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与 St Louis 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Acquisitions of 2001 2001 年的购并案 A few days before last year's annual meeting, I received a heavy package from St. Louis, containing an unprepossessing chunk of metal whose function I couldn't imagine. There was a letter in the package, though, from Gene Toombs, CEO of a company called MiTek. He explained that MiTek is the world's leading producer of this thing I'd received, a "connector plate," which is used in making roofing trusses. Gene also said that the U.K. parent of MiTek wished to sell the company and that Berkshire seemed to him the ideal buyer. Liking the sound of his letter, I gave Gene a call. It took me only a minute to realize that he was our kind of manager and MiTek our kind of business. We made a cash offer to the U.K. owner and before long had a deal.

就在去年股东会的前几天,我收到从圣路易寄来的一个大包裹,里面装了一块看不出做何用途的金属,包裹里还有一封信,署名 Gene Toombs-他是一家叫做 MiTek 公司的总裁,他解释说 MiTek 是专门制造这玩意儿的世界级领导厂商,也就是用来做屋梁的连接板,他进一步表示 MiTek 的英国母公司有意出售这家公司,他认为 Berkshire 应该是最合适的买家,我相当欣赏他写这封信的语气,所以当下打电话给他,几分钟的谈话,我就发觉他是属于我们类型的经理人,而 MiTek 也是我们想要的公司类型,于是我们报了一个价给其英国母公司,没多久后就正式成交。

If I had refused, she would have thought I was trying to be "womanish" and might have remembered St. Louis.


Did you know that the first cone was introduced at the St. Louis World's Fair in 1904?


Agricultural biotechnology expert Roger Beachy , president of the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center in St.Louis, Missouri, is also enthusiastic.


"Many of us have been concerned that high-dose furosemide may hurt patients, and lead to cardiorenal hypoperfusion that may account for a lot of the negative outcomes that happen when we discharge patients," but this study didn't show this, said Dr. Douglas Mann, professor and chief of the cardiovascular division at Washington University in St. Louis.

美国圣路易斯华盛顿大学教授兼心血管系主任 Douglas Mann 博士说:&很多医生都一直担忧大剂量的呋塞米可能会给患者带来伤害,导致心肾灌注不足从而引发一系列的不良后果,并且这些后果可能在患者出院时才出现&,不过该试验并未证实这一点。

Based on these characters, Faden (Doctoral Dissertation, Washington University, St. Louis, 1975) observed that this species probably belongs to another genus.


In the spring of 1809 the community left for Louisiana and took up their abode at Florissant, the property of Mr. Mulamphy, some thirty miles west of St. Louis, on a hill which slopes towards the Missouri.

在春季的1809年社会离开路易斯安那州和讨论了他们的居留权,在florissant ,财产先生mulamphy ,一些30英里西圣路易斯的一个小山上,其中斜坡向密苏里州。

In the spring of 1809 the community left for Louisiana and took up their abode at Florissant, the property of Mr. Mulamphy, some thirty miles west of St. Louis, on a hill which slopes towards the Missouri.

在1809年春天,社会离开路易斯安那州和讨论了他们的居留权在Florissant ,财产Mulamphy先生,一些三〇英里西部圣路易斯,山坡上的这对斜坡密苏里州。

The students are currently attending the three city campuses of the St. Louis Community College (Meramec, Forest Park and Florissant Valley). They will be in the U.S. for eight weeks. Having arrived mid-January, they will depart mid-March.

目前这60位大学生分别在圣路易社区大学三个校区Meramec, ForestPark, Florissant Valley之南亚研究课程注册上课,接受密集英语课程,这项计划目的在让偏远或落后地区之学生能够经由在圣路易的英语训练课程了解美国生活与文化。

THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 2008, 8:00 PM, at the Florissant Civic Center Theatre, Parker Road at Waterford Drive. Tickets are available from the Florissant Civic Center Theatre Box Office in person or by calling314-921-5678. Visit www.florissantfinearts.com for more information. Adults $27; Students and Seniors $25.The Florissant Fine Arts Council is proud to present the St. Louis return of the Golden Dragon Acrobats in their remarkable new show, a celebration of the recent 2008 Summer Olympics.

来自中国河北省,享誉国际之中国金龙杂技团巡回全美表演,订三月二十六日晚间八时,在圣路北郡Florissant文娱中心剧院(Florissant Civic Center Theatre)演出一场主题定为「2008年奥运之交」,票价27元,学生及耆老票价25元,购票请洽Florissant剧院,电话:314-921-5678,票房窗口时间为:周一,周五上午九时至下午五时,周二、三、四上午九时至下午六时。

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St. Louis Blues
St. Louis Blues
You Came A Long Way From St. Louis
St. Louis Blues
St. Louis
You Came A Long Way From St. Louis
The St. Louis Blues
You Came A Long Way From St. Louis
St. Louis
St. Louis Elegy

The reasons of iron ions content overproof in grade Ⅱ desalting water system,such as variation water quality,contamination of regenerant , operation adjustment of pretreatment system and switching operation of bed were discussed.


You were hired to drum up new business, so go and do it.


Who is in possession of this?
