英语人>网络例句>Sr 相关的网络例句
与 Sr 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Based on the analysis of organic geochemical characteristics, Inorganic geochemical exploration methods and nano-geochemical exploration methods were adopt to research geochemistry on the surface above the Xin Chang gas field,and it is discovered there is abnormity of trace element ,for example , Cu、Zn、Ni、V、Fe_2O_3、Ba、W、Sb、Ag、Y、Zr、La and Ba、Sr、Ti、Cu、Zn、Ni、Al、P、La series、Y、Co、W、Ag、Nb、Tl ect, showing the top effects and chimney effects,which is important to indicate gas reservoir.


It also describes a control method by which to set the directional cutting angle of the knife and the application of the SR device and the unit of display and setting used in system design.

介绍了利用可编程控制器和调速装置等对W 12切片机控制系统的设计,并重点介绍了刀导角的控制方法,以及显示设置单元和调速装置等在系统设计中的应用。

The analysis of lamprophyrespetrology chemistry reveals that it is a series of high potassium- potassium dike rock,it is abandunt in alkali(K2O,Na2O)and has a large reducing capacity.The diagrams of the major-element variation shows that the geochemical compositions-variations of the major oxides have vague general rules of homologous magmatic fractional-crystallization.the pearce diagram of trace elements shows it intensively enriched in LILE,intensively depleted in coherence elements(such as CrNi.et al).


The audients will enjoy unparalleled visual and astonishingly world, because it installs the United Kingdom Harkness wall to wall screen (on the 1st hall, screen, screen height of 11.8 meters, width 21.7 meters, for the most Wuxi), Germany Schneider variable aperture lens, the United States DTS -XD10 Digital decoder, Dolby SR/D-EXCP650XO decoder, Crown top-level amplifier, JBL's top theater-specific speakers.


The Cenozoic basalts in mainland of eastern China are the products of multiple extrusion.


That is to say, the Cenozoic alkaline basalts were more or less modified by some enriched Sr-Nd isotopic components during their eruption.


The authors think that the magmas of the intermediate-acid volcanic rocks were derived from basaltic magmas of the lower crust and are mixed magmas produced by the increase of geothermal gradients due to diapiric injection of basaltic magmas and partial melting of intermediate-basic metamorphic igneous rocks in the lower crust,and that they resulted from a series of tectonomagmatic activities that took place when the closing of the Mongolian-Okhotsk sea trough and continent-continent collision caused crustal thickening and brought about the formation of the Hinggan-Mongolian orogenic belt in the process of oblique subduction of the Paleo-Pacific plate beneath the Siberian plate.


The specific surface area of the material prepared at 900℃ by dopping Co or Ni in the position "B" of the La_4BaCu_5O_13+δ is increased about 10% than that of the material prepared by the traditional method.

BET测试表明,在La_4BaCu_5O_13+δ A位掺Sr可在一定程度上增大材料的比表面积,而在A位掺Ce 则不利于材料比表面积的提高。900℃在B位掺杂Co、Ni合成的材料的比表面积比传统的方法制备的材料的比表面积提高了近10%。

The BET test results indicate the specific surface area of the material can be increased by dopping Sr in the position "A" of the La_4BaCu_5O_13+δ but dopping Ce reduce the specitic surface area of the material.


The favorable purify effect can be achieved relying on the synergistic action by the way of dopping Ce, Sr, Co and Ni in the position of A or B of the La_4BaCu_5O_13+δ.


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Sr. Destino
Mon Gars Sûr

This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
