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与 System 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Position and velocity errors of Inertial Navigation System increase unboundedly in time.

摘要惯性导航系统(Inertial Navigation System,简称INS)之位置和速度的估算误差会随著时间而增加。

In the declaration of the variable tMap, I could not get it to be defined as System.


With the in-depth application and ampliative demand of Geographical Information System, analyzing, calculating and expressing the geographic phenomena in the different scales and resolutions have become the hot focus and up to date issues.

随着地理信息系统(GIS:Geographical Information System)应用的深入和需求的扩大,在不同分辨率、不同空间尺度上对地理现象进行分析、计算和表达,已成为GIS研究领域内的热点和前沿问题。多尺度空间数据库集成和计算技术是GIS应用和服务需要解决的重要技术问题。

Through annalistic GIS technique of subassembly and comparison to MO and VB, we decide to adopt VB and MO based on geographical information system of the school that was projected for second times.

地理信息系统( geographic information system,gis)是一种为了获取、存储、检索、分析和显示空间定位数据而建立的计算机化的数据库管理系统。

The advantageous aspects are: maximum aerodynamic penetration due to the driver's prone position; maximum exploitation of muscular output due to the antigravitational rotation of thighs; better venous and lymphatic circulation thanks to lower abdominal pressure; better cardio-respiratory function, due to easier venous circulation; maximum protection of the spine by supporting the rachis; minimum perineum shock thanks to the saddle supporting the gluteus; maximum stability of the vehicle thanks to ground-hub pedal block-system; reduced weight of the rotating parts thanks to the compactness of the mechanism of transmission.

这种自行车的优越之处在于:由于骑车者的俯伏位置而得到的最佳空气动力学性能;由于大腿的反重力旋转而获得的对肌肉的最佳利用;由于较低的腹部压力而获得的更佳的静脉和淋巴循环效果;由于更加便利的静脉循环而带来的更佳的心血管循环系统;由于对脊椎的支撑而带来的对脊柱的最佳保护效果;由于座鞍对臀部的支撑而获得的对会阴的最小冲击;由于地面-轮毂踏板系统(ground-hub pedal-block-system)而获得的车体的最大的稳定性;由于传动系统的紧凑性而减小了车身重量。

1 The lowest, 10 the highestI mean let's not joke around!! An iverson shoes with great ankle support( think about the answer 5 and answer 6)?? come on give me a break!! well no doubt! ANSWER 10 must be one of the best ankle supporting shoe on the market right now!! First of all let's talk about how this shoe protects the ankle for a baller like you and me. The TPU plate which locates at back of yout ankle creats a secure fit that locks in your ankle so your foot will not move around like a pair of Chuck Tayler and with the additional inner bootie, its like heaven when you walk around with it !! YET the adjustable Pump system gives the shoes a big bonus by having air surrounding you foot ( air bolloon??) so your ankle will unlikely to rollover!!

我必须很认真的告诉您,您能想像艾佛森的个人鞋款有完美的踝部支撑吗(想一想 answer 5 and answer 6),别开玩笑了吧,但是无庸置疑的,ANSWER 10 绝对是目前市面上拥有最好的踝部支撑的鞋款之一,先让我们讨论一下这双鞋是怎样保护一个像您跟我一样篮球员的脚踝的,坐落在脚踝正后方的 TPU plate 让您感觉您的脚踝就好像是被安全的锁住了一样,让您的脚踝不会在鞋内摇来摇去的(某 converse 鞋款),还有,无缝线的内衬让您穿上它走来走去之后,就感觉好像是先开了套房再在水床上天堂一样,还有可调整式的 Pump system 给予了这双鞋大大的加分因为当您穿著它走来走去时您一定可以感受到 air 紧紧的包住了您的脚踝,这样一来您的脚踝就更不会轻易的翻船了。

MB-System software packet is a new tool running in Linux for processing the multi-beam bathymetric data,which can edit the original and the beam data flexibly and display the results with its powerful plotting function.

MB-System软件包是一套运行于L inux系统下的针对多波束测深数据处理的软件工具,它可以对原始数据和波束数据进行灵活编辑,并利用强大的绘图功能对结果进行显示。

Objective: To investigate the efficacy and feasibility of mitomycin C drug delivery system as a new glaucoma anti-scarring agent by observing its effects on a rabbit model of glaucoma filtration surgery and side effects on eyelid,conjunctiva,cornea,and anterior champer of rabbit eye.

目的:研究丝裂霉素C缓释系统(mitomycin C drug delivery system,MMC DDS)对兔眼滤过性手术后抗瘢痕形成的疗效及对兔眼局部组织的毒副作用,探讨其作为青光眼滤过性手术后抗瘢痕形成的辅助用药的可行性和有效性。

Of course it is very discommodious. Based on previous studies of the application software to calculation on properties of smoke flow in fire Network Modeling and the time forecast software of personal evacuate travel in high-rise building, according to the quality and energy conservation principle, the paper proposes fire flue gas temperature when the fire reaching a dangerous state in the network model, then evacuation time can be calculated. Simultaneity, the paper proposes a new method that combining VB with MATLAB program technology to analyze and evaluate safety egress in Multi-layer and Multi-room building fire, besides the BF-SPES(the Building Fire Safety Performance Evaluation System)is worked out.

本文在重庆大学开发成功的火灾网络模型烟气流动预测软件和高层建筑人员疏散行动时间预测软件的基础上,根据质量和能量守恒原理,提出了火灾网络模型下火灾达到危险状态的烟气温度值,这样便能计算出可用安全疏散时间;同时提出了一种基于VB与MATLAB混合语言编程技术开发的多层多室建筑火灾安全疏散评估方法,并开发出建筑物火灾安全性能评价系统BF-SPES(the Building Fire Safety Performance Evaluation System)。

To investigate the effect of artificial liver support system treatment in patients with drug - induced hep- atic failure, 12 patients with dHF received the combination treatment of hepatotherapy and ALSS, 10 patients with dHF received the combination treatment of hepatotherapy and ALSS, 10 patients with dHF only hepato - therapy as control.

作者:戴炜;杨大国;刘粤;顾明伦;曾丽红;邓永聪探讨应用人工肝支持系统(artificial liver support system,ALSS)治疗抗结核药物性肝衰竭(drug-in-duced hepatic failure,dHF)的临床疗效。

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(The System Of) Doctor Tarr And Professor Fether
Beat The System
Their System Doesn't Work For You
System; Start
Victim Of The System
Infiltrating My Way Through The System
Solar System
Another Day In The System

The reasons of iron ions content overproof in grade Ⅱ desalting water system,such as variation water quality,contamination of regenerant , operation adjustment of pretreatment system and switching operation of bed were discussed.


You were hired to drum up new business, so go and do it.


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