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System start-up BIOS, that is, the computer Basic Input Output System (Basic Input-Output System), is integrated on the motherboard, a ROM chip, which preserves the most important computer system basic input / output procedures, system information settings, the boot Power On Self Test procedures and system bootstrap program to start.

系统开机启动 BIOS,即微机的基本输入输出系统(Basic Input-Output System),是集成在主板上的一个ROM芯片,其中保存有微机系统最重要的基本输入/输出程序、系统信息设置、开机上电自检程序和系统启动自举程序。

The two most of prevalent management system (Quality management system and Environment management system, expanded memory standards) not only request an oral management system but also concrete display by document.

目前实下最时兴的两大管理系统_品质管理系统(Quality Management System,QMS)和环境管理系统(Environment Management System,EMS),不再只是要求管理制度建立在口头形式上,而是必须具体的以书面文件化来呈现。,通常被大型企业或较具规模体系的企业所采用。

Using embedded operating system as its platform, combing Global Positioning System and Geographic Information System, the embedded vehicle navigation system is a hybrid system of software and hardware. It is an ideal solution of navigation, location, geography information query and spatial data management for mobile users.

它是以嵌入式操作系统为平台,全球定位系统(Global Positioning System,GPS)与地理信息系统(Geographic Information System,GIS)相结合的一个软硬件混合的系统,是移动用户导航、定位、地图查询和空间数据管理的一种理想解决方案。

Visual Rice Growth Models system represented an effort to design crop modeling software with object-oriented paradigm and to organize classes in system with model-document-view architecture. Firstly, the crop-environment system was abstracted as many subsystems and physiological processes with object-oriented paradigm while many classes were established to simulate the behaviors of these subsystems and physiological processes. In VRGM, the document-view architecture in Visual C++ was extended as model-document-view architecture for agricultural integrated system. In the model-document-view architecture, document gets the final simulation results by manipulating the models classes and acts as a communicating intermediacy between model and view. Views display the simulation results and translate users' operation and data entering to document. The architecture separates the domain models, data management and user interface.

中文题名可视水稻生长模型与智能栽培专家系统的研制副题名外文题名 Studies on visual rice growth models and cultivation expert system of computational intelligence 论文作者米湘成导师邹应斌研究员学科专业作物栽培学与耕作学研究领域\研究方向作物模拟与专家系统学位级别博士学位授予单位湖南农业大学学位授予日期2001 论文页码总数64页关键词作物生长模拟生长模型水稻馆藏号BSLW /2003 /S126 /2 本研究系国家"九五"攻关项目"水稻大面积高产综合配套技术研究与示范"课题的子专题,并结合水稻高产栽培技术资料和水稻专家的知识、经验以及科研成果,研制成了可视水稻生长模型(Visual Rice Growth Models,VRGM)及水稻高产栽培专家系统,并在此基础上进一步利用人工神经网络模型、模糊逻辑技术和田间栽培试验,对生长模型和专家系统进行了改进。

Noted by http://www.SSEweb.net/】 Jian-Guang YANG(1960~), Male, J.S.D., Member, Expert Group on Social System Engineering; Professor, Section of Legal System Engineering, Law School, SUN Yat-Sen University; Chief Expert on Social System Engineering, Research fellow, Depertment of Political System Engineering, China Aerospace Laboratory of Social System Engineering; Realizer Beijing Institute of Social System Engineering; Attorney at law, Gunagdong Lingnan Law Firm; Member, The International Research Project on "Systems Thinking of Chinese Leadership"; member, The Steering Committee of the Network of Social System Engineering http://www.

杨建广(1960~),男,法学博士,社会系统工程专家组(Expert Group on Social System Engineering, EGSSE)成员,中山大学法学院教授、法学研究所法治系统工程研究室主任,中国航天社会系统工程实验室政治系统工程部研究员,北京实现者社会系统工程研究院首席法治系统工程专家(前任首席法治系统工程专家为吴世宦),广东岭南律师事务所律师,"中国领导层系统思维"国际研究计划(International Research Project for Systems Thinking of Chinese Leadership)成员,亦兼任社会系统工程网 http://www。

The simulation of the vector control system for rotor flux orientation is studied in this paper. The modeling and simulation of the vector control system of speed and flux closed-loop with the torque inside loop are completed by applying electrical principles and the toolbox of Simulink and Power System in the Matlab software. The paper mainly introduces the modeling of the speed adjustment system and the setting of parameters of the controller. The obtained results of the simulation are close to actual situation, which proves the correctness of the modeling.

