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与 System 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Programs for Emission Cost Control Estimation System have been developed, which can predict the costs of emission, coal mix, desulphurization, discharge fee, emission allowance trade, and equivalent price with externality of electricity generation, and reduction of emission, and provide an optimized plan.

开发出SO2排放成本控制测算系统(SO2 Emissions cost Control Estimation System,以下简称ECCES)软件,可模拟实际情况,预测发电厂和发电集团公司的SO2排放成本、换煤成本、脱硫成本、排污缴费成本、排污交易成本、环保折价成本、减排成本和SO2成本控制最佳方案等。

The safe a air sac in car systemincludes to spread to feel the machine is total,the spirit of air,fold the air sac and order friearms,solid nitrogen,warning signal…etc…When the carsuffers the certain angle in front inside super-speed to hit,packing the collision in car head spreads to feel the machine spreads to feel with the safety that pack the car central part machine, can examine the car to decelerate.suddenly,combine this signal in 0.01 control for inside speed delivering to safe air sac system computer The computer set off immediately after confirming throuth analysis the air sac electricity in the pack heat light the firearms(give or get an electric shock namely thunder tube),making its occurrence exploded,the general in this process needs 0.05 or so.

在装有安全气囊系统的容器外部都印有Supplemental Inflatable Restraint System,简称SRS的字样,直译成中文,应为&辅助可充气约束系统&。英文名称中强调了安全气囊是辅助性的设备,应该与安全带配合工作才能起到最佳的保护作用。可惜的是中文名称中忽略了这一点,容易给用户带来误解,以为仅靠安全气囊就能获得良好的保护效果。其实,若不配合安全带使用的话,在某些情况下,安全气囊展开时会对乘员造成不必要的伤害。

It is difficult to think of a test or marker system that would not first be developed, in some form, in an animal model.

以上这句实在搞不清楚应该怎么翻,请指教!marker system前文有提及,此处翻成标记系统即可。

Taking 2A11 Al-alloy for example, a simple tensile test to bar stock with MTS 810 material test system was done.

以2A11铝合金材料为例,采用美国MTS公司生产的MTS 810 Material Test system对棒材试样作简单拉伸试验。

In this paper, we present a low phase-noise oscillator circuit. The circuit of an inductor-capacitor tank oscillator is made on the chip. The 0.25μm complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor process parameter of Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company are entered into Advanced Design System software to simulate an LC tank oscillator circuit. Some circuit technology and an improved method for phasing noise are introduced.

此文提出一个低相位杂讯振荡电路,这电路完全实现於晶片上的电感电容压控振荡器,我们是把台湾积体电路的0.25μm的CMOS(互补式金属氧化物半导体)制程参数放入Advanced Design System模拟软体中模拟,在本文中我们介绍了一些电路技术和改善相位杂讯的方法。

We use the basic function of the System.


A data sharing and cooperative access control policy model aiming at the weakness of collaboration and self-security in DIDS(Distributed Intrusion Detection System) is presented.

针对分布式入侵检测系统(DIDS:Distributed Intrusion Detection System)面临的协作和自身安全问题,提出了一个分布式入侵检测系统和多组件入侵检测系统间的数据共享策略和合作访问控制策略模型。

Alternatively, in the point-a-rally scoring system (referred to as PARS or 'American' scoring), points are scored by the winner of each rally, whether or not they have served.

另外,还有每回合得分制(point-a-rally scoring system,PARS或美式计分制),即每回合的赢家得分,无论她/他是否发球。

The toxin-antitoxin system consists of a pair of co-expressed genes. The upstream gene encodes an unstable antitoxin protein, and the downstream gene encodes a stable toxin.

毒素-抗毒素系统(toxin-antitoxin system, TA)由两个共表达的基因组成,其中一个基因编码不稳定的抗毒素蛋白,另一个基因编码稳定的毒素蛋白。

VRGIS is a virtual reality technology, which can researches geosciences or takes geoscientific system as object, as well as is a rising research branch of GIS recently.

虚拟现实地理信息系统(Virtual Reality Geographic Information System,简称VRGIS)是虚拟现实与地理信息系统相结合的技术,是一种用于研究地球科学的,或以地球科学系统为对象的虚拟现实技术,也是近年来一个新兴的地理信息系统的研究分支。

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(The System Of) Doctor Tarr And Professor Fether
Beat The System
Their System Doesn't Work For You
System; Start
Victim Of The System
Infiltrating My Way Through The System
Solar System
Another Day In The System

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
