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Objective: To construct the recombinant adenovirus containing B7-H4 gene with AdEasyXL system and to identify its biological activities.

目的:利用AdEasyXL system构建携带小鼠B7-H4基因的重组腺病毒,并鉴定其生物学活性。

Objective To investigate the safety and efficacy of autotransfusion in therapy in hemorrhagic shock with ectopic pregnancies by abdominoscope.Methods We choice forty-two ectopic pregnancies or corpus luteum rupture with hemorrhagic shock into two sets: haematomas of ectopic pregnancies and corpus luteum rupture had been scavenged and haemostasised in laparoscopic approaching;And the others using AutologTM Autotransfusion System in the same time.The blood was collected from operative area and celom,and transfused back to the patiants after the same treatment.

目的 研究自体血液回输在腹腔镜下宫外孕失血性休克治疗中的安全性和效果方法选择42例宫外孕或黄体破裂,失血性休克患者行腹腔镜探查,血肿清除并止血术,随机分成两组:组腹腔镜下直接清除血肿;另外一组在腹腔镜下清除血肿时,应用AutologTM Autotransfusion System,收集手术野和体腔内的出血、积血,处理后回输给患者。

Methods Thirty-five healthy volunteers and forty-two patients clinically diagnosed as globus hystericus entered the study. The pressure of UES and the rate of UES relaxation were measured by Medtrontic Esophageal Manometry system . The larynx was examined using videolaryngoscopy. Results The mean of UES resting pressure was 47.54±9.52 mmHg in control group. The corresponding value in the patients was 65.31±15.02mmHg .

选择42例咽异感症患者作为病例组,采用丹麦产食管动力检测系统(Medtrontic Esophageal Manometry system)进行食管压力检测,观察UES静息压、UES长度和UES松弛率等食管动力学参数的变化,结果与35例正常组对照;同时采用电子喉镜录像系统(PENTAX VNL-1530)观察咽异感症患者的喉部体征,尤其注意杓区、杓间区、杓会厌皱襞等部位的特异性变化。

This study involved field interviews of working postures of certain jobs in construction industry including labor for constructing retaining wall, carpenters, iron workers, concrete pouring, and electricians . Hazards of their working postures during operation were analyzed and compared using OWAS (Ovako Working Posture Analyzing System) postural analysis.

本研究系针对营建业部份之建筑工种,包含挡土柱、模板、钢筋、混凝土、水电等五种工种,进行工作姿势实地访谈;并透过 OWAS (Ovako working Posture Analysing System)工作姿势分析法,分析比对其作业工作姿势之危害程度。

License plate character segmentation is one of the three key technologies of Vehicle License Plate Recognition System.

1引言车牌字符分割是车牌识别系统(Vehicle License Plate Recognition System,简称VLPRS)的三大关键技术之一。

But one of the secrets of Ottoman longevity was that the system went on producing capable sultans and vizirs who saw the corruption and introduced reforms.Among the reforming sultans were OssmanⅡ(r.1618-1622),whose attempt to form a new Turkish militia led to his being killed by the janissaries;MuradvⅣ(r.1623-1640),a powerful wrestler and champion archer who executed 25,000 rebellious subjects within a single year;MahmudⅠ(r.1730-1754),the first to bring in Europeans to teach new fighting techniques;and Selim Ⅲ(r.1789-1807),who introduced a comprehensive reform scheme,the Nizam-i-Jedid,which I will cover in the next chapter.


The new CAC will provide customers with an up-close look at advanced technology optimization and control products and services, including the latest developments in machinery diagnostics, reliability, controls, plant asset management and System 1 solutions for the power generation, oil and gas, pulp and paper, cement and mining segments.

该新成立的CAC将为客户提供先进技术优化与控制产品与服务,包括在机械故障诊断、可靠性、控制、工厂资产管理以及System 1解决方案方面的最新研发成果,这些主要用于电力发电、石油与天然气、纸浆与造纸以及水泥与矿山开采方面。

The acquisition and post-processing of the spectrum data:all the scannings are compeleted by the MRI of GE Twinspeed 1.5 Ts scanner(GE Medical System, Milwaukee,USA) which has been tested for its data stability before the scannings begin.

波谱数据的采集和后处理:所有的扫描均采用1.5T超导MRI扫描仪(GEMedical System,Milwaukee,USA)完成,机器在扫描前进行数据稳定性的测试。

Have made their research programs to develop the safety guarantee technology of Ⅳ and have already achieved great progress, for example the adaptive cruise control or intelligent cruise control , collision avoidance system and platoon etc. In China, most of the research work on Ⅳ is focused on the autonomous navigation technolgy.

美、欧、日等西方发达国家已经抢先一步,在智能车辆安全保障以及汽车安全辅助驾驶技术的研究方面相继投入大量人力、物力,取得了许多有价值的研究成果,如自适应巡航控制(Adaptive CruiseControl,ACC)或智能巡航控制(Intelligent Cruise Control,ICC)系统、防碰撞系统(Collision Avoidance System,CAS)以及汽车队列等,并产生了明显的社会和经济效益。

Static strength was measured quantitatively by "semi-squat two-hand lift". The Force Evaluation and Testing System was used for this testing.

在静态肌力测量方面,本实验使用Force Evaluation and Testing System,以半蹲双手提拉姿势下取得量化的静态肌力数值。

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(The System Of) Doctor Tarr And Professor Fether
Beat The System
Their System Doesn't Work For You
System; Start
Victim Of The System
Infiltrating My Way Through The System
Solar System
Another Day In The System

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
