of firms. Finally, according to the result of the empirical study, the author brings forward the Contradiction of Chinese Financial System Development during transition period. To explain the Contradiction, the author puts forward a hypothesis: time consistency and institution coupling of the optimal system arrangements. Within the hypothesis framework, the author analyses and explains the contradiction's essential, and seeks the reason of Chinese financial system development's path formation during transition period. After judging the efficiency of Chinese financial system development prudentially, the author gives his advices on how to drive Chinese financial system to the"Growth-Enhancing Financial System Development"path. The dissertation is divided into five chapters. It consists of as follows: Part I includes foreword and Chapter One"the review of financial development theory and literature". In foreword, the author expounds the fundamental definition and basic theory. In Chapter One, the author first analyses the"finance-growth"nexus in theory, and which constitutes the foundation of the concrete mechanism of finance affecting growth.


Noted by www.SSEweb.net 】 Yon CHUNG (1964-), Male; Member, Experts Group on Social System Engineering; Chief Expert on Social System Engineering, Realizer Beijing Institute of Social System Engineering; Research Fellow, Research Center of Intellectual Property, China University of Politics and Law; Attorney at law, Attorney at law, Realizer Beijing Law Firm; Director, The International Research Project on "Systems Thinking of Chinese Leadership"; Former Director, Center of Legal System Engineering, Central Leadership Institute of Politics and Law, and Former Superintendent, Comprehensive Teaching Department of Social System Engineering School, China University of Politics and Law. He has been exploring the Legal System Engineering, Somatic Science, etc. under the support and instruction of H.S.TSIEN (the progenitor of Engineering Cybernetics and Chinese rocketry, missilery, spaceflight and System Engineering) from early 1980s.

常远(1964-),男,社会系统工程专家组成员,北京实现者社会系统工程研究院首席社会系统工程专家,中国政法大学知识产权研究中心研究员,北京实现者律师事务所律师,"中国领导层系统思维"国际研究计划(The International Research Project for Systems Thinking of Chinese Leadership)主持人。20世纪80年代初开始在钱学森(工程控制论奠基者,中国火箭、导弹、航天、系统工程之父)支持和指导下从事法治系统工程和人体科学等领域探索;曾任国家教育委员会北京教授讲学团法治系统工程研究所所长、中央政法管理干部学院法治系统工程中心主任、中国政法大学社会工程学院综合教学部负责人;1993被联合国区域间犯罪与司法研究院列入专家名册,1996年被授予"司法部优秀青年"称号。

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(The System Of) Doctor Tarr And Professor Fether
Beat The System
Their System Doesn't Work For You
System; Start
Victim Of The System
Infiltrating My Way Through The System
Solar System
Another Day In The System

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