文章对按转子磁链定向的矢量调速系统进行了计算机仿真研究,运用Matlab的Simulink和Power System工具箱及面向系统电气原理结构图的仿真方法,实现了带转矩内环的转速、磁链闭环矢量控制系统的建模与仿真;重点介绍了调速系统的建模和调节器参数的设置,给出了矢量交流调速系统的仿真模型和仿真结果,仿真结果非常接近实际情况,说明了仿真模型的正确性。

In the article, it briefly analyzes the necessity of monitoring the hydric parameters and the development status of monitoring system about the electronic power, then a real-time monitoring system for generator hydric parameters is presented, which applies the configuration software MCGS, radio-communication SMS, Modbus protocol and RS-485 bus .in the design of the system, MCGS is used to configurate the interface of superordinate computer and the device component of the wireless communication is authorized by Visual Basic; the transmitting and receiving flow through GSM(Global System for Mobile communication)in the way of SMS. The design of the smart communication module, which based on the RS-485 bus and Modbus protocol and the wireless communication interface module, which is connected with the wireless terminal based on Siemens TC35, are also expounded.

该方案利用MCGS组态软件进行上位机监控界面的组态;利用Visual Basic语言进行上位机无线通信设备构件的编制;并利用SMS通过全球移动通信系统GSM(Global System for Mobile Communication)网络实现报警等数据的无线传输;以Flash型超低功耗16位单片机MSP430F149作为通用通信模块控制器核心,开发出了基于RS-485总线模式和Modbus通信协议的远程数据采集模块,以及基于Siemens TC35的无线终端相连的无线通信接口模块。

Considering the braking performance and stability, most HEV employs both ABS (ABS: Anti-Lock Braking System) hydraulic braking system and regenerative braking system at the same time, so how to make the hydraulic braking system assorts with the regenerative braking system, to get more regenerative energy under assurance of braking safety is a key technique for HEV research.

考虑到电机的制动效能以及制动稳定性,当前的混合动力汽车大都采用电、液制动相结合的混合制动方案,即保留了原有的ABS(ABS: Anti-Lock Braking System)液压制动控制系统。

Germplasm resources. According the result of UPGMA cluster analysis based on ISSR makers, the tested materials could be divided into five groups at the level of D=0.68. First group including 18 germplasm materials is the Yellow sweet Spanish system. Second group including one germplasm material is Bejo Dyatona cultivar. Third group including 3 germplasm materials is the Yellow Globe system. Fourth group including 9 germplasm materials is the Yellow Globe Danvers system. Fifth group including one germplasm material is the Yellow Danvers system.

ISSR聚类分析表明,在L取值为D=0.68时,可将32份洋葱资源分成5类:第一类包括18份种质资源,主要以Yellow Sweet Spanish系统为主;第二类包括1份种质资源,为Bejo Daytona;第三类包括3份种质资源,为Yellow Globe系统;第四类包括9份种质资源,为Yellow globe danvers系统;第五类包括1份种质资源,为Yellow Danvers system系统。

Noted by http://www.SSEweb.net/】 Jian-Guang YANG(1960~), Male, J.S.D., Member, Expert Group on Social System Engineering; Professor, Section of Legal System Engineering, Law School, SUN Yat-Sen University; Chief Expert on Social System Engineering, Research fellow, Depertment of Political System Engineering, China Aerospace Laboratory of Social System Engineering; Realizer Beijing Institute of Social System Engineering; Attorney at law, Gunagdong Lingnan Law Firm; Member, The International Research Project on "Systems Thinking of Chinese Leadership"; member, The Steering Committee of the Network of Social System Engineering http://www.

杨建广(1960~),男,法学博士,社会系统工程专家组(Expert Group on Social System Engineering, EGSSE)成员,中山大学法学院教授、法学研究所法治系统工程研究室主任,中国航天社会系统工程实验室政治系统工程部研究员,北京实现者社会系统工程研究院首席法治系统工程专家(前任首席法治系统工程专家为吴世宦),广东岭南律师事务所律师,&中国领导层系统思维&国际研究计划(International Research Project for Systems Thinking of Chinese Leadership)成员,亦兼任社会系统工程网 http://www。

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(The System Of) Doctor Tarr And Professor Fether
Beat The System
Their System Doesn't Work For You
System; Start
Victim Of The System
Infiltrating My Way Through The System
Solar System
Another Day In The System

The reasons of iron ions content overproof in grade Ⅱ desalting water system,such as variation water quality,contamination of regenerant , operation adjustment of pretreatment system and switching operation of bed were discussed.


You were hired to drum up new business, so go and do it.


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