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与 System 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

CMS is an acronym for Content Management System, which means "content management system."

CMS是Content Management System的缩写,意为"内容管理系统"。

As the great economist Lord Bauer once mentioned to me, Alexis de Tocqueville, that insightful observer of America, when he saw these developments in early 19th century France, called it,"le system chinois," and the Japanese, in the late 19th century, searching for Western models, adopted the French educational system.

有一次告诉我,阿里克斯·德·托克维尔,这位美国的透彻观察者,看到19世纪早期法国取得的种种进步时,把它叫做"le system chinois",而日本人,在19世纪末,寻求西方的模式,接受了法式教育系统——法国式的孔教!

Colfax Pump Group, the United States focus on system-screw pump Colfax Pump Group, the United States focus on system-screw pump Colfax Pump Group, the United States is the world's leading industrial pumps and fluid control systems manufacturer, products include three screw pump, screw pump, screw pump, centrifugal pumps, gear pumps and fluid control systems, has The product brands include well-known in the industry Allweiler, ImoPump, Houttuin, Warren and Zenith, in the United States, Germany, Sweden, the Netherlands, France, China and India has manufacturing plants.

Colfax Pump Group, the United States focus on system-screw pump ;是由上海泰丰泵业制造有限公司提供的阀门新闻,中文译文仅供参考(上海泰丰泵业制造有限公司还生产真空泵消防泵化工泵排污泵离心泵及液下泵,料浆泵,胶体磨,试压泵,卫生泵,深井泵,计量泵,更多水泵欢迎您的选购。)美国科尔法泵业集团专注系统螺杆泵美国科尔法泵业集团,是世界领先的工业泵和流体控制系统制造商,产品主要包括三螺杆泵,双螺杆泵,单螺杆泵,离心泵,齿轮泵及流体控制系统,拥有的产品品牌包括在业内著名的Allweiler,ImoPump,Houttuin,Warren和Zenith,在美国、德国、瑞典、荷兰、法国、中国和印度等设有制造工厂。

Medicare's prospective payment system and Medicaid's policy of deinstitutionalization have apparently substantially increased the clinical needs of patients entering nursing homes.2,3 Consequently, the nursing h o m e is expanding its role in patient care and has b e c o m e an integral c o m p o n e n t of the health care system.4 Patients in skilled nursing facilities suffer from numerous problems: incontinence; mental impairment; difficulties with one or more activities of daily living; immobility and falling episodes; and malnutrition.l.3,6There is a high rate of acute illness superimpose don multiple medications and several simultaneous chronic illnesses.

医疗保险的潜在支付系统和医疗补助的政策,非机构化,显然大大增加了患者的临床需要进入护理homes.2 , 3因此,养老院正在扩大其作用,病人护理,并已成为一个不可分割的组成部分保健system.4

Content management system (Content Management System, abbreviation CMS), organize and help the result of the content of coact, it is to point to the system that is used at management and convenient number content.???

内容管理系统(Content Management System,简称CMS),组织和协助共同合作的内容的结果,是指用于管理及方便数字内容的系统。???

Based on the extended Phillips-Heffron model for the multi-machine power system and model control theory, a new model control analysis method of free eigensolution is proposed to select the rational position to configurate power system stabilizer in multi-machine power system.

引言 电力系统中的低频振荡是由于缺乏机械模式阻尼而引起的,为了抑制这种振荡,提高电力系统的阻尼及其稳定性,在电力系统中设置电力系统稳定器(Power system Stabi一izer,Pss)是一种经济而有效的方法〔',2。

This work contributed essentially to optimal planning of refinery management. A strategy for solving the decision problem of short—term refinery planning is proposed, that is, to obtain the real time information of unit operations and environmental conditions by means of computer simulation, to dynamically configurate and modify the decision model depending on both simulation and expert reasoning, to make decision analysis and short—term production plan with the aid of expert simulation system. In this paper, a new approach cellad ESDSS was proposed by integrating DSS and expert simulation system . As a case study of ESDSS, a so called RESDSS was constructed, which is composed of seven subsystems, namely: data base subsystem, model base subsystem, method base subsystem, knowledge base subsystem, experiment base subsystem, human computer interaction subsystem, and expert simulation executing subsystem. The main results and contributions of this work are as follows:(1) A novel approach of DSS named ESDSS was proposed, which integrates DSS and ESS.

本文关于炼油生产专家仿真决策支持系统原型的研究从炼油企业优化生产管理的角度出发,以&利用仿真技术获取装置操作和环境条件的动态变化信息,依靠专家方法仿真实现决策模型的生成和修改,凭借专家仿真决策支持系统辅助高层领导者实施决策分析和制定短期生产计划&作为炼油生产短期计划决策问题的求解策略,在综合考虑决策支持系统(Decision Sup-port Systems,简称DSS)和专家仿真系统(Expert Simulation System,简称ESS)特点的同时把这两个系统结合在一起而提出&专家仿真决策支持系统(Ex-pert Simulation Decision Support System,简称ESDSS)&这一新的构思。

The title of my paper is the flame detecting system of Furnace Safeguard Supervisory System..The operation safety of the large scale boiler using coal or gas as the fuel is highly depending on the reliability and stability detections of the burning flame in the boiler.First,the paper summarizes the research background and the current situations on the flame detection system of FSSS in China and abroad, analyzes its future trend of market and technology,and then puts forward my research goals and expected results.and resolved problem.

大型燃煤燃气锅炉的安全运行在很大程度上依赖于锅炉炉膛火焰燃烧的稳定性和可靠性检测,论文首先综述了锅炉炉膛安全保护系统(Furnace Safeguard Supervisory System,以下简称FSSS)中火焰检测系统的国内外研究现状,分析了火焰检测系统的国内市场前景,提出了本课题的研究目标和需要解决的主要问题。

Software Description: About Advanced System Optimizer, This system optimizer includes a privacy protector, a system cleaner, file backup and restore, a registry cleaner and a registry defragger.

Advanced System Optimizer 这个系统优化程序包括隐私保护者,系统清洁工,文件备份和恢复,注册表清洁工。

However, RFID stands for Radio Frequency Identification, and is also called as Electronic Label. It goes through radio signals to identify specific targets, and reading and writing information, as well as don't need identity system and specific targets to create such as electronic, optics or machinery. Properties of wireless communication, space-penetrating, information tracking and real-time location system/ RTLS will apply for increasing the system capability of safety and protection to Robot.

而「RFID, Radio Frequency Identification 」称之为「无线射频识别」,又称「电子标签」,是一种通信技术,可透过无线电讯号识别特定目标并读写相关资料,而无需识别系统与特定目标即可建立含电子、光学或机械接触,其特性:无线通讯、空间穿透性、资讯历程可追踪与「即时定位系统 RTLS, Real Time Location System」等,必然将成为机器人、机械手臂安全设计与防护的新应用。

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(The System Of) Doctor Tarr And Professor Fether
Beat The System
Their System Doesn't Work For You
System; Start
Victim Of The System
Infiltrating My Way Through The System
Solar System
Another Day In The System

The reasons of iron ions content overproof in grade Ⅱ desalting water system,such as variation water quality,contamination of regenerant , operation adjustment of pretreatment system and switching operation of bed were discussed.


You were hired to drum up new business, so go and do it.


Who is in possession of this?
