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St Augustine相关的网络例句

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与 St Augustine 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

First, it discusses the presentation of the issue of Evil, mainly describes Augustine's personal experience and the evolution of the concept of Evil; Second, it elaborates Augustine's view of Evil: he opposed the claim of Good and Evil in Manichean dualism, and claimed that God is the only eternal existence, while others are all come from the Nothingness, all things have different location due to the existence of different grade in the order of Good, on the comparison to the perfection of God or above their things, which revealed the flaws that is Evil which is "the lack of Good".


To make Augustine's great effort of combining classical philosophy with Christianity's theology more explicit, introducing ideas held by Neoplatonist, especially Plotinus, whom were followed by Augustine himself, about the creation of good and evil is necessary.

为了让奥古斯丁在连接古典哲学和基督教神学上的重大桥梁作用更明显,介绍被奥氏追随的新柏拉图主义(特别是 Plotinus 的新柏拉图主义)关于善与恶的来源的解释是必要的。

Part I described the Pelagian and semi - Pelagian heresies which Augustine sought to refute; Part II expounded Augustine's interpretation of man's original state of innocence and his subsequent fall; and Part III set forth his doctrine of salvation through God's redeeming grace in Jesus Christ.

第一部分介绍了Pelagian和半-P elagian邪说而奥古斯丁试图反驳;第二部分阐述了奥古斯丁的解释人类的原始状态的无罪推定和随后下降;和第三部分阐述他的理论,通过拯救上帝的救赎恩典在基督耶稣。

In the early 1620s, coming to believe that Augustine's theology of efficacious predestinating grace was being threatened by the humanitarian tendencies of the Jesuit theologians of the Counter - Reformation, he embarked on an intensive study of Augustine's works, particularly his anti - Pelagian writings.

在早期的1620s ,未来相信奥古斯丁的神学有效predestinating的宽限期,被威胁,人道主义的倾向,耶稣会神学家的柜台-改革,他开始了一个密集的研究奥古斯丁的工程,特别是他的反- pe lagian著作。

In the early 1620s, coming to believe that Augustine's theology of efficacious predestinating grace was being threatened by the humanitarian tendencies of the Jesuit theologians of the Counter - Reformation, he embarked on an intensive study of Augustine's works, particularly his anti - Pelagian writings.

早在1620s ,今后认为,奥古斯丁的神学有效predestinating宽限期是受到威胁的人道主义倾向,耶稣会的神学反-改革,他开始了一个深入研究奥古斯丁的作品,尤其是他的反- Pe lagian著作。

Part I described the Pelagian and semi - Pelagian heresies which Augustine sought to refute; Part II expounded Augustine's interpretation of man's original state of innocence and his subsequent fall; and Part III set forth his doctrine of salvation through God's redeeming grace in Jesus Christ.

第一部分介绍了pelagian及半-p elagian的歪理邪说,其中奥古斯丁试图反驳;第二部分阐述了奥古斯丁的解释人的原始状态无罪推定和他随后下降;和第三部分提出了他的学说的救赎通过上帝的救赎恩典在耶稣基督。

But, for almost all the events of the Gospel, the information given by St. Mark is found in St. Matthew, while such as are peculiar to the latter are of the same nature as events recorded by St. Mark, and resemble them so closely that it is hard to understand why they should not be historic, since they also are derived from the primitive catechesis.


Perhaps,* ST Tiger continuous limit is only a microcosm of ST plate, ST shares so experience is the embodiment of a bear market mentality.


Used in the First Epistle of St. Peter, in the Epistle of St. Polycarp, in the works of St. Justin, perhaps in the Didache and I Clement, it appears to have been already well known towards the end of the first century.


But more than this, Eager in "The Expositor"(July and August, 1894), in his attempt to prove that St. Luke was the author of Hebrews, has drawn attention to the remarkable fact that the Lucan influence on the language of St. Paul is much more marked in those Epistles where we know that St. Luke was his constant companion.

但比这更多,急于在" expositor "( 7月和8月, 1894年),在他试图证明,圣卢克是希伯来书的作者,已提请注意的显着事实,即lucan的影响,对语言的ST郑明训是更为显着,在这些书信,我们都知道,圣卢克是他不断的伴侣。

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