英语人>网络例句>Sr 相关的网络例句
与 Sr 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Sr-Nd-O isotopic element system research proves that granitoids magmas form in open system and compose a large amount of mantle contents.


Chemical and Nd-Sr-O-C isotope studies are systematically carried out for five representative massifs of A-type granites in eastern China. From the north to south, they are Nianzishan, Shanhaiguan, Laoshan, Suzhou and Kuiqi pluton, respectively.


The alumina supporters with 4-7mm were impregnated with an aqueous solution of RE, Sr, Cu and Zr acetate mixture, and then were calcined in a muffle furnace in air at 800-1000℃ for several hours.


This application focuses on the aspects of chemical variation rule of rocks and mineral composition changes of mylonites corresponding to the ductile shearing by the case study in the ductile shear zones in south Tan-Lu fault belt. The results show that there exists evendent variation between deformed and undeformed rocks in ductile shear zones, i.e., the decreasing of SiO2 and alkali elements as well as the large ionic lithophile elements, such as Rb,Sr,Ba. The total REE has the behavoir of increasing during the deformation.

本研究着重选择郯庐断裂带南段广泛出露的中深层次韧性剪切带作为研究对象,系统研究剪切带内外变形条件对岩石化学成分变异规律、研究糜棱岩中变形矿物的化学成分随剪切应变作用的对应关系韧性剪切带内,随着变形程度的增加,韧性剪切带糜棱岩中一些常量元素、微量元素和稀土元素和应变强度之间存在明显的对应关系,主要表现SiO2 和碱金属和大离子亲石元素如Rb,Sr和Ba的亏损以及REE总量增加。

The syenites have more depleted Sr-Nd isotopic compositions εNd(t =+3.4-+4.3, ISr=0.703 03-0.703 44 and younger Nd model ages (TDM=0.6-0.7 Ga) than the coeval mafic dikes.

样品具有较区内同时代基性岩脉更为亏损的Sr-Nd同位素组成εNd(t=+3.4~+4.3、ISr=0.703 03~0.703 44和更为年轻的Nd模式年龄(TDM=0.6~0.7 Ga)。

One pair of primers that amplified the gB gene of pseudorabies viruswas designed and synthesized.PCR technique detecting the DNA of PRV was established after selecting the best reaction conditions.This technique was applied to specifically amplify the 281 bp DNA fragment of the PRV strains including Fa,Fb,Bartha,BJ,GD,V2F4,S,S3,SR,Buk,Shope,Norden,Mink Ⅲ,HB,F8,F9 and F12 in cultured samples.The negative results were achieved from Vero cells,swine vesicular disease virus,hog cholera virus,Japanese encephalitis virus,porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus,porcine parvovirus,foot and mouth disease virus F29 strain,O3I3 strain,T509 strain and O Ⅱ MF249 strain.The results of sequencing showed that the PCR method was of specificity.The sensitivity of PCR reached 15.8 pg of PRV Fa strain DNA.The tissue samples obtained during 1994 and 2000 were detected,and the results showed that the sensitivity of PCR was more sensitive than virus isolation and the Sandwich ELISA.The PCR was applied to detect 191 tissue samples from 31 pig farms obtained from Guangdong,Fujian,Hainan Provinces during 1999 and 2000,50 samples(26.2%)were positive and 22 pig farms(71%)were positive.

根据伪狂犬病病毒gB基因的序列,设计并合成了一对引物,以闽A株细胞培养毒为模板,筛选最佳反应条件,建立了检测PRV的PCR方法应用该方法对Fb、Bartha、BJ、GD、V2F4、S、S3、SR、Buk、Shope、Norden、MinkⅢ、HB、F8、F9、F12等毒株的细胞培养液进行基因扩增,均获得了分子量为 2 81bp的特异性目的DNA片段,而对Vero细胞与FMDV、SVDV、HCV、PRRSV、JEV、PPV等病毒进行检测,结果均为阴性,没有出现交叉反应对PRV毒株扩增的产物测序,结果序列与文献报道一致,证明PCR扩增产物和方法的特异性对 1994~ 2 0 0 0年期间送检的临床样品和保存的PRV毒种,用病毒分离、双抗体夹心ELISA和PCR等 3种方法进行检测,结果前 2种方法检测为阳性的,PCR检测均为阳性;PCR检测为阴性,前 2种方法检测也为阴性;可是,前 2种方法检测为阴性的,PCR却检测出部分阳性;经x2 检验,证明PCR检出率明显高于前 2种方法的检出率对PRV闽A株细胞毒提取物DNA进行检测,其最低检出量为 15 8pg 对 1999~ 2 0 0 0年期间广东、福建、海南等省的 31个大中型猪场送检的 191份病料进行检测。

Studies of Sr, Nd and Pb isotopes of various stratigraphic units, granite plutons and fluorite ores indicate that the metallogenic materials of fluorite were derived from multiple sources, and the isotopic composition of fluorite is characterized by crust_mantle mixed sources.


The pluton has abnormally high concentrations of Sr and high concen trations of Ba,especially low concentrations of rare earth elementsand strong positive Eu anomaly,which are striking different from other calc-alkaline rocks with similar SiO 2 concentrations.


With the approaching of Economy-globalization Process, SCCC synchronously implements CompAir's global strategy in China market which provides products with leading compressor technology, including oil-free rotary screw air compressor, water-sealed oil-free rotary screw air compressor and SR switched reluctance variable speed screw compressor.


In order to study the changing process of Barium strontium titanate Ba(subscript xSr(subscript 1-x) TiO3, BST from cubic phase to the tetragonal phase with Ba doping and the ferroelectric characteristic of BST, the total energy of BST with different mole ratio of Ba/Sr when Ba doped was calculated and the fine structure determined, based on general gradient approximation, by means of ultrasoft pseudopotentials plane wave method.

为了研究钛酸锶(SrTiO3, ST)中随Ba的掺入,其晶体从顺电相到铁电相的变化过程及四方相钛酸锶钡Ba(下标 xSr(下标 1-x)TiO3, BST的铁电性。在广义梯度近似下,利用超软赝势平面波方法计算了不同Ba/Sr摩尔比BST的总能量,确定了BST的精细结构。

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Sr. Destino
Mon Gars Sûr

This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
